Just In Under The Wire?


Well-Known Member
My MMAR ATP was stamped by HC March 20th 2014
My validity date is 20 Mar 2015
but my Expiry date is 31 March 2014with long shitty assed story on using an LP

So by rights I'm good to go to stay under MMAR just need to get someone to grow for right? or the black market(which I don't wanna do)

But whats the scoop when ya have the golden ticket or I mean the pink one.... I'm in the prison stat alberta so not compassion clubs

First post so glad to meet yaall


Well-Known Member
Welcome Jackal69...great board of patients...here...
My understanding as long as you were good to grow as of sept 30 2013...then it Business as usual..
people caught between are expected to use LP's...but you will find plenty of opinions on what you can or should or can not or should not do....lol
wade through some reading...it will help you gain a better understanding...where everyone's head is at...


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum.

From what I understand if you don't already have a DG you can't register a new one. Basically you're stuck with the conditions of your current license for now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys

So what yer saying Raider is go with an LP (gee wiz no of them have any stock, what a surprise) or black market. That's shitty, I believe should be able to get a DG, or what would be the point of even giving me the ATP? Errg got to be a lawyer nowadaze to even understand a cellphone contract FFS. Anyways waited this long for the ATP not going to just blow it an give it up to a no stock LP just yet.Any one else around that did just an ATP? give me some heads up?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys

So what yer saying Raider is go with an LP (gee wiz no of them have any stock, what a surprise) or black market. That's shitty, I believe should be able to get a DG, or what would be the point of even giving me the ATP? Errg got to be a lawyer nowadaze to even understand a cellphone contract FFS. Anyways waited this long for the ATP not going to just blow it an give it up to a no stock LP just yet.Any one else around that did just an ATP? give me some heads up?
Can you not grow yourself?


Well-Known Member
I'm in a very similar situation, just got my ATP in December and also live in Alberta. There are a few compassion clubs in Alberta actually if you choose to go that way, mostly in the major cities but some do mail order if you live in the sticks. The injunction isn't very clear in regards to those with only an ATP and there seems to be a lot of confusion around that. I think HC only signed them after September assuming people would just transition into the MMPR. I think I might try contacting a lawyer about it for clarification.


Well-Known Member
no it's just authorise to possess (ATP)
Well just keep your ears open and eyes pealed because things right now are kinda in limbo. I spoke to HC on the phone yesterday about making changes, renewals and etc and the girl I was speaking with said they were going to release more info "hopefully next week" so perhaps you'll get lucky yet.


Well-Known Member
heya joyr1d3 close cowtown here .... I assumed the jack boots closed the ones around here as they are not advertised too much, I can understand why.

well I'm sure you dont have to spend money on a lawyer, what I got from the injunction was as long as you possessed a valid atp pupl or the other one your good to go.
not trying pry but, did you get a grower or using other mean BM?


Well-Known Member
Hope so raider cause really just being under the wire like this I should have the same rights as anyone else.


Well-Known Member
heya joyr1d3 close cowtown here .... I assumed the jack boots closed the ones around here as they are not advertised too much, I can understand why.

well I'm sure you dont have to spend money on a lawyer, what I got from the injunction was as long as you possessed a valid atp pupl or the other one your good to go.
not trying pry but, did you get a grower or using other mean BM?
They weren't accepting DPL or PPL license applications when I signed up. My only option was to check the "Health Canada Supply" box. That being said I never once purchased their shitty shake weed. I'm fortunate enough to have "friends of friends" willing to cut me deals when they can, mostly I just use the compassion club though, quick and easy, can see what I'm getting.


Well-Known Member
You really need to weigh, the need to be completely legal ,with the fact that very few judges would convict a med patient,due to the fact they are already getting screwed over by the law in the first place..
lets face it most judges are very smart people...and they are bound by the law but also know when the law is infringing on constitutional rights...
I would think....since you are sole advocate for your health care...and the buck and or choices stop with you...then...taking a step like medical MJ...is a decision only you can make...and take responsibility for.....
So ultimately...what judge will convict...????


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, but I believe we could get designated growers if say someone had an open spot .... not sure how that works but I bet someone lost a client to a LP



Well-Known Member
Health Canada is refusing to do anything with the MMAR right now, they won't even process address changes. Trying to get registered with a DG probably won't fare much better. The injunction has brought up a whole new set of questions and issues. Like with most of this MMPR debacle I'm just kind of waiting to see what happens as more information is released. I would get a DG in a minute if it was possible, I just don't see it being an option with Health Canada's absolute hate and withdrawal from the MMAR regulations.


Well-Known Member
if you happen to know a DG...then You could magically appear on their list then,,,,
since there should be no data base for them (the popo) to check against...
just thinking out loud....