From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?


New Member
I have a 3'x3'x6.5' all reflective grow tent with a 150 watt CFL grow light and an additional 250 watt CFL grow light pushing out together roughly around 22000 lumens. Basically since this is my first grow, from experienced growers with similar setups, what kind of yield am I looking at off 4 Kaia Kush plants?

Please don't be rude as I am a noob looking for some answers haha.:weed:
General rule of thumb for avg cfl grows is about .3 grams per watt used. I've seen journals that have achieved as much as almost 1 gram/watt. Honestly though the majority of your yield will come from how good of a job you do at giving the plant exactly what it needs in order to thrive.

With that being said I still haven't finished my first harvest yet so I wouldn't be able to speculate on my experiences with yield. My first grow was a learning experience and a horrible failure lol so I yielded exactly 0 grams and that's what you should look foreword to your first go around, anything more will be gravy.

Not trying to discourage you at all, I was just very disappointed when my plant died on me. I just expected because I had 300+ watts of light and a plant growing, that in 3 months, I was going to have around 100 grams of weed.

Goid of luck to ya!!


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, I disagree slightly with the above post. For CFL growers, I would suggest the upper limit is close to .3 grams per watt, NOT the average. If you yield anywhere near that ratio (or over it), you're during remarkably well. To yield 100 grams (dried) off of 300 watts of CFL is a tremendous result, and exceptional rather than commonplace. Once you start completing grows, you'll see how outrageous it is to expect 1 gram per watt with CFLs.

OP, assuming all other conditions in your grow environment are optimal, my guess is that you'll hit somewhere around 60g total, which is still a good result. Manage your expectations.
Lol at a pound... And I hear you Jim. I appreciate the respect! I was basically just going on research and certain journals I've seen but like I said, I haven't harvested a thing yet so you would definitely know more than me.


Well-Known Member
5 pounds ! no seriously . thee are a lot of depends on situations . me I would pull about 6 ounces from that many looms small topped plants being pushes very hard with co2 and nutrients to the point where you start seeing burn from . nutrients ,


Respectfully, I disagree slightly with the above post. For CFL growers, I would suggest the upper limit is close to .3 grams per watt, NOT the average. If you yield anywhere near that ratio (or over it), you're during remarkably well. To yield 100 grams (dried) off of 300 watts of CFL is a tremendous result, and exceptional rather than commonplace. Once you start completing grows, you'll see how outrageous it is to expect 1 gram per watt with CFLs.

OP, assuming all other conditions in your grow environment are optimal, my guess is that you'll hit somewhere around 60g total, which is still a good result. Manage your expectations.
Dude, if that is based on your own experience, you are doing something wrong. If its based on assumptions about CFLs then meh..

I just finished my second indoor grow, so I am what I would consider a newbie with major room for improvement. I grew 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious under a single 250w CFL directly in soil without any advanced growing techniques or anything and I yielded 120 grams dried bud. The bulp puts out 13000 lumens

For my coming grows I will experiement with things like scrog and sog and feel that I could, maybe not get all the way, but indeed VERY close to 1g per watt without much hassle. Its my opinion that a beginner grower with side lighting and green fingers easily could yield 0.5 grams with room for further improvement.

I cant nothing but think that those who claims that 0.3 g per watt as a good yield are speaking out of prejudice and not own experiences.

a little extra information: I grow in a closet measuring 80x60 cm. Unfortunately I dont have any sidelighting, which would have improved my yield significantly. I did do some lollipopping to get rid of the small popcornbud on the lower third of the plants, and did a bit of low stress training to get as much of the plants to the same height for closest possible proximity to bulb.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if that is based on your own experience, you are doing something wrong. If its based on assumptions about CFLs then meh..

I just finished my second indoor grow, so I am what I would consider a newbie with major room for improvement. I grew 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious under a single 250w CFL directly in soil without any advanced growing techniques or anything and I yielded 120 grams dried bud. The bulp puts out 13000 lumens

For my coming grows I will experiement with things like scrog and sog and feel that I could, maybe not get all the way, but indeed VERY close to 1g per watt without much hassle. Its my opinion that a beginner grower with side lighting and green fingers easily could yield 0.5 grams with room for further improvement.

I cant nothing but think that those who claims that 0.3 g per watt as a good yield are speaking out of prejudice and not own experiences.

a little extra information: I grow in a closet measuring 80x60 cm. Unfortunately I dont have any sidelighting, which would have improved my yield significantly. I did do some lollipopping to get rid of the small popcornbud on the lower third of the plants, and did a bit of low stress training to get as much of the plants to the same height for closest possible proximity to bulb.
Pics or it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I'm not trying to devalue CFL growing, as I use them and am quite satisfied with the results I've had over the years. I'm just trying to help the OP manage his expectations.

OP, don't take my word as Gospel (or Came99's), just check a handful of other 250W CFL grows, and see what the average yield is. An unsubstantiated claim of 1 gram per CFL watt is beyond absurd to all those who take CFL growing seriously.

I took a look at Came99's sparse grow pics - if your grow netted you 120 grams of dried and cured bud, I'm a talking monkey.


Pics or it didn't happen.
Well Jim, I don't know what to say. I guess you are a talking monkey then.

