Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

Mad respect midwesterngro. Love the title. Not to take anything away from the seriousness of racism but I busted a gut. You nailed it. Bad-ass.
He's 'good welfare' whereas brownies/darkies are 'bad welfare' even though i bet if the dollars were counted the federal teat is milked by white people and corporate america more per capita than any minorites (seriously: i dare 'white america' to prove me a moron).
It seems like a total bullshit hypocrisy to me. but hey, what do i know I'm just a 'snow-nigga' right?
Then why on earth would they be on their porches?? Quite the conundrum bundy has set up here..... Black people on porches=projects, white people on porches=general good time/fun to be had