The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
Understanding the truth and following it is two different things, I can only tell you which you probably know but refuse to do.


Well-Known Member
Maybe my lack of understanding about you? I can read the previous post I have answered all of your questions and tolerated all of your rudeness.


Well-Known Member
You've failed to answer anything, other than your final belief. That 'god gave us free will and god knows everything'.

Every time I've tried to coax an answer out of you as to WHY you believe that, we get to the point where I ask you, "what are the chances that you do the opposite of what god, with his omniscience, has known you will do since before time existed?"

And you never answer....


Well-Known Member
Because it's a foolish question! GOD only knows what your going to do because your going to do it! You want me to say foolishly "uhh zeroo" so you can say "see no free will!" but you fail to realize GOD knows what your going to do because you choose to do it with free will!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?


Active Member
Religion = unintelligent men scared to die. Dreaming of a better place all the while missing all the beauty in there own lives.
All things good and bad, all the pain and joy, love and fear, full or starving is beautiful. Anything is better than nothing. That is your choose be something or nothing.
I won't waste this life trying to dream of anything that's better than this life. This is everything anyone could possibly dream of.
Words are nothing more than symbols to describe feelings, god means something different to me than some old dood in da sky acting like a man rather than a god.


Well-Known Member
Then you say
"We might have free will, but most certainly not for the reasons you think we do."
Do you even grasp the inaccuracy of all your previous postings? I hope post 228 gives you understanding. I love you
I'm scared of GOD and his son LORD CHRIST nothing else, save your threats. I talk about good things and get death threats?
I communicate with the Power and HIS Son Lord Jesus Christ, death does not scare me. I only see atheist scared of death.
I love you all go smoke some green herbs and eat some shrooms, or maybe smoke with a little wine, enjoy life and all GOD's creation.


Well-Known Member
Don't be mad at the messenger, I have had to overcome my sin, or rather I should say I got the privilege too. Best experience ever had by far, amazing grace how sweet the sound. Never thought I could be so happy. So safe, secure and loved. I'm actually proud of what I am now. Complete difference from before, which was when I was making my life revolve around sin.


Active Member
Lol religious debate with religious people. I love it. I feel your fear of death. Your fear of being wrong. Your passion to prove yourself and your beliefs show the world your fear even if you can't see it or tell yourself it's not there. It's that feeling you get in your stomach when you try and prove your point. I'm sure you use lots of things brought to you by the POWER of science but then you'll say science is a shame but never give any of it up. Obviously have a computer or a phone. Once again I'll repeat myself religion = unintelligent mankind. It's easy for people with addiction problems to latch onto religion, praise The Lord Jebus.


Well-Known Member
GOD reveals things to me in awesome wonder and glory. I actually have a relationship with GOD and his son LORD JESUS CHRIST. Man i'm not just posting to you what I think LOL I'm telling you what I know, and I have a feeling you already know a lot of what i'm saying. But that's besides the point, lol no, no one is scared, no one is in fear of being wrong, at least not behind this computer. stomach pains? LOL are you going to be okay man?


Well-Known Member
Because it's a foolish question! GOD only knows what your going to do because your going to do it! You want me to say foolishly "uhh zeroo" so you can say "see no free will!" but you fail to realize GOD knows what your going to do because you choose to do it with free will!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
No one understands what you're saying because what you're saying is stupid. Do you understand?

Explain how he knows what you'll do because of free will. LOL This aught to be hilarious....


Well-Known Member
If people chose to pursue GOD, which there in is free will, society would not be brain washed by television media, do you realize that these programs and movies make people like robots. simpsons, southpark, it's programming your mind


Well-Known Member
Free will to chose to worship GOD and pursue GOD's love by any means or to defy GOD and not listen to logic by any means.


Well-Known Member
If people chose to pursue GOD, which there in is free will, society would not be brain washed by television media, do you realize that these programs and movies make people like robots. simpsons, southpark, it's programming your mind
You can't grasp this one key concept.

Omniscience implies omnipotence. Omnipotence and omniscience leaves no room for free will.

For omniscient being to be correct about his omniscience, the future is set in stone. If the future is set in stone, people only have the illusion of free will.