
Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Really? Looks like someone missed spelled respect on the teleprompter. This is what happens when you can't speak without the teleprompter. Now will the mass media pick on this like they did with Dan Quayle for potatoe?

Really? Looks like someone missed spelled respect on the teleprompter. This is what happens when you can't speak without the teleprompter. Now will the mass media pick on this like they did with Dan Quayle for potatoe?

Now, you already know the answer to that question, don't you.
Can't you just see Chris Mathews running with this one.:-?
This guy is giving sections of government to private industry, he is perpetrating obscene invasions into our privacy, he is sidestepping laws, promoting armed incursions into other countries - 40 of them is what I understand. He is executing U.S. citizens without due process - and you folks are upset about his behavior with a teleprompter.

I must say, he did look fucked-up when he stumbled on that.
If there's a high-def copy of that vid, I'm sure someone will strip the pic of his screwface moment.

Does he rely on the teleprompter that much to the point his mind can't function without it?
Or is he like an orchestral musician who is not familiar with the song and expects notes on the page to guide him through? But if that's the case, who is writing his speeches for him?
[h=2]nar·row-mind·ed[/h] [nar-oh-mahyn-did]

adjective 1. having or showing a prejudiced mind, as persons or opinions; biased.

2. not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind.
I must say, he did look fucked-up when he stumbled on that.
If there's a high-def copy of that vid, I'm sure someone will strip the pic of his screwface moment.

Does he rely on the teleprompter that much to the point his mind can't function without it?
Or is he like an orchestral musician who is not familiar with the song and expects notes on the page to guide him through? But if that's the case, who is writing his speeches for him?

That's the first thing that rang around in my head, wtf was stoned and wrote the speech.
Whoever it was, is getting an ass chewing. lulz................
This guy is giving sections of government to private industry, he is perpetrating obscene invasions into our privacy, he is sidestepping laws, promoting armed incursions into other countries - 40 of them is what I understand. He is executing U.S. citizens without due process - and you folks are upset about his behavior with a teleprompter.


Telling, really.
other videos by "tem wake 'em up" include the sandy hook hoax and illuminati sellouts.


good job, winterwoman. you are a woman of esteem and country.
This guy is giving sections of government to private industry, he is perpetrating obscene invasions into our privacy, he is sidestepping laws, promoting armed incursions into other countries - 40 of them is what I understand. He is executing U.S. citizens without due process - and you folks are upset about his behavior with a teleprompter.


from "22 invasions in 20 years" to FOURTY "armed incursions" by obama alone,

you lefties just cant stop lying
Ha hahah.
Dan Quayle was vilified and pilloried for spelling potato in the archaic form. ( it used to be correct with an e, so he was arguably 1/2 right, but never mind, because he was a mouth breathing bona fide doofus)...translation: Republican.
And yet, the bigger dope Obama has a teleprompter to rely upon and still, somehow manages to bungle it.

But of course, there is no double standard for all to see underway here.
You just can't make this stuff up!!!

Puff, puff, exhale...White Widow buds are tasty and POTENT....OH NO!
I prefer to talk about the Obama scandals. He is our current president last I checked.
The problem is there are so many of them it's hard to keep track.
I just wish the man was 1/2 as honest as Nixon.