Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

The whole, 'no one can tell me my business" attitude stinks, and is part of the reason the USA has such a disproportionate gun murder rate.

I doubt its even a statistical anomaly and has very very little to do with why people are murdered by firearm.

No one should be able to tell you your business with your own property.

People can be careless, you can't make a law that will ever change that.
Criminals will get firearms no matter what laws are made, or new ways to hide the guns are done. Banks get robbed, yet we have armed guards, huge vaults, sophisticated security systems and FBI and Police to deal with, yet banks are robbed every day. Criminals do not care, they will find a way to get what they want. Many just ask the US government and they get a UPS package with firearms inside.

The question is WHY do they want the firearms in the first place? Most likely has to do with gangs and drugs since 90% of gun murders do.

Perhaps the war on drugs is to blame?

that's what I just said; criminal means law breaker....

the problems with many current laws as a deterrent is because usually they are neither cruel nor unusual: two components of a punishment necessary to actually be a effective punishment
Slingshots are fun and deadly!:hump:

When I was a kid I was a crack shot, today I can't hit a rabbit 20 feet away, and I have recently tried. I tried 12 times and after that the bunny slowly bounded away as if it knew I would never hit him.

I got out the shotgun and we had Rabbit stew.
When I was a kid I was a crack shot, today I can't hit a rabbit 20 feet away, and I have recently tried. I tried 12 times and after that the bunny slowly bounded away as if it knew I would never hit him.

I got out the shotgun and we had Rabbit stew.

I haven't tried a slingshot in decades. I was pretty good as well, spent hours with it.
I would probably suck now also.
Hossenfeffer is yummy...mmm, mmm!
Criminals will get firearms no matter what laws are made, or new ways to hide the guns are done. Banks get robbed, yet we have armed guards, huge vaults, sophisticated security systems and FBI and Police to deal with, yet banks are robbed every day. Criminals do not care, they will find a way to get what they want. Many just ask the US government and they get a UPS package with firearms inside.

The question is WHY do they want the firearms in the first place? Most likely has to do with gangs and drugs since 90% of gun murders do.

Perhaps the war on drugs is to blame?

Perhaps? That is the cause of almost all the gun violence.
I haven't tried a slingshot in decades. I was pretty good as well, spent hours with it.
I would probably suck now also.
Hossenfeffer is yummy...mmm, mmm!

I got arrested....well, detained and confiscated when I showed up to the riot with a wrist rocket and a bulging pocket of 3/4 oz lead sinkers.

And those will dent a stop sign their full diameter from handgun distance.
Fire is controlled for murder. The subject is murder. Are are you sure you don't have massive ADD? You cannot even stick to the point....static electricity??? WTF? Head in the sand.

Fire and static are both naturally occurring. Guns are not. It's not complicated. Stay with me here, big rig. FIRE =/= GUNS.

Tell me any permission device that can be cleared instantly. There is none. So it is a dangerous and killer concept and your attempts be reasonable are sickening.

You are making straw men arguments. I NEVER suggested using a permission device when you might need to use your firearm you jackass. RREEDNG CUMPWEHENSHUN. Win.

That is how Hitler got all of Europe. We have been reasonable with Russia and that really works out.
A new cold war.

Oh my shit. More argument from absurdity. You really suck at this, all of your arguments only make sense when taken to absolute absurdity. The misinformation surrounding Hitler and disarmament is mostly bogus, but I'm sure you already know that just a right wing ploy to make an argument against gun registration (which I do not support).

You are an appeaser, you are the idiot, why we have the 2nd....specifically because of you.

Oh yeah, those damn responsible people requesting firearms owners act like fucking adults instead of bratty fucking children.... like you.


Just pick up your toys and go home.

You are just a conflicted and confused Saganist and are the problem by MAKING STUFF UP and ignoring the saves that guns make on daily basis.

I've asked for citations on the fact that guns save more than they kill, which you cannot provide because the stats DO NOT FUCKING EXIST. Jackass.

It makes you look extremely stupid to ignore the saves.[/QUOTE]

I'm not, I know guns do save some lives. You have stated they save more than kill, with ZERO citations or sources. How does putting a trigger lock on your firearm when you're not home, and not using it, or ready to use it harm people? Literally the only thing it would do is make firearms more difficult to steal.

