How Bill O'Reilly attempts to belittle younger generations


Well-Known Member
I just put myself through an entire hour of O'Reilly's 'no spin zone'...

He had 2 different segments where his entire motivation was belittling younger people in America. Saying shit like they only care about their cell phones or what Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber are doing..

He had Dennis Miller on to go back and forth with to take turns punching the bag. All he had to say was "they're on their cell phones too much"..

Now, lets get to the motivations, not only from both of these asshats, but from the network itself. Why do they show this shit? Why is this a "news worthy" story?

I'll tell you why, because the network knows that nearly 100% of Americans below the age of 45 don't believe a word that comes from them. There is no other reason. They are attempting to get a rise out of their senior citizen base. They know their senior citizen base doesn't use the internet, the only news they get is from Fox, and they know that they'll believe every word of it without checking the facts.

This was a real experiment in psychology, this shit is purely nefarious and it's extremely easy to tell if you're not a regular viewer already caught up in the brainwashing.

To reiterate an earlier point, all of these people will be dead and gone in 20 years and Fox News will cease to exist as we know it. The manipulation is clear, the desperation obvious.. I'm just glad I'll be here when the fall from grace happens!

I hope poor people end up eating Bill O'Reilly, he looks delicious!
No college education, a minimum wage job, more excuses than a pregnant nun for why you can't get ahead.
So tell us all more about the real world, Mr. Pada.
No college education, a minimum wage job, more excuses than a pregnant nun for why you can't get ahead.
So tell us all more about the real world, Mr. Pada.

so what prompted you to suddenly start posting all day in politics right after multiple people who share your exact style were banned?
No college education, a minimum wage job, more excuses than a pregnant nun for why you can't get ahead.
So tell us all more about the real world, Mr. Pada.

*Some college education, *not a minimum wage job, *legitimate reasons nobody on this forum has rationally responded to without resorting to ancient talking points or support for crony capitalism, hmm..

I'm not financially successful because I choose to be a decent person instead

Furthermore, financial success doesn't earn you the right to speak about the real world, real world experience does, and considering your own personal opinions this far, one can reasonably conclude the pot is calling the kettle black on that one there, Jah..

Keep rallying for the establishment and hating Obama (LOL)
They're ALL paid shills in the big media-entertainment industry.

Which means their word on ANYTHING means jackshyte...
I'll tell you why, because the network knows that nearly 100% of Americans below the age of 45 don't believe a word that comes from them. There is no other reason. They are attempting to get a rise out of their senior citizen base. They know their senior citizen base doesn't use the internet, the only news they get is from Fox, and they know that they'll believe every word of it without checking the facts.

Senior citizens are the 3rd highest demographic for fox, out of 4. The majority of fox viewers are actually between the ages of 30-64. About 20% of fox viewers are under 30 years of age.

Don't worry about checking facts, but please point out that it is stupid to not do it.
Senior citizens are the 3rd highest demographic for fox, out of 4. The majority of fox viewers are actually between the ages of 30-64. About 20% of fox viewers are under 30 years of age.

Don't worry about checking facts, but please point out that it is stupid to not do it.


"In contrast, political talk shows, particularly conservative talk programs, have older audiences. Large majorities of the regular viewers of Sean Hannity (66%) and The O’ Reilly Factor (64%) are 50 and older. Just 43% of all Americans are 50 and older. And while just 17% of the public is 65 and older, 42% of regular Hannity viewers and 40% of regular O’Reilly viewers are in that age category."

"In contrast, political talk shows, particularly conservative talk programs, have older audiences. Large majorities of the regular viewers of Sean Hannity (66%) and The O’ Reilly Factor (64%) are 50 and older. Just 43% of all Americans are 50 and older. And while just 17% of the public is 65 and older, 42% of regular Hannity viewers and 40% of regular O’Reilly viewers are in that age category."

Conservative political talk shows have the highest amount of older viewership? Of course, by the time you get old you aren't so stupid as to believe ion the liberal viewpoint.

You do know that Fox is the highest ranked TV network right, at least for the last 8 years it is anyway.

Fox closed out a record eighth consecutive broadcast season as the No.1 network among adults 18-49
I'll tell you why, because the network knows that nearly 100% of Americans below the age of 45 don't believe a word that comes from them.

Wrong. There loads of people below the age of 45 who have substandard IQ's and believe anything that reinforces their prejudices.
Wrong. There loads of people below the age of 45 who have substandard IQ's and believe anything that reinforces their prejudices.

Idiots exist everywhere. These people are a minority, they're the ones that refuse to get on board with the internet. I know a few of them myself..

"In contrast, political talk shows, particularly conservative talk programs, have older audiences. Large majorities of the regular viewers of Sean Hannity (66%) and The O’ Reilly Factor (64%) are 50 and older. Just 43% of all Americans are 50 and older. And while just 17% of the public is 65 and older, 42% of regular Hannity viewers and 40% of regular O’Reilly viewers are in that age category."

I have to agree most elders are stupid people.
They have so little experience as compared to people half their age.
Stupid old fools.

*Some college education, *not a minimum wage job, *legitimate reasons nobody on this forum has rationally responded to without resorting to ancient talking points or support for crony capitalism, hmm..

I'm not financially successful because I choose to be a decent person instead.

Not true. I nailed you down pretty quickly. You are anept at office politics. You continued to devote several years of your life to a job where you knew your superiors did not like you.

