Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.


bud bootlegger
how could there even be a porch on the back of a building?
since when do the back's off building back up to a street and have entrances to get into the buildings from?

they don't have porches because like i said, around here, most projects are more than one story and don't have luxuries such as porches..
my house on the other hand, is an older house, in a non project area, and has a lovely, wrap around porch that is on three sides of my house..
it's really nice sitting out there in the summer with some lemon-ade


Well-Known Member
since when do the back's off building back up to a street and have entrances to get into the buildings from?

they don't have porches because like i said, around here, most projects are more than one story and don't have luxuries such as porches..
my house on the other hand, is an older house, in a non project area, and has a lovely, wrap around porch that is on three sides of my house..
it's really nice sitting out there in the summer with some lemon-ade
if you think that's the front of a building you may be too retarded to function in society.. what kind of backwards place do you live in that doesn't have a rear entrance? that's not even legal in most places


bud bootlegger
if you think that's the front of a building you may be too retarded to function in society.. what kind of backwards place do you live in that doesn't have a rear entrance? that's not even legal in most places
ok, so i put on my glasses and enlarged the pix.. you're right for the first time in this thread, that is obviously the back of the building now i can actually see it..


Well-Known Member
Somone would have done terrible on the SAT's, A porch often has steps, stoops have steps. Stoops are not then porches and steps usually precede the porch. Not all Zorks are Zooks but some Zooks are Zorks get it?


bud bootlegger
Definition of STOOP
: a porch, platform, entrance stairway, or small veranda at a house door
i don't know a single soul, other than you that is, who'd call a stoop a porch ffs.. how many chairs can one fit out on their stoop? how about a nice rocker, or a recliner to lay back in the summer and take a nap on?? yeah, i didn't think so..


Well-Known Member
noun: stoop; plural noun: stoops
a porch with steps in front of a house or other building.
two can play the copy and paste game, see what I am talking about, stoops are on porches but stoops are not porches..


Well-Known Member
I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches. - The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp. - The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.
[walking outside] The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, and this magazine, and the chair.
[outside now] And I don't need one other thing, except my dog.
[Shithead growls at him] I don't need my dog.


Well-Known Member
no you don'y at all. cliven bundy was driving through the "projects" noticed black people on the porches.. Those white people are not in the "projects"
stop parsing. quibbler.
it's bs. you know it. now you look stupid and full of it.
listen to some kenny
'you got to know when to fold 'em...'
i'll be blunt. you have no motherfucking hand. lay them down. stfu. leave. your a sideshow. just like 'dr' kkk and many others spewing venom. we won't convert to 'neo-amerika'. verstehen dumbkopf.
you are tedious and none too bright. please put your energy into something productive.
print all your 'thoughts' and opinions in a pamphlet, go to the local 'hood, hand em out
if i don't hear a story tomorrow about a whitey being lynched by an angry crowd of 'darkies' then i'll know your just another internet coward which is what i assumed.
prove me wrong. dare ya