Flushing? Does it change anything?


Active Member
It helps with a lotta things, flushing with a pH'd water (always) is a good solution when you have deficiencies (calcium, boron, iron, ..) or when you got a nitrogen toxicity (this helps leeching out the extra nitrogen.)
And more importantly, the final stage (flowering) at his last days : if excess nutrients are not flushed out of the plant's system before harvest, the buds may contain trace amounts of extra nutrients, giving the buds an unpleasant chemical-like taste. (It's like buying a kilo of apple and eating them without washing 'em) ..
Cheers !


Well-Known Member
'Well....there you go again"
~~~My best Ronald Regan imitation

Let the floodgates of flushing open once again. :)

To the OP--buckle up, this part of the ride might get a little rough....


Well-Known Member
It works wonders if used on defoliated plants that are fed lots of carbs, vitamins, and very low N foods during bloom.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
It helps with a lotta things, flushing with a pH'd water (always) is a good solution when you have deficiencies (calcium, boron, iron, ..) or when you got a nitrogen toxicity (this helps leeching out the extra nitrogen.)
And more importantly, the final stage (flowering) at his last days : if excess nutrients are not flushed out of the plant's system before harvest, the buds may contain trace amounts of extra nutrients, giving the buds an unpleasant chemical-like taste. (It's like buying a kilo of apple and eating them without washing 'em) ..
Cheers !
do you think they flushed the appletrees??? do you think you could taste the chemicals if it wasn't?

Scooby Doob

you defo need to flush, it's a hassle but worth it. flush every few weeks to stop too much salt deposit building up, and as chairroller says your herb will taste pretty rotten if you don't. They stay a lot greener too.


Well-Known Member
Chuck likes to flush AFTER he shits. I personally like to start flushing rite when I start shitting to help with the smell/and the sound. I learned this from doing a grip of time in jail. Other then those differences, i think it pretty safe to say: flushing doesn't do SHIT. Unless your correcting a problem, like salt build up or over fert.


Well-Known Member
It works wonders if used on defoliated plants that are fed lots of carbs, vitamins, and very low N foods during bloom.
First off...I agree...

One plant in soil... that is green all the way through the grow... flushing what? The good Microbs off the roots, is a good thing?
Say, you are a woman grower... You have a ten gallon smart pot...

Can somebody explain what flushing a ten gallon smart pot will help with? And, how is this chick grower, going to flush a ten gallon plant? Where does all the flushed water go... How you lift it? Etc...

I grow green plants... they never get over ferted...or over nuted... Soil is my filter...

You Hydro guys/gals... Do what you want... no opinion...

However a soil flush... "Say Honest to Gawd"


Well-Known Member
Chuck likes to flush AFTER he shits. I personally like to start flushing rite when I start shitting to help with the smell/and the sound. I learned this from doing a grip of time in jail. Other then those differences, i think it pretty safe to say: flushing doesn't do SHIT. Unless your correcting a problem, like salt build up or over fert.
Personally I always do a courtesy flush right after the first coil drops off....
Plop Flush...
Then... before the mid way wipe flush again....
Yes, with the water saving toilets...
You must flush multiple times to get the plant matter out of the toilet...
That's some pretty good shit...
They say....

Try a "Courtesy Flush" next time... no plunger required here...
Others will like you more and adopt your ways if you do...


Well-Known Member
i stopped flushing and never noticed a difference. However , I don't follow feeding schedules, because I use dyna gro foliage pro with some extras for veg and flower. Looking at the amount of nutes used on other nute lines makes me cringe, I never get to over 800 PPM after everything is added, at maximum dosage. Regular dose is at around 500, and the water used is 100 base.
What i'm getting at is that you may want to flush at the end if you have burned your plants, by following a schedule or whatever, but isn't necessary when using dosages that aren't burning your plant

Some growers taper down the nutrients towards the end, but still feed until the day of harvest


Well-Known Member
Chuck likes to flush AFTER he shits. I personally like to start flushing rite when I start shitting to help with the smell/and the sound. I learned this from doing a grip of time in jail. Other then those differences, i think it pretty safe to say: flushing doesn't do SHIT. Unless your correcting a problem, like salt build up or over fert.
Yep, you learn a lot in jail, you learn about courtesy flushes, how to pee sitting backwards on a toilet with ur elbows on the sink while having a conversation with ur neighbor thru a vent, how to fight over toilet paper, and how to shave with bad soap, that's what I learned in jail.


Well-Known Member

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Yep, you learn a lot in jail, you learn about courtesy flushes, how to pee sitting backwards on a toilet with ur elbows on the sink while having a conversation with ur neighbor thru a vent, how to fight over toilet paper, and how to shave with bad soap, that's what I learned in jail.
got any good pruno recipes?


Well-Known Member
I hate to admit this but: I never used to "flush" at the end of my grows. For years. Then I bought into this bulshit. I read about it on overgrow, and figured "ohhhhhh, thats how to get even better bud". Well........i woke back up 4-5 yrs ago. Flush some, don't flush others. Do a side by side, like i did. No difference in taste. Flushed(lol) buds, aren't smoooother mmmmkay.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Flushing is just a myth that your pot will taste like chemicals or will burn poorly if you don't
Dr. Jekyll

Wonder if those who flush have actually done a side by side comparison, because we did and noticed no differences in taste or burning
Mr. Hyde

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Flushing is just a myth that your pot will taste like chemicals or will burn poorly if you don't
Dr. Jekyll

Wonder if those who flush have actually done a side by side comparison, because we did and noticed no differences in taste or burning
Mr. Hyde
In soil, Totally agree. I wonder about hydro though. I would like to see if there is any difference in hydro flushed vs unflushed. Never been a fan of any hydro grown bud as it ALWAYS tastes like chit.


Well-Known Member
got any good pruno recipes?
A trash bag, oranges, grapes, water, a couple honeybuns, a bag of jolley ranchers, a sheet, heat, burp the bag as needed, a shirt for straining and a lack of a gag reflex, think that about covers it. Smoking pinners rolled with bible papers helps with the paranoia while waiting.