The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
GOD's punishment is justified and all have chosen there side.
If god knows what you'll do, and has a hand in making it happen, how is his punishment justified?

If I was a mobster boxing promoter who fixes fights (AKA knows the outcome), by default SOMEONE has to be influencing the boxer to a certain outcome. How can I sucessfully know the outcome of the fight unless I'm influencing it?

If I know the outcome is him losing, how can I punish him for it?


Well-Known Member
Because you warned that boxer over and over just as much as you warned the others that have turned and lived, he was doomed to lose unless he prayed to GOD, but he wouldn't. How then can he complain? Say GOD made me this way? With freewill you make yourself a certain way, and GOD knows who these people will be because he is ALL KNOWING how are you not getting this?


Well-Known Member
Because you warned that boxer over and over just as much as you warned the others that have turned and lived, he was doomed to lose unless he prayed to GOD, but he wouldn't. How then can he complain? Say GOD made me this way? With freewill you make yourself a certain way, and GOD knows who these people will be because he is ALL KNOWING how are you not getting this?
The people 'making the decisions' to either be good or bad, would, to themselves, appear to have free will.

But because god KNOWS what is going to happen, the choice they will ultimately make is the only choice they actually could have made.

How are YOU not getting THIS?


Well-Known Member
You are saying you want GOD to pursue people who defy him in a special way, and by not doing this free will doesn't exist. This statement is not logical.


Well-Known Member
You are saying you want GOD to pursue people who defy him in a special way, and by not doing this free will doesn't exist.
That's not what I'm saying at all. The fact that you drew that from what I said makes me doubt your ability to have a conversation at this level.

This statement is not logical.
I explained step-by-step how it logically follows. You have not been able to do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Which post didn't you read? LOL is anyone else reading this? IF YOUR A EVIL PERSON IT"S BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO BE. Every second that passes is a chance to change your way, it's not GOD's fault you don't.


Well-Known Member
Which post didn't you read? LOL is anyone else reading this? IF YOUR A EVIL PERSON IT"S BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO BE. Every second that passes is a chance to change your way, it's not GOD's fault you don't.
Ok, I understand your position, but you haven't explained it.

My question is, if god knows what you're going to do, how is it possible to choice anything but what he knows?

How is it your choice? Just saying, "we have free will", is NOT an explanation or a logical conclusion, that's you being a nincompoop.


Well-Known Member
The fact GOD knows if a mans evil or good does not defy free will. Your insults again not appreciated, need I remind you I have been talking time to answer YOUR questions? Over and over in various levels of details.


Well-Known Member
And all you have been doing is insulting me, and not comprehending what I've been typing. I haven't insulted you or anyone in my thread


Well-Known Member
The fact GOD knows if a mans evil or good does not defy free will.
God doesn't just know if a man is good or evil, he knows every instant of your life, no matter how big or small. He knows every footstep, eye blink, ball scratch, etc. If he knows all of that will happen before it happens, how can it be possible to not do ANY OF IT?

Let me answer that for you because you're being a fucking child and refuse to answer after 3 pages of asking. There is ZERO chance of you not doing everything god knows you will do IF he is omniscient. If there is ZERO chance of you doing anything but what god knows, YOU ARE NOT FREE.

Your inability to answer this question over and over, tells me more than your answers ever could. You're scared to admit that if god knows what you'll do and when you'll do for every instance of your life, there's no possible way of doing anything but what he knows you'll do.

Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

Your insults again not appreciated, need I remind you I have been talking time to answer YOUR questions? Over and over in various levels of details.
Was nincompoop too harsh? lol


Well-Known Member
You think GOD doesn't know if a mans good or evil? Do you understand GOD is omnipotent? Like I said so many times in previous post if GOD knows what a evil man will do, i doesn't mean he wasn't given free will.


Well-Known Member
You think GOD doesn't know if a mans good or evil?
Where did I say that? Are you simple, boy? I said god doesn't JUST know if you're good or evil, he knows everything about you, every action or inaction you'll ever do. Every thought, and dream. If god knows these things will happen before they happen, you are fated to have those things happen. If you're fated to have events happen there is no free will.

Do you understand GOD is omnipotent? Like I said so many times it previous post if GOD knows what a evil man will do, it doesn't mean he wasn't given free will.
Yep, omnipotence is a requirement of omniscience. Do you actually know what either of those words mean?


Well-Known Member
Do you not also understand the rules of this site? your insults are not approved and show a lack of understanding, acceptance, and frustration in this topic. This site if for communicating like civilized adults.