So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Ok, thanks for the advice and that makes sense. Patience is not my strongest virtue and it has gotten me in trouble before, I should have waited for that mix to cook. Thanks for the help.
Nick- You're thinking this is high N also?

Yeah, I think the chicken poo is not broken down enough then he wets the pot and it starts cooking in the pot. I have done this before it just takes some time to fix itself. Since its only in a 1 gal it shouldn't take long.

i will after all.

i don't like "brown" cultures. im wondering in a more precise enviro how they make the "white" or "clear" cultures?
im sorry-

brown from the molasses. in a bucket with water and an vortex or similar.

is there a better way?

can we discuss these things here?

many things. isolation of certain strands of bacteria would make for fun tests!

off of the top of my head, many new "organic" OMRI pesticides are bacterial infection "waste product". what is this waste product, and how do they isolate it? it's white, or milky. ive also heard, that most(AACT) tea will stop arthropods. through the same action? waste product?
i did see the plug for hypoaspsis-

by the way.(i do read the thread, even though i don't post)

regression is typically seen as an "worse, previous" condition. i once was blind.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this
product in a manner inconsistent with its

i will after all.

i don't like "brown" cultures. im wondering in a more precise enviro how they make the "white" or "clear" cultures?

Try not to complicate it......its simple really.....the natural process/way--HE made it that way

--its just hard to digest sometimes when you try and approach it from the science side-

its a simple natural process is all you have to understand....look into some of these articles--for starters


all read up. no mention of specific bacteria strains. obviously, organic living soils and teas include an abundance of these "micros". bacterial and fungal. through this coincidence, aact has a pesticidal effect.

through two main modes, if you will. some bacteria are actually carnivores, and EAT specific larvae and bugs. the other is through production of bio toxin waste, produced from the eating, and subsequent "shitting" of bacteria.

so. when we make a soil, or AACT, we rely on someone else's knowledge of the bacterium, and mycos cultured to have beneficial effect on what ever "need" we have. input, again, if you will.

i also am a believer in BIM. it is here, but who? there are so many in the room. i want to know more about these specific strains and their exact method. what i don't need to more on is spraying molasses on my plants. while it does have uses, to much of anything is bad, and frequent testing introduces too much of it.

so back around. are there any other things guys are using to introduce sugars to bacterium with success. i'd imagine the tea would be white, or clearish.
i know-

they do it in indusrty, due to the two commercial products(3?) i listed.

in consideration of that, then, how to get my extract once i have made my "tea". reason would leave on to believe "they" harvest their tea just like "me". all in. does omri require pasteurization?
screw it-

i just ordered avid, and two bags of subcool brand supersoil on amazon. lol

edit: what i meant was, most commercial pesticides are just aact of a specific microbe. most are patented, and not allowed to be "researched on".

do i have these bacteria in the environment around me? jitterbugging for spring, to try some BIM gathering techniques, and some ferments.
also as a side note-

leonardite is not even CLOSE, to humus.

p.s. sidenote:
does that SHIT-

make any sense. too anybody?lol. far out right?

i didnt really order the avid and super soil. :)
are there any other things guys are using to introduce sugars to bacterium with success. i'd imagine the tea would be white, or clearish.[/QUOTE]

I use fruit juice from my juicer. I have also used honey, and agave nectar. Although I still use a 1 Tbls. Of molasses with these.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this
product in a manner inconsistent with its

Please do not parrot government noise here.

If there is anything at all unwise about the manner in which
our member is using these dunks, then please do chime in with
a clear warning. We will all appreciate the effort, right or wrong.

But reminding us of the typical "butt covering" legalese that
we are so forced to use that no one even pays attention to them
any more is not useful.

What do you call 100 Lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

cool answer-

good link. thanks man. it says in there, rice or potato wash. didn't even think of that. great idea and i already knew it. thanks for the memory jog.
i don't know-


the reason why that id relevant is because they don't want you using their microbes. as far as i know they harvest their microbe "waste" the same way i do, soup to nuts, then to a strainer. which means their bacteria are still in there.

im sure they don't do much to keep them alive. they wouldnt want you having a culture of their stuff.

it isn't that relevant for bti, but other cultures are patented. owning them in any capacity beyond end user is illegal. it certainly pertains to avid if there are livin things that can be cultured in there. is avid only one of many "things" that occur naturally in a tea anyway?