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Well-Known Member
He's gonna make a faulty one, you're gonna fall and break your back. Good luck trying to sue him afterwards, cause he's gonna get deported a day after he finishes your deck. Jesus saves again.



Well-Known Member
Nah, Smasher's ok. From her first pictures it was pretty clear that she was not my taste in girlflesh - so I think of her as a sister rather than somebody to rub my penis on. A sister who wears hoochtie clothes.

I have enjoyed the flame fests. And I think all parties are tough enough to take it.

I would be sorry to see hostility toss her out. Time's are tough here right now. She's ok in my book. So are you Joe.


Virtually Unknown Member
Eh gonna play devil's advocate here, looking through all the posts it seems like people give her a hard time and she overly defends herself and sometimes doesn't make sense which in turn makes people ridicule her more. She's pretty good looking and posts pictures on here. Just like every other good looking regular female poster does. Not sure why everyone gangs up on her about it.
I gotta agree with Neo, but i missed whatever Smasher said that was deleted. But, Joe's usually pretty reasonable, so some shit must have happened.

(Edit: Maybe we need a combined Joe/Smasher thread where they trade nothing but apologies)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
not hatin here guys. and thanks bb. Usually is right...not always but usually reasonable.

mysunnyboy is one of the coolest peeps here.

smasher went and got diarrhea of the mouth bad enough to make sunny change her sig...what's that tell you guys?

but my point to this thread was to give smasher somewhere to post outside of newbie central. I've given her the link twice now.

so if she really cares about the community and wants to be part of it she'll come on down. and stop trying to run off new users.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
and she's still going....too bad really. I was hoping to give her another chance. Given enough time maybe she'll come around.

doubtful though


Well-Known Member
not hatin here guys. and thanks bb. Usually is right...not always but usually reasonable.

mysunnyboy is one of the coolest peeps here.

smasher went and got diarrhea of the mouth bad enough to make sunny change her sig...what's that tell you guys?

but my point to this thread was to give smasher somewhere to post outside of newbie central. I've given her the link twice now.

so if she really cares about the community and wants to be part of it she'll come on down. and stop trying to run off new users.
Agree joe , i'm here now !!!!!
I listend to ya hey !

I gotta sleep.
Night bro !

and she's still spouting off over there in newbie you guys see yet?
She is boiling over !

Fucking booooo.

C'mon everyone boooo that man.
Farking boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!! , it's 6:23 am here fucking boooooooooooooooooo!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Agree joe , i'm here now !!!!!
I listend to ya hey !

it's cool bro. I just hate to see new members be confronted with such negative bullshit. Most people come here to get growing advice and don't even notice the other sections for awhile. Until they've gotten comfortable.

at least thats the way it was for me.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I'm looking at the Welcome yourself thread and I see her ask about deleting her account, there are more appropriate sections, then see everybody jumping down her throat and her trying to defend herself from an onslaught from multiple people.

I'd like to see the conversation that lead up to Sunnyboy's sig.


Well-Known Member
Yes very true joe , i were the same as well , i'm sure everyone is !
If i just signed up and saw all this arguing i would think "what the fuck site is this ?"
Like something out of the brawl room on adult friend finder hahahaha lol

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
@neo you may also be interested in the exchange between her and minnes also. I think this happened about the same time. Or how she carried her butthurt into several different threads.

Not that I haven't done the same type of thing before. Most of us have at some least I can admit it.

but like I said...most of her more offensive posts have been deleted, so your conclusion may be skewed.

Edit: not that I have never had posts deleted or happens. Just saying you may not get the most accurate picture that is all.
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