I know you're not the best at reading and writing, so I'll spell this out without using any big words;

Criminals are bad guys.
Bad guys use illegal guns.
Illegal guns come from theft and smuggling.
Making guns harder to steal will make criminals a) go elsewhere for firearms b) help stop criminals from using firearms.
Criminals with no firearms < citizens with guns.

Now, explain to me how using a trigger lock when your firearm is stowed away prevents you from protecting yourself?
And I notice you are prosing another lie. If I bean you with a rock, I can finish you. I shoot you, most guys will run off, unless I ticked the right little spot. We see that very often on those CCTV foots.

LOL. Yes, that's it. Guns are less lethal than rocks. Idiot.

My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet.
I can move out of the fucking way of a rock, or catch it and throw it back. Are you talking a boulder or something, or are you suggesting you are a rock sniper? You just sound like an idiot. HAHAHAhahaahaa.... oh man. Rocks.

You want to act like everyone touched by a bullet is killed. They aren't. Look at the stats.

Never said they were. Tell you what, you throw a rock at my chest, and I'll try to block it, deflect it, or move out of the way, and then I'll shoot you in the chest with a 12ga 1 3/4oz slug, and we'll see how you do.

Your argument is borderline retarded.

If you think I can't face plant a 1/4 pound rock from handgun distance, you are simply wrong about that. I have hunted with rocks. When you hit a squirrel with rock...that was my childhood. My facebook page say, I travel the world and throw rocks.

I think you can't plant a 1/4lb rock from handgun distance, on me. I'd move.... simple. It's that easy to avoid a rock. If you're talking about being blindsided, it doesn't matter if you have a gun, rock, or tank; if you get hit with the right 'tool' you're gonna die if you're not prepared.

Now, I've entertained this absolutely ridiculous 'rock analogy' long enough. All things being even, rocks are fucking useless compared to guns. Fucking fact.

"Gimmie your money, I've got a rock and I know how to use it" - Doer
...A drawn knife is cause to shoot you dead, within 15 feet. That is the lethal range, where a cop cannot dodge...

...And thorn sticking is easy, tough guy. I can do it 95% from 8 feet. It does not take long to learn, just a few minutes a day...

...And I can bean you with a big rock. I have a good arm.
LOL - easy there Rambo, we might need to send you and your terminator like skills overseas to sort out Crimea.
If I bean you with a rock, I can finish you...

...My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet....

...If you think I can't face plant a 1/4 pound rock from handgun distance, you are simply wrong about that...

...My facebook page say, I travel the world and throw rocks.

[video=youtube; TejWxbJ02xw ][/video]
And I notice you are prosing another lie. If I bean you with a rock, I can finish you. I shoot you, most guys will run off, unless I ticked the right little spot. We see that very often on those CCTV foots.

My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet. You want to act like everyone touched by a bullet is killed. They aren't. Look at the stats.

If you think I can't face plant a 1/4 pound rock from handgun distance, you are simply wrong about that. I have hunted with rocks. When you hit a squirrel with rock...that was my childhood. My facebook page say, I travel the world and throw rocks.

Do you have rock beaning stats? I'd like to compare fatality rates because I don't believe there is a chance in hell that "[your] first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet".
The best mass murder of all, is fire. As many murders by fire in this country than all other weapons combined. I have posted these stats. And I have posted stats on saves but you ignore all that.

A drawn knife is cause to shoot you dead, within 15 feet. That is the lethal range, where a cop cannot dodge. And thorn sticking is easy, tough guy. I can do it 95% from 8 feet.

It does not take long to learn, just a few minutes a day.

Guns save lives. And I can bean you with a big rock. I have a good arm.

An un-ready weapon is your death ticket, The weapon may as well not exist.


And now the complete truth is out. That is all.
Do you have rock beaning stats? I'd like to compare fatality rates because I don't believe there is a chance in hell that "[your] first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet".

I see. We would have to work up some stats in foot-pounds. Heck can help with the math. He is all studied up.

We need to look at how well a depressed, brain exposed skull fracture is survivable compared to say a 9mm to the Brain.

Didn't someone just survive that? A Congress woman? And he walked up close. If you get your face crushed, that is immediate termination, you realize that, right? The nose bone is sharp on the inside. And on the backside it can be even worse. The Temple, the back of the ear.?
These are also lethal blows.

So, a 9mm slug is about 7.5 grams and leaves at about 1150 feet/sec and if within 10 feet will deliver 340 foot pounds.

An 88 mile an hour baseball pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.

