The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
I disagree. For every German soldier killed by one of these, the Germans would kill 400 local citizens to make an example. A lot of innocent people who would have otherwise lived died because of locals taking pop shots at German soldiers. The entire French village of Oradour-sur-Glane was wiped out like this:

The whole "French Resistance" is a myth. Maybe 10% at most read the resistance newspapers. Most understood it's not worth it and chose to live.
There were a lot of sorry pieces of shit in the colonies that felt the same way about the British.

Thank God the pussies didn't prevail back then.


Well-Known Member
I as well am an avid 2nd amendment advocate. I grew up with guns, I reloaded, I had my first rifle, with a hand crafted stock at age 12. That however does not have me fall neatly into your black and white mentality. Not all of us can take solice in our rigid, unyielding blindness to the issues of guns, ownership, and control.
Would you say that the same thing could be said of your views on conservatives?
Aren't you guilty of painting conservatives with a broad brush?


Well-Known Member
Would you say that the same thing could be said of your views on conservatives?
Aren't you guilty of painting conservatives with a broad brush?
I have made a study of the conservative mentality for over 30 years now. They have a different mind than liberals. I may not always be accurate in my assessment of conservatives but my brush is only a little wider than it needs to be. In general, conservatives will have an opinion that is parallel if not an exact replica of what big business would have them believe.

Conservatives have an aversion to any truth that does not comport with their preconcieved belief.


Well-Known Member
I as well am an avid 2nd amendment advocate. I grew up with guns, I reloaded, I had my first rifle, with a hand crafted stock at age 12. That however does not have me fall neatly into your black and white mentality. Not all of us can take solice in our rigid, unyielding blindness to the issues of guns, ownership, and control.
I had my first shotgun (a .410) at age 5 and my first rifle (.243) at age 8.

Now I have a gun collection, some might call it an arsenal, but I call it a collection since many of my firearms are no longer produced, or were limited edition.

I also have around 77,000 rounds of Ammo, which isn't enough.


Well-Known Member
More romantic nonsense. Pot was made illegal a long time ago, Pot is here to stay and it did not cost millions of lives for it to have been made illegal. Alcohol was made illegal and that didn't cost millions of lives either.

Suppose next week the second amendment were repealed, whom would you shoot?
The fact that you're comparing gun control to the failed prohibition of marijuana/alcohol just shows how ridiculous and ineffective it is.


Well-Known Member
All successful targeted exterminations had unarmed targets, that's a fact.

By "unarmed" I absolutely mean under armed as well.
A moron with a gun is just like a moron on a motorcycle, no respect for the tool.
When you're a moron you're the tool.

The only ones engaging in phantasy sophistry are the ones claiming an unarmed populace endures less oppression than an well equally armed populace.
Mental oppression is lulzy. A war of minds easily negated with a simple "your opinion does not matter" or a good old "whatcha gonna do about it".
History tells us the oppressor always mentally disarms you then physically disarms you then physically oppresses you.

I like to sum this all up in a simple philosophy.

While Iam hiking in big cat country I need an ar15, that is my right and you can kiss my ass if you think you are smart enough to justify infringing on that right with any means attempting anything that resembles a justification.


Well-Known Member
That's a massive exaggeration. No more than a 1,000 people would die. Most people would comply if under the threat of lengthy prison terms(how many are illegally converting rifles to full-auto?), leaving a handful of the most hardcore to be massacred Waco-style. Talking big shit and actually carrying it out are two different things.
Ya know this is a stoner forum....but luckily we have lots of intelligent folks that understand what a dogwhistle Waco is in the scope of this conversation.

Threat of lengthy prison terms for non-compliance of infringing on a peaceful persons right is another example of a dogwhistle.


Well-Known Member
I as well am an avid 2nd amendment advocate. I grew up with guns, I reloaded, I had my first rifle, with a hand crafted stock at age 12. That however does not have me fall neatly into your black and white mentality. Not all of us can take solice in our rigid, unyielding blindness to the issues of guns, ownership, and control.
Here's my issue with that statement for you and see4 or anyone in the
"Pro 2nd" camp that also supports gubberments blatant abuse of the interstate commerce clause.

You assume "arms" are exclusively "guns" thus missing the point entirely.


Well-Known Member
More romantic nonsense. Pot was made illegal a long time ago, Pot is here to stay and it did not cost millions of lives for it to have been made illegal. Alcohol was made illegal and that didn't cost millions of lives either.

Suppose next week the second amendment were repealed, whom would you shoot?
Again more sophistry.
Prohibition creates organized gang crime resulting in loss of life as per the op.
Prohibition created the "dangers" ppl associate with shine run through a radiator with lead and antifreeze...resulting in loss of life.

I would like evidence of the millions figure as it relates to the op and not guns in general including major wars fought abroad.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The facts are more gun control laws would have zero positive affects. It has been shown over and over again areas that allow licensed conceal carry have the lowest armed crime rates while those run by the liberal left with extra harsh laws have the highest crime rates involving guns. The fact is those who try to push a hard core anti gun agenda really are clueless and tend to be the same people who do not understand fiscal responsibility, self support life styles, and prefer large government, less freedoms, and government hand outs.


Well-Known Member
when was the last gun massacre in australia?

FWIW Firearms are not illegal to posses in Australia, about 6% of the Australian Population legally own firearms. It is simple to get a rimfire bolt action rifle or a breech loading shotgun as long as you have a valid reason.

So why no gun massacres?

Has nothing to do with the guns.
Probably because the looney people are being better sedated or treated in any case.

Guns don't cause people to massacre innocents, mental health problems do.


Well-Known Member

FWIW Firearms are not illegal to posses in Australia, about 6% of the Australian Population legally own firearms. It is simple to get a rimfire bolt action rifle or a breech loading shotgun as long as you have a valid reason.

So why no gun massacres?

Has nothing to do with the guns.
Probably because the looney people are being better sedated or treated in any case.

Guns don't cause people to massacre innocents, mental health problems do.
monash university? that was two people. not quite a massacre.


Well-Known Member
I have made a study of the conservative mentality for over 30 years now. They have a different mind than liberals. I may not always be accurate in my assessment of conservatives but my brush is only a little wider than it needs to be. In general, conservatives will have an opinion that is parallel if not an exact replica of what big business would have them believe.

Conservatives have an aversion to any truth that does not comport with their preconcieved belief.
And God made a liberal.