The Scrog Club


Active Member
Lookin good Hob. I used Floranova bloom all the way once using Lucas formula and they turned out nice. My only gripe was that it was too thick to add straight to my res because of mixing.

Have you run the Novabloom all the way before? What do you think of it?
One stop shopping my friend. i've used just bloom for a year or so and I love it. Short and fat plants, perfect for anyone looking to save money and still get the perks of GH. The buffers work great if you're in more than 5 or so gallons. I run with 11. 400ish in veg, 600ish in flower for RDWC...what more could one say.


Well-Known Member
One stop shopping my friend. i've used just bloom for a year or so and I love it. Short and fat plants, perfect for anyone looking to save money and still get the perks of GH. The buffers work great if you're in more than 5 or so gallons. I run with 11. 400ish in veg, 600ish in flower for RDWC...what more could one say.
You are a wise grower. I have read too many post about sick plants with a list of 5 or more different additives they were using. They were clearly either burned or had nutrient lockout and most answers recommended adding something else to 'fix' it.

On my last grow I switched to GH micro(1 part) and GH bloom(2 parts) all the way and only added a little GH Coolbloom in flower. My plants were very robust and healthy. I would have stayed with the NovaBloom but I need to use a syringe to inject the nutes into my res and I couldn't with Nova since it is thick as molasses.

Keep us posted please. I would like to see how your screen fills.



Active Member
You are a wise grower. I have read too many post about sick plants with a list of 5 or more different additives they were using. They were clearly either burned or had nutrient lockout and most answers recommended adding something else to 'fix' it.

On my last grow I switched to GH micro(1 part) and GH bloom(2 parts) all the way and only added a little GH Coolbloom in flower. My plants were very robust and healthy. I would have stayed with the NovaBloom but I need to use a syringe to inject the nutes into my res and I couldn't with Nova since it is thick as molasses.

Yeah, I tried using additives early on but had absolutely no luck...I use Nova Bloom, ZHO, and issues, stable as can be. Whats funny, as soon as I add anything else it all goes haywire. I'll post a few when i get the screen filled.
20140310_073116.jpgMarch 10, 2014 (12/12 light deprivation on 2/1/2014) Picture from outside the greenhouse glass
20140302_144010.jpgMarch 2nd, 2014
20140302_144002.jpg 3/2/2014

Pics from my greenhouse SCROG. First time grow. Plants vegged Jan 1st to Jan 30st, then went to 12/12ish light deprivation on 2/1/2014. The canopy covers a 3' by 5' area of the trellis. 3 Strawberry Cough plants in soil.


That looks mighty fine Dank! It looks like you're on your way to some fine buds! Keep us posted. I am between grows right now but I like to watch.:twisted:
thanks dude happy to heat im in the right path
this is my first grow.
No worries ill be updating again soon.
i tooka few clones when i was lollypopping , i plan on trying to grow 2 small plants hopefully atleast 1 makes it


Well-Known Member
It starts to get interesting when they hit the screen. I couldn't leave them alone to poke through before tucking them back under. I just kep everything underneath as much as possible. Onow it's all coming through and flowering it looks mental!
Got about 5 weeks to wait til it's all over...


Active Member
This will be my first scrog...I played with my nutrients long enough to get comfortable in RDWC before putting a screen in and locking myself out of the pot. Anyway, here's a question i could probably answer myself but will ask anyhow. Why do some use string for the netting and others use wire?


Well-Known Member
I just used thr first thing that came to hand. Wooden frame and a ball of string. Here's what experience has taught me: plus sides of string are that you can move the squares somewhat to hold down awkward tops. It's quite 'soft' on the stems, I suspect using wire I would have done some damage by now.
Not so plus sides: sooner or later it's gonna snap! I stapled my string to the frame so when it snapped I only lost one length. Now Dank looks like he's used a much better quality string, poly or some synthic rather than natural fiber. Better for not harboring moisture/rot/disrase too.
After this run the screens getting a revamp. The local farmers co-op/garden center has some hard plastic netting stuff that looks perfect. The only thing I can't decide is whether to do individual screens mounted to sturdy plastic pots, or use one screen for all again. I'll probably have a better idea after this grow's finished, but I may be leaning towards individual units.


Active Member
That's what I was thinking, it being forgiving. I can see I will have to be careful...I did the same, grabbing the first thing I thought of, and string sadly wasn't it. I may retool my screen before my next flowering cycle...I'm liking the string idea.


Well-Known Member
I just had a quick google...

I thought I liked the idea of individual pots/screens so they could be moved from veg to flower easily, now I've seen a tent full of them i'm not sure. The single suspended screen just looks like less of an arse to work with.

I just thought of an excellent reason to use string rather than wire mesh or simelar, you can open a square up a bit and reach through from the top to work/ pick up your dropped watsit. My hands wouldn't fit through a 2x2 inch wire mesh...



Well-Known Member
Dank used his string differently to me, too. Lots of lenths looped round each other to hold in place.
I started in one corner, went up and diwn accriss the screen with one length using staples to pin the string to the frame. When I was going left to right I went under then over alternately to make it one net rather than one layer of string over another. Again, no idea which will work out better, but I tecon my squares will more easily sgift about and become rectangles than Dank's which seems firmer set in place. I had to retension my string too once the plants pushed up on it. That's when a snapped the bastard.


Well-Known Member
Did you spot any typo's in that post? I'm not dislopsic, just using a piddly touchscreen keyboard...


Well-Known Member
I use heaver 2 X 3 in wire fencing. For me it was easier to do.... just clipped the fencing to the right size and bent about 2 in of each long edge to a 90 deg angle to stiffen it up, then tied it to my tent poles. When I tried string I found that it stretched too much making it hard to weave my plants and have them stay where I put them.


Active Member
Mine is a 2X4 pvc frame with I guess you would call "large holed chicken wire" stretched over it. Its zip screwed to the tent poles with angle. I'll try and post a pic after the MH comes on.