Most biased and blatantly false article ever


Active Member
Just read this shit:
"Just three cannabis 'joints' a day can cause the same amount of damage to the lungs as an entire packet of 20 cigarettes."

"The foundation found that tar from cannabis joints contains 50 per cent more cancer-causing toxins than cigarettes made from tobacco alone."

"Eight million Britons are thought to smoke cannabis, which some experts believe is a 'gateway' to harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine."

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I smoke doobie after doobie all day long. I can run and everything and feel just great. If I done that with a pack of cigarettes "I know" I'll be struggling to get air in the morning and my lungs will feel "like" sh*t. Cigarettes are far more devastating health wise than cannabis.


Well-Known Member
It's an article in the DAILY MAIL !!!!
Racist, homophobic, little England fantasy Daily Mail!

Christopher Hitchens idiotic brother, Peter, is one of their 'journalists'.
Last year he started a debate about how the Drugs War had never seriously been fought
and, if more people were locked up for possession of cannabis, the use of drugs would stop.
(I spent time in Malaysia, where death is the penalty for drug dealing.
Cannabis was hard to find but heroin was everywhere!
So much for Peters theory).


Well-Known Member
When i first moved to the UK i worked at tesco near a building site for a couple of months. I was in fucking shock to find that every builder that came in would get some lucozade a packet of crisps a boost bar and either the daily mail or the sun for 30p. 30p! How can a paper cost 30p and how come everyones reading it? Full of intelectuals the UK, I thought. I then proceeded to reading a paper myself and couldnt because of the huge pair of tits on page 4 or something. Its basically the shittiest magazine ever in paper form.


Well-Known Member
Weed doesn't even have tar unless you get the brick weed because you don't know whats in that shit I bought a oz of brick there was godamn super glue in it so there whould be nugs even tho most of it was ground up that goes to show that one that article is bullshit and two growing weed is healthier and cheaper


Well-Known Member
All absolutes are wrong...

That said, remember how the web works. The more we link to bad information, the higher that information will rank, independent of our options.

As to the study. It's just more drivel from the daily fail without links to the actual "study," like Harvard medical did with their 2007 study showing smoked marijuana reverses cancer in most test cases.


Well-Known Member
I just had a cursory glance at the British Lung Foundaton report and as a whole is quite damning of cannabis though personally I doubt the information contained within is wholly accurate.

It stands to reason that any smoke entering the lungs cannot be good but as a regular smoker of cigarettes for the last 24 years I know tobacco is so so much worse than MJ.
Over here tobacco maufacturers are required by law to print images on the packets and I've seen the images of cancerous lungs etc and they are not a pretty sight.

The BLF is never going to do an unbiased study on MJ because they are trying to frighten kids into not smoking anything at all.


Well-Known Member
The mail can suck a dick. Can't believe it's the most read online newspaper in the world. Scary shit but then morons seem to like the scrolling sidebar from hell.


Active Member
please don't link to such a filthy click whoring company…..

they add their shock value topic with hardly any facts to get clicks like the one you are spreading…


Well-Known Member
Lol. Fuck man, lighten up. You never smoked super glue before?
Not a once, boss. I'd rather the pain and seizures to introducing burnt chemicals like that into my already abused lungs!

I say no to brick, and on principle to any cartel produced or distributed marijuana. (They took over family farms in Mendocino and Humboldt counties, ran out people related to the boss lady, and family friends, as well as others that I don't know.)


Well-Known Member
Not a once, boss. I'd rather the pain and seizures to introducing burnt chemicals like that into my already abused lungs!

I say no to brick, and on principle to any cartel produced or distributed marijuana. (They took over family farms in Mendocino and Humboldt counties, ran out people related to the boss lady, and family friends, as well as others that I don't know.)
That's rough and I admire your principles.
When you say "took over" do you mean that they forced the owners to sell?


Well-Known Member
That's rough and I admire your principles.
When you say "took over" do you mean that they forced the owners to sell?
Yes and no to the forced to sell. A couple plots were purchased from my understanding. And it was not voluntarily..

It's easy to be principled when you're a grower and seek out hippies and growers specifically to smoke with. It's easier to be principled with a constitutional right to grow and smoke herb. I did go through a really tough spot for a couple months back at the end of last year... I'm glad I stood by my principles!


Well-Known Member
Smoking cannabis is more harmful than cigarettes and more likely to trigger cancer, according to a report.

Just three cannabis 'joints' a day can cause the same amount of damage to the lungs as an entire packet of 20 cigarettes.

The British Lung Foundation says that when cannabis and tobacco are smoked together, the harmful effects are significantly worse.

Its research suggests young cannabis smokers may also be at greater risk of throat and gullet cancers.

