Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
what happendÉ
Ohh you know just the usual when I visit my home town... Getting followed for miles , dirty looks from the oinks when we bump into themr at the gas station, real petty shit they're always all up on me when I stop to visit my mom/ old friends they can suck a dick. I've actually been a good boy lately.


Staff member
Ohh you know just the usual when I visit my home town... Getting followed for miles , dirty looks from the oinks when we bump into themr at the gas station, real petty shit they're always all up on me when I stop to visit my mom/ old friends they can suck a dick. I've actually been a good boy lately.
ive never had problems witht he policeo ne time i was walkign thor and they cricled round my street im like dude i live right there, and they were like okie dokie eh . lol


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get out of my vehicle and ask him if there was a problem but I had a joint on me and figured it would have gone south pretty quick. Small town police officers don't have anything else to do around here but make gram weed busts.


Sector 5 Moderator
Had an interesting day yesterday with my son. We went snowboarding at Alyeska and I met a guy there, hit up a good conversation (he had a HUGE electronic "cigarette") which got around to weed. He asked if I would like to smoke a bowl, to which I said "hell yeah!". I should mention that I had just finished off a pitcher of Alaskan Amber. We went to my car and he packs and lights a bowl and we pass it until he snuffs it out. Damn that was some GOOD POT!! He asked if I would like to buy some. I checked to see how much cash I had and bought an eighth. We exchanged phone numbers and now I have a great hookup, much better than the guy growing the mids I've been getting here. Sad to say that the beer/hot wings/weed combo did not go over so well with my stomach. I kept the weed but all the rest got upchucked in the bathroom, LOL. That's not the first time beer/weed have really fucked me up bad, but I was great after puking.


Well-Known Member
Hell ya potpimp. Glad to hear you had a good day.

A new hook up is always good, glad those days are over for me though.


Well-Known Member
check this out !


Well-Known Member
Why do the scientifically illiterate insist on commenting on science? It strikes me as odd.. as I don't know shit about hair dye, dyeing t-shirts or dyeing anything.. yet I don't feel inclined to voice my uninformed opinion on dyeing techniques and insist they're right no matter the objection..

Weird how that works..


Well-Known Member
I watched that a long time ago Clint lol
DOE I hate that !!!

Why do the scientifically illiterate insist on commenting on science? It strikes me as odd.. as I don't know shit about hair dye, dyeing t-shirts or dyeing anything.. yet I don't feel inclined to voice my uninformed opinion on dyeing techniques and insist they're right no matter the objection..

Weird how that works..
Very true , like someone said in a movie , if ya can't swim keep ya ass out that pool !