More Obama Lies

citation needed

I believe in equality under the law. How that means "opposes civil rights" to you is beyond rational thought. Law and justice should be color blind. We should never, ever have laws based on anything other than humanity. Basing laws on skin preference or sexual orientation skews equality in reality and only levels it in weak minds.

Tell us again how you think LBJ did more for the equality movement than Jackie Robinson and Branch Ricky?

you really want me to embarrass you by dragging out that quote of yours where you are more worried about racist food spitters than the harm that denial of service caused blacks?

are you really so stupid as to think that the denial of service would have ended without a law? have you checked chic-fil-A's lines lately?
Only racists think about race, me Buck 'o.

Be amazed.

Psychological projection is the act or technique of defending oneself against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in oneself, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

Although rooted in early developmental stages,[2] and classed by George Eman Vaillant as an immature defense,[3] the projection of one's negative qualities onto others on a small scale is nevertheless a common process in everyday life.[4]
the white supremacist guy who joins white supremacy groups and cites white supremacists is claiming knowledge of facts that do not exist.
Be amazed.

Psychological projection is the act or technique of defending oneself against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in oneself, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

Although rooted in early developmental stages,[2] and classed by George Eman Vaillant as an immature defense,[3] the projection of one's negative qualities onto others on a small scale is nevertheless a common process in everyday life.[4]
He does live in one of the whitest places in the nation, and that is by choice. Hmmmmmm
those poor white folks. only had several decades to accumulate wealth on the backs of free slave labor. how do you suppose we rectify this injustice?

glad you're on ginwilly's side. birds of a fucking feather and all.

How do you suppose we rectify this injustice? We both agree the injustices occurred, now let's get together and figure the best course of action is. I propose any man or woman who has been enslaved in this country should automatically be given all assets owned by the slave owner and the owner be in servitude to his former slave for the same period of time. If you have not been a slave or a slave owner, this policy will not affect you. We should also go forward thinking of everyone as humans, understand human nature, and ensure we don't allow it to happen again. Whatchoo got?

Blacks were dealt a raw deal in this country for centuries and that sucks. We have history in this country that shames us. My people were enslaved for centuries by the Moors. That sucks too. I, nor any relative I can trace has ever been or owned a slave so that dog doesn't hunt for me. I feel the need to treat people based on how they act, not the color of their skin. Unfortunately as long as the generation of the Donald Sterlings and Al Sharptons of the world still live and those who think like you are still voting and setting policy, judging someone by the content of character and not the color of their skin is only a dream.
you really want me to embarrass you by dragging out that quote of yours where you are more worried about racist food spitters than the harm that denial of service caused blacks?

are you really so stupid as to think that the denial of service would have ended without a law? have you checked chic-fil-A's lines lately?

Have I ever denied this country's past? I'm focusing on the future while you focus on the past and change history to suit your needs. Blacks, browns, yellows and reds, and in many cases poor whites were most definitely denied service in this country. Society is no longer OK with this practice and will handle it quite nicely. Government actions lag decades behind the will of the people, see gay marriage and the evolving pot laws for proof.

Did you pay any attention whatsoever to what happened to Sterling? He broke no laws or policy that your almighty government has in place, yet society demanded and received incredibly swift action. That's pretty badass to me, to you, does it prove we need MORE policy based on skin pigmentation?
Have I ever denied this country's past? I'm focusing on the future while you focus on the past and change history to suit your needs. Blacks, browns, yellows and reds, and in many cases poor whites were most definitely denied service in this country. Society is no longer OK with this practice and will handle it quite nicely. Government actions lag decades behind the will of the people, see gay marriage and the evolving pot laws for proof.

Did you pay any attention whatsoever to what happened to Sterling? He broke no laws or policy that your almighty government has in place, yet society demanded and received incredibly swift action. That's pretty badass to me, to you, does it prove we need MORE policy based on skin pigmentation?

that's quite the dance you've got there, but the fact remains that you were more worried about racist food spitters than the blacks being denied service for their skin color.

on pocketfives, you wouldn't even rebut the guy who compared denial of service to blacks to a hotel being under renovation, as if that whole ordeal were some mere inconvenience and blacks could just go to the next hotel over.

not to mention the role you played in helping desert dude downplay his membership in white supremacy groups.

your posting history tells the tale for anyone who wants to see it.
that's quite the dance you've got there, but the fact remains that you were more worried about racist food spitters than the blacks being denied service for their skin color.

on pocketfives, you wouldn't even rebut the guy who compared denial of service to blacks to a hotel being under renovation, as if that whole ordeal were some mere inconvenience and blacks could just go to the next hotel over.

not to mention the role you played in helping desert dude downplay his membership in white supremacy groups.

your posting history tells the tale for anyone who wants to see it.