The foundation found that tar from cannabis joints contains 50 per cent more cancer-causing toxins than cigarettes made from tobacco alone.

Eight million Britons are thought to smoke cannabis, which some experts believe is a 'gateway' to harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Earlier this year, researchers found that 79 per cent of children thought cannabis was safe while only 2 per cent recognised there are health risks from smoking the drug.

Dame Helena Shovelton, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, said the harmful effects of cannabis had been swept under the carpet.

'People are under the illusion it is safe to smoke cannabis. Our report shows it is very dangerous to lung health, at least as dangerous as tobacco.

'It seems society is in the same position as when research first showed the harm caused by tobacco. It took 15 years for the Government to take notice but we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past.'

Dame Helena said cannabis available today is 15 times stronger than the drug smoked in the 1960s. 'This means studies carried out at that time will probably have underestimated the effects of cannabis smoking,' she explained.

'Puff and inhalation volume with cannabis is up to four times higher than with tobacco - in other words you inhale deeper and hold your breath with the smoke for longer before exhaling.

'This results in more poisonous carbon monoxide and tar entering into the lungs,' Dame Helena said.

The foundation's report - A Smoking Gun? - analyses research from around the world.

It found cannabis smokers have a higher level of chronic and acute respiratory-conditions such as coughingwheezing and bronchitis. 'When cannabis is smoked together with tobacco then the effects are additive', it says.

Some studies suggest cannabis smoking may trigger chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which kills 32,000 people in Britain every year, the foundation's report adds.

'Research linking cannabis smoking to the development of respiratory cancer exists although there have also been conflicting findings.

'Not only does the tar in a cannabis cigarette contain many of the same carcinogens as tobacco smoke, but the concentrations of these are up to 50 per cent higher in the smoke of a cannabis cigarette,' it says.

Benzyprene, found in the tar of cannabis joints, can change the make-up of one of the genes which suppresses tumours and could therefore make cancer more likely for people who smoke joints.

There are also more than 75 case studies of young cannabis smokers with cancers of the throat and gullet - diseases usually rare in people under 60.

lololololollolololololololololoollolololololololololo olololololololololololololololololollolololololololololololololololololololololololo lolololololololololololololololololololololo


Well-Known Member
The uk conservative elite are responding to the liberation of cannabis elsewhere with a sustained anti cannabis propaganda campaign, absolutley identicle to the reefer madness campaign of old. The question I ask, is why is noone standing up to it, speaking up against it, writing PRO cannabis articles instead? In the US people have campaigned and fought for the vote to use cannabis, and hey, democracy does seem to be working a tad. The UK seems to be stuck in the perma 1950 mode , where old boys in top hats drive rolls royces to parliament and tell the peasents how to live, democracy is just a word, not a reality. I think becuase the UK is quite a small area, very small actually, the people who have the power, have too much power and are going to manipulate and censor everything to get their own way 100% of the time. Fuck the arab uprisings, the UK is in serious need of one, and thats not even a joke. But the comfortable welfare state they provide keeps the masses placated to the point where, while people may not like what is happning, they just accept it becuase "hey it's not THAT bad here" or "it COULD be worse".


Well-Known Member
Yes and no to the forced to sell. A couple plots were purchased from my understanding. And it was not voluntarily..

It's easy to be principled when you're a grower and seek out hippies and growers specifically to smoke with. It's easier to be principled with a constitutional right to grow and smoke herb. I did go through a really tough spot for a couple months back at the end of last year... I'm glad I stood by my principles!
I guess saying no was not an option.

It's been a few years since I bought street weed, as with yourself I try not to contribute to the coffers of organised crime gangs and I do not trust what is being sold, for instance sprayed weed is very common here and I for one do not want to be smoking crushed glass.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
'It seems society is in the same position as when research first showed the harm caused by tobacco. It took 15 years for the Government to take notice but we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past.
And continued to be quite happy taxing through the roof for it, and making it accessible to any and everyone who wants it.

So why not with cannabis? What's the real truth eh? Money. Lobbying. Greed. Health has absolutely nothing to do with drug policies, the facts have shown as much, so why don't they just give up on trying to use that as their debate point and talk about the real truth. It' not addictive like alcohol or cigarettes, and can easily be grown at home, so not as much money there, so where to get the money? The moment they find a way of sucessfully controlling it's sale, that is to say reap all of the tax without any filthy bedroom criminals obtaining it tax free, then they'd have absolutely no issue legalizing. It's nothing to do with health, it's to do with money. We all know this already.

I always find the "it's stronger" argument rather amusing. Vodka is stronger than beer. So naturally we all drink it by the pint, because that's how we used to drink beer. The notion of stopping drinking those 4 pints of vodka because you're already drunk, a laughable notion.