The Scrog Club


Well-Known Member
Very smart and tidy. I definately think pvc pipe is the way to go. I made my screen 100x100 in a 120x120 tent. Mostly because I was using an old 100x100 tent frame to support it. swaped that out for wooden legs anyway.
Next run will have be full size, pvc and better string. Either polyprop or that waxy feeling stuff. Something snap proof. I really could have used the extra space on the screen. It's bursting!

...poultry wire. Ok. Poultry wire it is...



So I'm doing my first scrog and I think they're ready to flower, but I'm not sure. Would you guys mind taking a look? Those burnt leaves are from hotspots, I had to make my tent an inch shorter to fit it in my closet and now the walls wont stay flat. I'm going to stick some 2x2s between the frame and fabric to keep the walls tight & flat. Also, that plant in the middle still hasn't reached the screen. I'm not sure what to do about that, I think I'll just leave it and see what happens. Last time I had a small plant like that it got moldy, but I have better air circulation in my tent now and this plant is a little bigger with more space between the nodes.



Active Member
You can expect stretch the first couple of weeks during flowering. I'm sure you know this, with them already touching the screen I'd say yes. Personally, I'd take one out because of space. But that's just me. :mrgreen: I think 2 in my 2X4 tent would be the max I'd try to pull off.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Looks ready to me. I recon the one that hasn't quite got there will soon catch up. Just keep training for a week or so till it's all even


Well-Known Member
These are some of the bits I deemed more drain than gain last night. Would have been nice to have grown some of it on, but my 'Clonerator' is full of the cuttings from a previous trim. So far my efforts in the lab have produced 1 vigorous seedling, full root system and all, and a lot of maybe's. I'm just playing this time round so it's not really an issue. Inconsistent results though...

...and a bud shot



Well-Known Member
That's Original Sensible Seed's Chronic Lights. Supposedly a 50/50 sativa indica mix. I seem to have 2 phenos, one more heavily indica influenced. It's not as clear now a lot of the early leaves have been removed beneath the canopy. All the new growth is less distinct. The 'indica' has a more 'knuckly' stem though, almost bulbous around the base of the branches. I first put it down to this one having the most serious drowning during the first troublesome week, but I think now it's just a characteristic of the plant.


Active Member
I'd like that I think...much more than the couch lock that comes with a pure indica. I wonder if I could scrog a pure sativa in my 2X4 space. :blsmoke:

I see you have been promoted.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me! So I have. Is that Rep driven? Or post count? What are the green blobs for?

Personally, I grew up on dirt bar bong mixes, 5 draw to a fag. I never really bought 'skunk'. Back then it was the difference between £12-15 for red seal, gold seal, black or passable rocky, same price for 'bush weed ', or £20-25 for imported skunk. That's 3.5g or 1/8. I always went for 'most bang for your buck', ie hash in a bong. All this £10 a g shit is nuts, and it's worse somewhere like Ireland. About a million € to sniff a wet bud.
Long story short, I prefer to be stoned than high. My brain try's to kill me on buzzy trippy weed. Dunno how this one will smoke, but I shall report.


Active Member
Haha...try $25 a gram here, I personally do not buy it any more...normally isn't worth it. I'm bi-polar, so the head high works better in my case...don't get me wrong, I'd be right beside you on the couch if you fired up a spliff, couch lock and all.
...and yes, I do think the promotions are rep driven. If I remember right, as you get more green squares your title will change. I think Super Stoner is next for me.


Well-Known Member
Super stoner. Cool. :D

I wish mine read 'inconstantly helpfull / annoying and troll-like'. Then people wouldn't get confused when I posted haiku in the middle of their scientific citations. Really I should know when to keep it shut and not play for laughs... well I do, but I can ignore common sense quite easily ....

Last time I felt really 'high' from a smoke I had to get up from my comfy lounging position in the sun and tidy up and wash up and 'do things ' cos my brain told me I should be dpimg them! Spoilt my afternoon! I would have rather stayed put and got sunburn! I wish i'd used it for something creative, that would have totally changed my prospective on things.

So. Haiku. Lets think....

Hobgoblit my friend,
How is your screen filling out?
Can you update us?


Well-Known Member
25 us$? That would be €18 or £15. Fuck. How are the kids meant to transition to harder drugs when the dope costs the fucking earth in the first place. Fucking inflation...


Active Member
It's coming along nicely I guess, remember...this IS my first scrog. Currently I'm at 1.7 ec or 830 ppm @ .5...this strain seems to like it higher than the last few plants I've grown. Actually might go up more if my PPM's are down again today. I shouldn't have issue filling in the whole screen. I think today is day 5 or 6 flowering, and I'm about halfway to either side, so It's going well. Here's an older pic from last weekend of the whole system, I'll get another one posted as soon as the lights come on.