Actual Gabby only took 1/2 those foot pounds, the other 1/2 were dissipated. No one can stand a 2 pound rock in their face, I don't think.
So, if you don't own a weapon to protect yourself, and since the police are not obligated to do it for you, what do you do?

no one has indoctrinated me, this is my own thought process and my own solution..people get pissy over paradigm shift however, this is what it will take to make EVERYONE happy..

Wrong amazes what comes out of this guys mouth (or keyboard).....
Fine. Lift you chin....a bit more....close your eyes. Here comes your story time.

I don't kiss dudes, sweetheart. Not my thing.

LOL - "Gimmie your wallet!! And don't look at me! I get Rock impotence when people look while I throw... so lift your chin, and close your eyes.... you're going to get a big surprise!
We would have to work up some stats in foot-pounds. Heck can help with the math. He is all studied up.
Wrong, there are plenty of other factors, most importantly, accuracy and consistency.
We need to look at how well a depressed, brain exposed skull fracture is survivable compared to say a 9mm to the Brain.
So rocks get a running start with an exposed brain to throw at? Not to mention, it's a medical miracle to survive a bullet (any caliber) to the brain. Tell you what, go to any person on the street, ask them if given the choice to take a bullet to the brain or your most powerful rock throw to their dome and watch them laugh at you in disbelief.
Didn't someone just survive that? A Congress woman? And he walked up close. If you get your face crushed, that is immediate termination, you realize that, right?
And I'm sure you realize that the medical field by vast majority said it was nothing short of a miracle. That said, when is the last time you heard about a drive-by rocking or death by rock throw? You're also assuming one wouldn't defend themselves against your fucking rock.
The nose bone is sharp on the inside. And on the backside it can be even worse. The Temple, the back of the ear.?
These are also lethal blows.
If the thrower doesn't miss and the target doesn't take one step to the side... it MIGHT piss someone off and perhaps knock someone out for a minute or so.
So, a 9mm slug is about 7.5 grams and leaves at about 1150 feet/sec and if within 10 feet will deliver 340 foot pounds. An 88 mile an hour baseball pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.
So you're telling me you can throw a rock that weighs over 6x the weight of a baseball (5.25 oz) at the same velocity, accuracy and consistency as a major league pitcher? If so, you need to get your ass to a training camp and show your stuff and get dat paycheck before regular season starts up. Sidenote: while baseball players do get beaned, I've seen them jump out of the way as many times as they've been beaned.. but with your arm I'm sure that wouldn't be possible
Actual Gabby only took 1/2 those foot pounds, the other 1/2 were dissipated. No one can stand a 2 pound rock in their face, I don't think.
It's not the impact of foot pounds that kills, it's organ damage, blood loss, internal infection, do I need to go on?

I've given you the benefit of the doubt for a while. But now I see you just an idiot, no smarter than a rock - ope. wait, you're gonna tell me rocks are smart mineral masses now aren't you. I'm done with you man, have fun
Wrong, there are plenty of other factors, most importantly, accuracy and consistency.

So rocks get a running start with an exposed brain to throw at?

And I'm sure you realize that the medical field by vast majority said it was nothing short of a miracle. That said, when is the last time you heard about a drive-by rocking or death by rock throw? You're also assuming one wouldn't defend themselves against your fucking rock.

If the thrower doesn't miss and the target doesn't take one step to the side... it MIGHT piss someone off and perhaps knock someone out for a minute or so.

So you're telling me you can throw a rock that weighs over 6x the weight of a baseball (5.25 oz) at the same velocity, accuracy and consistency as a major league pitcher? If so, you need to get your ass to a training camp and show your stuff and get dat paycheck before regular season starts up. Sidenote: while baseball players do get beaned, I've seen them jump out of the way as many times as they've been beaned.. but with your arm I'm sure that wouldn't be possible

It's not the impact of foot pounds that kills, it's organ damage, blood loss, internal infection, do I need to go on?

I've given you the benefit of the doubt for a while. But now I see you just an idiot, no smarter than a rock - ope. wait, you're gonna tell me rocks are smart mineral masses now aren't you. I'm done with you man, have fun

Don't forget rocks are [--------------------------------------] this big, and bullets are [----] this big.

So transfer that force over a VASTLY smaller area.

A woman in high heels can exert more PSI than an elephant. Doer wouldn't care though, he'd just drop that silly elephant from 20 feet with a rock. Because he's a 'rock hunter'....

I am smiling immensely.