More Obama Lies

Do we really know that?

Treythug Martin was a minor, any record he might have had would not have been released.

are you retarded? i have to ask that in all seriousness because zimmy's lawyers dug through every little bit of that kid's past.

they even tried to pass off a video of two homeless guys fighting over a bike as martin fighting.

not a single trace of fighting or violence in his past, unlike ben carson.
The only reason we know about Ben Carson's past is he divulged what he didn't have to because of what you stated above, because he's not a thug. He could've kept his mouth shut. But that takes too much brain power for the likes of Buck.

you really think ben carson's repeated murder and assault attempts on his own mom and friends over trivial things would not come up in opposition research if he were to ever be a candidate for anything?
you really think ben carson's repeated murder and assault attempts on his own mom and friends over trivial things would not come up in opposition research if he were to ever be a candidate for anything?

It doesn't even need to be true. Look what happened to the Pokemon master. You're a racist. Admit it. You're just like a Republican who thinks all blacks in the opposite party are thugs.
Do we really know that?

Treythug Martin was a minor, any record he might have had would not have been released.
We do know it. It's posted in quite a few places and the court didn't allow them to mention it during opening statements or during the trial about his history of violence and Zimmerman still walked. He even talked about it in his own texts not to mention being caught with womens jewelery and a burglary tool.

He wasn't arrested or charged because they were trying to make it look like they had the crime with black kids involved under control.
...his history of violence...

the white supremacist guy who joins white supremacy groups and cites white supremacists is claiming knowledge of facts that do not exist.

i must plead for some citation of said "history of violence", and is it too much to ask that you do not cite any white supremacists like jared taylor or american renaissance again?

thanks in advance.
are you retarded? i have to ask that in all seriousness because zimmy's lawyers dug through every little bit of that kid's past.

they even tried to pass off a video of two homeless guys fighting over a bike as martin fighting.

not a single trace of fighting or violence in his past, unlike ben carson.
Well, first off, even if z ' s lawyers had knowledge of a record by Martin, it likely wouldn't have been admissible as evidence.

Secondly, juvenile records are sealed and are not subject to discovery requests by defense attorneys.

What magical powers do you think lawyers have?

People lie in Politics. And then people lie about that.

"If you can't smoke their cigars, drink their liquor, date their women, and still vote against them, you have no business being up here."

CA State Assembly Leader (ret,) Willy Brown (on Lobbyists)
Is the same person calling Dr. Carson a thug the same person who defends Sharpton and Duke? That takes balls or delusion.

duke? you mean the former KKK grand wizard about whom you said that you'd have no problem if he opened his own "whites only" restaurant?

the same former KKK grand wizard who you put down as morally equivalent to al sharpton?

what is it with these civil rights hating southerners and hating al sharpton while defending david duke?
duke? you mean the former KKK grand wizard about whom you said that you'd have no problem if he opened his own "whites only" restaurant?

the same former KKK grand wizard who you put down as morally equivalent to al sharpton?

what is it with these civil rights hating southerners and hating al sharpton while defending david duke?

I didn't say I wouldn't mind, but nobody expects the truth from you anymore. I said that society wouldn't let it happen today, while you maintained that whites only would be rampant in the south. But that's just your bigotry and psychosis clouding your ability to form thoughts. The Clippers situation only reinforces my position and weakens yours. Did you need your mighty government to step in? Did the owners from the south vote to let Clipper owner do as he pleases? Are you ever right about anything? Inquiring minds...

You still defend Sharpton and Duke while calling a great leader in Dr. Carson a thug. It must suck to base all of your thoughts on party affiliation.

Also, why are you not racist for this? Why do you think blacks, of whom the majority live in the south, would tolerate living there if it were as it is in your mind? Are they incapable of moving? Are they unable to take care of themselves? Come on champion of racebaiters, how do you equate your views on the south with the southern blacks? Is that why you feel they need your help?

Wanna see something cool? Do a search here for UncleBuck and racist. He has more posts calling people racists here than most everyone else has posts.

BTW, if you think comparing Duke to Sharpton is defending Duke you are worse off than first thought. You just keep defending that hypocrite Jew Hating Sharpton though, people love you for it.
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