I don't have pics of my second plant post harvest. The closest I get is pictures from when I harvested the first plant (Which yielded 250grams wet and 50 gram dried and cured, The other gave me 70 grams).
I really can't be arsed to upload the same pictures here, so I will link to another thread on a danish forum. Scroll down on the thread and you will see the following:

First batch of pics: Both plants 3 weeks before harvest of number one.
Second batch: First plant harvested. Second plant have room to spread on for another 3 weeks (They sprouted at the same time, so why it was so much slower I don't know).
Third batch of pics (page 2 in the thread): Pics of my second plant getting so phat that it need a net to keep uprised (And some pics of my bud from the first plant, which I overdried so much that the curing process stopped. :( Boo-hoo noob mistake. Went better with the second plant)

Total dried yield: 120 grams (50+70)

See the pics here:

So to the OP: As a ambitious beginner you should aim for 0.5 grams per watt with potential for AT LEAST 0.75 grams per watt if done right in a SCRoG or similar.

To SunnyJim: Have a banana.. ;)


Ohh.. and btw. it seems like I remembered 20 grams wrong. It appeared to have been 140 grams, according to the danish site. Oh well.. What can I say...


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that I yielded about a pound from 250w of CFLs once, but I forgot to take pictures of it. Seriously though, I really did.

Wet weights are about as relevant as equivalent watts. Nice one. Thanks for the banana. Got any peanut butter?


Well-Known Member
It's totally possible to disagree with someone without being douche. I disagreed with you, and there was no name-calling or accusations of inexperience. This clown shows up and starts giving it the Billy Big Balls.
Lol @ billy big balls. I was thinkin the same shit. You can tell the difference between someone who has general respect and not, even if it's through a computer screen from an unknown distance away.


Guys, come on. Have a sense of humor. Im not namecalling anyone. Im just saying that I got more than 120 grams from that grow. If anyone is namecalling anyone it's SunnyJim namecalling himself by saying "If that grow netted 120 grams Im a talking monkey" - Well... Because it did :) I didn't namecall anyone, just making a bit of fun of Jims own way of expressing his doubt. And that resultet in being called a "clown", "Billy Big Balls" and whats not. How nice is that?

Well, what can I say? I weighted it both after a couple of weeks of curing, and again after the whole curing process. As a habitual smoker I even divided it in small "Weekly bags" with the help of a 0,1 gram electronic scale to keep a control of my consumption. I am pretty sure I know how much it yielded.

Please notice: I didn't namecall anyone, I don't acuse anyone of lying or exaggerating. SunnyJim called himself a talking monkey and me a clown.... And Im the one out of line here?

(Sorry for my poor english. It not my main language)


But in an effort to make up, I will admit that it was my first grow with non-auto seeeds, and I vegged around 6 weeks, which for a cfl grow probably was 3-4 weeks too long. (Another noob mistake). So when taking time and electricity consumption into consideration, It probably would have been more effective by flipping to 12/12 way sooner and only end up with smaller plants and around 80 grams.

Just don't get rude, accuse me of lying and call people bad things, when dissagreing, because.... I got 120+ grams out of that (4 month long and probably not very cost-time ratio effective) grow.

And for christ sake.. Lighten up..


Well-Known Member
I'm light as a feather, bro.

If you're able to yield 140 grams of dried and cured bud from a single 250 watt CFL consistently (removing all twigs and non-smokable shade), you should bottle up your formula and sell it.

You're right, this is based on my own experiences and the experiences of the countless other CFL growers I've followed on this forum over the years. The exception is 1 gram per watt, not the norm. This is not, however, based on any prejudice I have of CFL bulbs, because I think they're terrific under certain conditions. It's based on my understanding of the capabilities and limitations of CFL bulbs, and my understanding of how cannabis plants produce flowers when the radius of 'useful' light emitted from a CFL is below 12 inches. You could've vegged your plant for 12 weeks, and it wouldn't have made much difference to your final yield. Only a certain section of the flowers will be exposed to any light. The rest of the plant won't be up to much... To suggest that you'll hit that target with your current setup is way off the mark, and you'll find that out when you fail to achieve it. I'm not being mean, I'm trying to spare the OP some disappointment when he doesn't achieve that ratio on his first, second, or third run.

Also, this isn't a competition about who can yield more, it should be about helping new growers manage their expectations. Most people won't care what you believe is possible, and are probably more interested in what you can prove is possible with evidence (usually pics). So far, all you're saying is 'I forgot to document it, but trust me. Next time I'll yield even more.'

Check my grow history for evidence of around .3g per watt. If people can improve on that themselves, surely that's what this place is about.


New Member
Dude, if that is based on your own experience, you are doing something wrong. If its based on assumptions about CFLs then meh..

I just finished my second indoor grow, so I am what I would consider a newbie with major room for improvement. I grew 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious under a single 250w CFL directly in soil without any advanced growing techniques or anything and I yielded 120 grams dried bud. The bulp puts out 13000 lumens

For my coming grows I will experiement with things like scrog and sog and feel that I could, maybe not get all the way, but indeed VERY close to 1g per watt without much hassle. Its my opinion that a beginner grower with side lighting and green fingers easily could yield 0.5 grams with room for further improvement.

I cant nothing but think that those who claims that 0.3 g per watt as a good yield are speaking out of prejudice and not own experiences.

a little extra information: I grow in a closet measuring 80x60 cm. Unfortunately I dont have any sidelighting, which would have improved my yield significantly. I did do some lollipopping to get rid of the small popcornbud on the lower third of the plants, and did a bit of low stress training to get as much of the plants to the same height for closest possible proximity to bulb.

So with my setup, no side lighting. Completely reflective grow tent what do you think i should be looking at. Im about to start them on 20-20-20 ferts once a week to.