Little scams you've done


Well-Known Member
What kind of scams, rip offs have you done? I used to take some school yearbooks (easy to get ahold of) and sell them for 20$.
They should have really locked those up somewhere instead of leaving them in a box in the art room.
Its def not a good thing to do but i guess that wasnt a good enough reason at the time

Funniest thing i know of is a friend of mine who played diablo online and made a fake website that said a person could get any item they wanted, all they needed to do is give him their password to the accound so the item can be send to them.... They never got any items =). Thats a pretty simple and brilliant idea.
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Well-Known Member
we used to go to this little store/baitshop out in the delta. they had a slurpee machine and they also sold nightcrawlers. the worms were 3 dollars and some change. the slurpees were like a buck. we would simply dump the worms into the slurpee cup, cap it with a straw and walk to the counter. there would be two of us so one would have a real slurpee and the other would have the worms. the dude with the worms just stood to the side while other dude would pay. it worked every time. :)


Well-Known Member
I hate thieves ............And Liars .............................. I have done Both Im sad to say , In my younger years I was a wild child . what we used to do was Go to the scrap yard at night and steal copper just to sell it back to the guy later the next day .. we did that when ever we needed money . we had a way of distracting the dogs and 1 0r 2 guys would hop the fence and fling copper over the fence ... We did it for almost 3 yrs before the old man died and they sold the place .. I still feel bad about it and is a reason why I hate thieves... It was wrong ....


Well-Known Member
we used to go to this little store/baitshop out in the delta. they had a slurpee machine and they also sold nightcrawlers. the worms were 3 dollars and some change. the slurpees were like a buck. we would simply dump the worms into the slurpee cup, cap it with a straw and walk to the counter. there would be two of us so one would have a real slurpee and the other would have the worms. the dude with the worms just stood to the side while other dude would pay. it worked every time. :)

If you want nightcrawlers just pour some mustard in lines on your lawn.. then sit and watch ..


Well-Known Member
I hate thieves ............And Liars .............................. I have done Both Im sad to say , In my younger years I was a wild child . what we used to do was Go to the scrap yard at night and steal copper just to sell it back to the guy later the next day .. we did that when ever we needed money . we had a way of distracting the dogs and 1 0r 2 guys would hop the fence and fling copper over the fence ... We did it for almost 3 yrs before the old man died and they sold the place .. I still feel bad about it and is a reason why I hate thieves... It was wrong ....

most of those dudes are skimming off the top anyways. :peace:

we used to stuff A LOT of steaks down the front of our pants and just walk out of the grocery store empty handed. :hump:


Well-Known Member
when i was a drug addict i would take hundreds of dollars to get people oc's and i would take young pretty girls money on a few occasions. i am usually honorable and honest. so i am glad i am not a scumbag anymore.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Another one was shopping carts ... The local A&P, Pathmark,And back in the day (mid to late 70's ) Used to pay you $2.00 per cart that you returned to the store .People would take them home and leave them in the street.Well we would steal a few and return them ..


Well-Known Member
I use to dry out Carrot Tops and sell them to poser kids as weed..
Also, I'd take Jones Caps (little candy things) and sell them to posers as Ecstasy.
Well.. recently I've been selling crap online, like just simple warez stuff to kids that don't know that you can get them for free.. made over $1000 doing that..
Also I do this google checkout scam where they buy stuff..and I just don't sell it (Don't worry, good pays the people back and I get to keep my money)

Made over 10 grand doing that ;)


Well-Known Member
i used to get these $50 blockbuster offer cards. if u signed up for MCI phone service you could cash in your $50 blockbuster card.

the the stupid people would give you the pin number for the card over the phone before they transfer you to the recorded line where you say u agree to getting the service.

So i would just hang up after i got the pin#

did that a few times

also we used to call the operator and tell her some shit i cant remember what maybe like my last quarter got stuck in the machine or somtin and she would always patch our calls through for free

I new this chick the would call any and all food delivery resturants and get them to deliver us food for free

she would give them some bullshit story about how her pizza had peppers on it and she didnt order peppers and the manager told her last friday she could get a free pizza next time she called.

she was one crazy bitch but she always got them to deliver food for free.


Well-Known Member
I use to dry out Carrot Tops and sell them to poser kids as weed..
Also, I'd take Jones Caps (little candy things) and sell them to posers as Ecstasy.
Well.. recently I've been selling crap online, like just simple warez stuff to kids that don't know that you can get them for free.. made over $1000 doing that..
Also I do this google checkout scam where they buy stuff..and I just don't sell it (Don't worry, good pays the people back and I get to keep my money)

Made over 10 grand doing that ;)

ouch better keep a lid on that. Federal crime i think, called internet fraud i think, i think that only works if you doin it from another country


Well-Known Member
i do this scam where i tell people im from nigiria and that i need to wire $25,000,000 to thier bank acount.....and

just kiddin:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
people do it on e-bay all the time they order something then say it was broken and get their money back and get to keep the item. Just pay thru paypal...


Well-Known Member
Not a scam really but if you ever order any food just say "can i get a free drink again this time?" if they ask what your talking about just say "the guy i talked to last time did it". It works all the time.


Well-Known Member
Also, in school they had those tickets like the kind you can get at a fair or buy as a big roll in some stores. I think it says "admit one" on it. Anyways the back of those tickets had a stamp on it (not a postal stamp, am i an idiot for adding that?) and cost 2 bucks. I scanned in the back side and printed it on the regular tickets, looked perfect. Free food and sold a few as well


Well-Known Member
i buy super cheap cars off craigslist from people who are really desperate to sell them. I clean and sell them again usually for double price. Not a scam but good money

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I used to buy brand new super nes games, open them, and if I didnt like them, I'd box them back up and put that shrink plastic that you use for your windows in winter on them. Then I'd shrink it around them and made it look like I never opened them and took them back.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I used to buy brand new super nes games, open them, and if I didnt like them, I'd box them back up and put that shrink plastic that you use for your windows in winter on them. Then I'd shrink it around them and made it look like I never opened them and took them back.
your my 10 yr old hero...hahaha i wish i woulda done that