Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.


Well-Known Member
stop parsing. quibbler.
it's bs. you know it. now you look stupid and full of it.
listen to some kenny
'you got to know when to fold 'em...'
i'll be blunt. you have no motherfucking hand. lay them down. stfu. leave. your a sideshow. just like 'dr' kkk and many others spewing venom. we won't convert to 'neo-amerika'. verstehen dumbkopf.
you are tedious and none too bright. please put your energy into something productive.
print all your 'thoughts' and opinions in a pamphlet, go to the local 'hood, hand em out
if i don't hear a story tomorrow about a whitey being lynched by an angry crowd of 'darkies' then i'll know your just another internet coward which is what i assumed.
prove me wrong. dare ya
wordz will definitely prove you wrong, prove reality wrong, prove round to be square, and then have a chic fil A sandwich at a gay pride rally.


Well-Known Member
wordz be complex/convoluted/distorted/? master troll? all the above?
just tired of his/others pussy footing
none seem to have the balls to be true to their seemingly twisted hearts and shout 'I'm a mad as hell fascist and i'm not gonna deny it anymore' from their roof-tops
idk seems cowardly


Well-Known Member
wordz be complex/convoluted/distorted/? master troll? all the above?
just tired of his/others pussy footing
none seem to have the balls to be true to their seemingly twisted hearts and shout 'I'm a mad as hell fascist and i'm not gonna deny it anymore' from their roof-tops
idk seems cowardly
wordz is whatever you want him to be.


Well-Known Member
If you don't hang out on the porch or stoop or whatever you wanna call it,
you're not gonna sell any crack.
would not be many there if whitey not needing his smack or rock. think. 4 real nuts. you're better than all this. bear in mind i'm trying to help you not end up reincarnating as a black single mother with 6 kids bru lol