Well-Known Member
So you try to make it personal? How very sad that you can't use your intellect instead. You must be attending junior college.
Fat Chance at that or anything from you
So you try to make it personal? How very sad that you can't use your intellect instead. You must be attending junior college.
you MUST really be new here.
The race baiting crowd, especially the ones that don't seem to see themselves with the race baiting are racist.
Best advice I got on here was to ignore, thanks Doer, works like bug repellent.The race baiting crowd, especially the ones that don't seem to see themselves with the race baiting are racist.
Best advice I got on here was to ignore, thanks Doer, works like bug repellent.
Best advice I got on here was to ignore, thanks Doer, works like bug repellent.
Isn't everyone's posting limited to when they are in front of the computer/phone/tablet? So when you're not here are you banned? You tried to get people to believe that about me when I'm not here. Double standardunlike you, i have a life and my posting is limited to when i'm in front of my laptop.
I love when I get up under peoples skin so much I get quoted.
For your pleasure; lovely racist, rapey incest loving cartoons constantly being posted by the resident dumbass.
Dolan (originally ankka) is the son of Satan and Lucifer's unknown twin brother, and originates from a Finnish imageboard, written by an aspie. Somehow, these hilarious comics made it to /b/ and soon became a hit due to their passing resemblance to the (frankly superior) meme Nod Flenders.
The original shitty comics were rip-offs of 4chan memes, poorly translated. One day a summerfag got high on crystal-meth and decided to submit his own interpretation in an attempt to become an oldfag. He failed miserably, thus Uncle Dolan was born and spawned a long series of multiple toned down comics created by newfags. Newfags are well known for their attempt to mainstream the comics with the line "X, pls".
Uncle Dolan comics involve a hideously mutilated Donald Duck drawn in MS Paint. Also spelled Dolane, Doland or Uncle Dolan, the meme usually involves Dolan wielding an axe, talking to that fucking retard Goofy, (who would later become a sub-meme called Gooby pls), screwing over Scrooge, raping his nephews, or jerking off into beverages, which he lovingly supplies to his family. As everyone knows, this is genuine care and love as everybody loves Dolan's juice. Never piss off Uncle Dolan. All in all, everything went better than exception.
yay for fun clickable links to show what sort of person posts these things
What a complete waste of bandwidth this thread has become...
Obama made a mistake.... someone call grand dragon and let him know
Too bad you have limited bandwidth, 10 post.
I wonder can Obumer spell constitution? cstiton.
is that your best response grand dragon... A penis length contest about the amount of posts we have....
I wonder can Obumer spell constitution? cstiton.