Holy fuck you twist shit. What I said, if you want to go back and get it, since you bookmark everyone's stuff here, is that I want to know who the racist white only people are so I can avoid giving patronage, and if I'm the target of racism I want to know so I can avoid having my food spit in while they are being forced to feed me against their will. I want to put the racist asshole out of business, you want to cloak them in policy and keep that knowledge from us.

I missed what you are talking about at P5s. That's idiotic.

I still think you were in on the white supremacy thing. I've seen you tick off the names of them all, who was invited, how many times they joined... fishy as fuck.

Your history tells much much more. If we did a poll of the most racist posters on this site, you would be in the top 5 and I would get votes from you and cheesy. I'm comfortable with that.

Oh, and I've stopped going to Chick-fil-a since all that came out. I'm glad it came out and wasn't cloaked in secrecy like you are trying to keep.
Wanna see something else cool? Do a search here for the word nigger. I know you and Buck have your problems, but that doesn't change the fact that this section is racist as fuck.

I did a search and this quoted post came up.
why don't you go back and read? ginwilly is opposed to civil rights. might get racist food spitters in trouble.
Look, I know of your psychosis so I try not to engage you much but this is just stupid. I can show you several posts of mine supporting civil rights and equality for all just in this thread alone. You can not show one post in my history where I OPPOSE civil rights. I would appreciate it if you would stop saying shit that's totally untrue and with no basis in reality.

Yes Buck, you are the main reason I don't come around here much anymore, you are tiresome, boring and aggravating. You obviously have more time on your hands than the rest of us and don't mind wasting it. Your aversion to the truth and malicious lies and attacks makes this the low rent section. Most of us spend more time having to dispute your bullshit made up accusations instead of debating a topic. That's not what normal adults like to do with their time. I really wish you would get the help you need, not just for your own sake, but for the betterment of our little community here.

You are THAT guy.
Holy fuck you twist shit. What I said, if you want to go back and get it, since you bookmark everyone's stuff here, is that I want to know who the racist white only people are so I can avoid giving patronage, and if I'm the target of racism I want to know so I can avoid having my food spit in while they are being forced to feed me against their will. I want to put the racist asshole out of business, you want to cloak them in policy and keep that knowledge from us.

I missed what you are talking about at P5s. That's idiotic.

I still think you were in on the white supremacy thing. I've seen you tick off the names of them all, who was invited, how many times they joined... fishy as fuck.

Your history tells much much more. If we did a poll of the most racist posters on this site, you would be in the top 5 and I would get votes from you and cheesy. I'm comfortable with that.

Oh, and I've stopped going to Chick-fil-a since all that came out. I'm glad it came out and wasn't cloaked in secrecy like you are trying to keep.

let's try a game of complete the sentence: those who oppose civil rights are....?
I did a search and this quoted post came up.

In Travis's defense I know what he is talking about. I think it was last summer or the one before, but things were unbearable here. I wasn't here during the 08 election but can only imagine. There were 4 or 5 members that were truly doing it on purpose like Buck is doing. I don't see a lot of those guys around as much thankfully, but they were definitely camped out in the politics section.

The emotional issues bring out the racists and bigots. The Martin/Zimmerman thread was racists arguing with race baiters for the most part. Facts were rarely discussed.
want to admit you are lying now, or do you want me to pull the quotes to prove you are a liar?

Let's do this. If you can show a post saying I am against civil rights then I'll leave for a month, if you can't then you leave for a month. Seem fair? I know you already have something bookmarked that you THINK means I am opposed to civil rights, let's see what ya got.

Put your money where your mouth is. I'm willing to back up my claim with a ban, are you? You claim quotes as in plural too, should be easy enough for you then.
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Let's do this. If you can show a post saying I am against civil rights then I'll leave for a month, if you can't then you leave for a month. Seem fair? I know you already have something bookmarked that you THINK means I am opposed to civil rights, let's see what ya got.

Put your money where your mouth is. I'm willing to back up my claim with a ban, are you? You claim quotes as in plural too, should be easy enough for you then.

i have about a dozen more.

why do we need title II?
i have about a dozen more.

Since you posted your "proof", does that mean you accept the terms of the bet?

If you remember, that was a question I asked you to expose your bigotry. Tell us again why title II is necessary today in case new people haven't figured you out yet.

I bet we can also find a post stating I would have voted for it during it's passage. Probably in that very same thread.

Do you have the integrity to leave?
Tell us again why title II is necessary

because of racist food spitters like you.