Upon finding that out a rational person starts seeking a new job, not just plucking along as if it will change.

Bigger than any other factor, your failure/lack of success in the professional world is a direct result from your inability to make friends and influence people.

All that decent person talk is bullshit. You can make a quick buck being a sleezeball, but word of mouth is all powerful and you cannot sustain long term success in a single market if you are a rip off artist. Everyone I know who is successful has gotten there honestly, by and large. No one is perfect, would be my only caveat to that statement.

Everyone has a right to speak about the real world, my friend. No one has a right to make others listen, folks have to choose to listen, and no one takes advice from failures.

Case in point. I have recently been recruited to join a certain financial services company. It has a touch of multi level marketing, but a lot of people have been successful. Plenty of reviews online about this company. Many from folks who have made a lot of money, and plenty from washouts. If I decide to join, I want to hear what a successful person did to succeed, not listen to the post employment evaluation from a guy who couldn't hack it.

Guess which kind you are?
I have to agree most elders are stupid people.
They have so little experience as compared to people half their age.
Stupid old fools.

Not stupid, just misinformed and ignorant.

Not true. I nailed you down pretty quickly. You are anept at office politics. You continued to devote several years of your life to a job where you knew your superiors did not like you.

I worked 4 years at Starbucks having 2 bosses, 1 during the beginning and 1 during the end. Neither of them "did not like me", both of them had a job to do and a quota to fill. Something you refuse to accept as apparently, you can't comprehend such a thing as a quota.

Upon finding that out a rational person starts seeking a new job, not just plucking along as if it will change.

Interestingly enough, I did. Does that mean you consider me a "rational person"? Probably not..

Bigger than any other factor, your failure/lack of success in the professional world is a direct result from your inability to make friends and influence people.

I'm not interested in "influencing people" for financial gain. Another trademark of the financially successful..

All that decent person talk is bullshit. You can make a quick buck being a sleezeball, but word of mouth is all powerful and you cannot sustain long term success in a single market if you are a rip off artist.

You have no idea what you're talking about;

-Kevin Trudeau
-Bill O'Reilly/Sean Hannity/Nancy Grace
-Michelle Bachmann
-Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs)
-Mel & Betty Sembler
-Scott Lively

Everyone I know who is successful has gotten there honestly, by and large.

Interesting you'd posit a point nobody could verify... wonder why... Especially when everyone I know who is financially successful hasn't..

Everyone has a right to speak about the real world, my friend. No one has a right to make others listen, folks have to choose to listen, and no one takes advice from failures.

Nobody decides who is a failure, either

Case in point. I have recently been recruited to join a certain financial services company. It has a touch of multi level marketing, but a lot of people have been successful. Plenty of reviews online about this company. Many from folks who have made a lot of money, and plenty from washouts. If I decide to join, I want to hear what a successful person did to succeed, not listen to the post employment evaluation from a guy who couldn't hack it.

Guess which kind you are?

I'd say it's interesting and groundbreaking that someone would decide to follow the advice of someone financially successful in the field they're trying to be successful in, but it's not. It's also not interesting why such a person might be successful in a field as multilevel marketing..

It's especially not interesting why someone would advocate for such a field and espouse such success knowing full well such an endevour is predicated upon others misfortune. That is unless said person was a scummy fuck to begin with..
Pad? You were a barista for 4 years?

Is that like that god made a liberal video uncle ben posted the other day. Did you see it?


Is that you at :50?
My most pressing question is this; What did it take to get a PhD in 17th century Belgian lesbian studies?
Pad? You were a barista for 4 years?

Almost 4 years

Is that like that god made a liberal video uncle ben posted the other day. Did you see it?

Is that you at :50?

Do you see how your dismissal of such work creates resentment? Work. It was a job, a job that paid me to do it. A job that paid more than minimum wage to do it. Yet here you, and others are, simply dismissing my work (and thousands of others) as some trivial form of less than work that shouldn't be recognized as legitimate work. That shouldn't be paid as legitimate work.

Yeah, I guess I'm just fuckin' crazy to feel this way.. Crazy and entitled. I am one lazy fuck!

My most pressing question is this; What did it take to get a PhD in 17th century Belgian lesbian studies?

Less than you gave in dignity and humanity to post the bullshit after your name on this site
Almost 4 years

Do you see how your dismissal of such work creates resentment? Work. It was a job, a job that paid me to do it. A job that paid more than minimum wage to do it. Yet here you, and others are, simply dismissing my work (and thousands of others) as some trivial form of less than work that shouldn't be recognized as legitimate work. That shouldn't be paid as legitimate work.

Yeah, I guess I'm just fuckin' crazy to feel this way.. Crazy and entitled. I am one lazy fuck!

Less than you gave in dignity and humanity to post the bullshit after your name on this site

I never said anything about your employment other than confirming you worked there for 4 years. I never called you lazy or said one disparaging comment.

Why so defensive?
I never said anything about your employment other than confirming you worked there for 4 years. I never called you lazy or said one disparaging comment.

Why so defensive?

Sure you didn't, you just posted a video clip satirizing lazy fucks and implied I'm the person detailed at :50 for admitting a previous occupation.

Not sure who you expected to buy that shit, or who you expect to buy this, but you and I both know why you posted it

It's just another account of how the entitled feel justified in their beliefs.

Like I said before, I hope you have high walls, because you look delicious from where I'm sitting!