RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
here is the rub if you be dealing with a legit food addiction.

Most drugs can be avoided which stops them from triggering the cycle.

Food can not be avoided.
Imo probably one of the hardest habits to break.
Setting yourself up for failure with too lofty goals allows relapes which carries guilt and anxiety which triggers addiction.

Its an ugly cycle.

If you cheat do not compound it with a mental beating. It does more harm than good.
Set goals that are achievable and just know its better than you were doing.


Well-Known Member
FUCK "weight loss".

Set your goals around body composition and performance, as they are a far more accurate assessment of your fitness than your weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, and measuring your weight will NOT reflect your muscle gain, which could make you believe you are not making progress.

Cardio is king, and this fact is proven time and time again in combative sport competition. Learn how to come up with a cardio plan that gets your heart rate up to an appropriate (read SAFE) level for your current fitness level, maintain it for at LEAST 20 minutes, and build on that.

FUCK weights.

Do you plan on being a competition body builder, or power lifter? No. Then stick with body weight exercises. Look at swimmers, rock climbers, and especially GYMNASTS. Those folks have an excellent body composition, great strength and endurance, and excellent strength to weight ratios. Heavy weights are great for ego's and injuries, but that's about it, that's why wiry guys with good cardio can school the shit out of big "power" dudes that burn out after a minute of intense exertion.

Body weight exercises are where it's at, and not only do they build strength and endurance, but they also build on your cardio, require NO fucking equipment, and can be done ANYWHERE, ANY TIME.

Diet is the key to your existence. You are what you eat, and if you eat a bunch of shit, your body will reflect that. You may not like "healthy" foods, but that's probably because you have conditioned yourself to eat foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and other bullshit. Recondition yourself to view food as FUEL and not a "treat", and after time, it will taste better, and you will actually be able to enjoy the NATURAL sweetness common in fruits, and the NATURAL flavors found in veggies. FUCK salt, FUCK butter, and FUCK any other fattening bullshit used to "flavor" your foods. Use spices instead, like garlic, hot peppers, ginger, black pepper, cumin (I love that shit), all spice, etc... You should have plenty of fats in your diet without having to add fats to flavor the fats.

Yogurt is a "secret weapon", and IMO, the bomb. Not the store bought shit filled with sugar, but plain yogurt filled with the things you put in it yourself. I make my own using store bought plain yogurt and a gallon of milk. I toss in pecans, or hazlenuts, coconut, strawberries, or blueberries, or whatever kind of fruit I have available, and it is fucking DELICIOUS. Yogurt is an excellent source of vitamins and proteins, and the active cultures help you digest your food more efficiently. A huge bowl of yogurt makes an excellent meal by itself, or a snack, and helps build muscle.

Whatever you do, do it carefully and consistently, and you will improve your quality of life.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Char, I do feel like shit. Went to the gym Tue and then played my usual game of football thur night. Everything aches.

Think it's diet combined with getting that bit older. Used to get baked and play for hours, now I'm blowing after 20mins.

What's a decent breakfast? Should I be supplementing with a protein powder if I want to keep this up? I like toast and scrambled eggs or bagels. They seem semi healthy.


Well-Known Member
Char, I do feel like shit. Went to the gym Tue and then played my usual game of football thur night. Everything aches.

Think it's diet combined with getting that bit older. Used to get baked and play for hours, now I'm blowing after 20mins.

What's a decent breakfast? Should I be supplementing with a protein powder if I want to keep this up? I like toast and scrambled eggs or bagels. They seem semi healthy.
I go for the oatmeal in the morning for energy
I do like protien powder in the morning because im lazy.

I would dump it in a blender with a bananna n some blueberries or whatever fruit you like.
Add oatmeal n liquid.
I used water but do what strikes your fancy.

But yes protien powder for repairing muscle is great.

I do not recomend you eat it as a replacement for clean protien but as a supliment.
And yes old people hurt more.
My brain is all about it but my body hurts.

Rest is a critical part of this.

Of course you will hurt if you overdo a workout. aim more concerned with long term burn out.

When you get it the only way I know
is to go eat some good old carbs n rest for a few says.


Undercover Mod
I'm in but how did you lose 10 pounds in a month???
Basically I started to introduce more raw vegetables into my diet. Replacing a meal everyday with a salad of raw veggies. Mostly spinach some lettuce and carrots tomatoes or anything else I have. But I still used croutons and heavy salad dressing.

I stopped eating poultry, pork and beef almost a year ago.(basically no change in weight after that)

Now that I'm used to eating raw vegetables on a daily basis I plan to cut out grains for the most part. (mostly because they are a trigger food for me. I start eating and can't stop.)


Undercover Mod
When I do over eat it is always grain and processed grain foods I eat. It makes it harder to not eat them because my family refuses to change their diet. They still question why I don't eat beef, poultry or pork.

I know one thing I was happier before I gained this weight.


Well-Known Member
When I do over eat it is always grain and processed grain foods I eat. It makes it harder to not eat them because my family refuses to change their diet. They still question why I don't eat beef, poultry or pork.

I know one thing I was happier before I gained this weight.
healthy weight loss is approx 1-2 lbs a week, and whats your protein source(s)?> eat alot of fish?


Undercover Mod
healthy weight loss is approx 1-2 lbs a week, and whats your protein source(s)?> eat alot of fish?
I eat fish atleast 3 times a week, but mostly I do protein shakes.

I understand that weight loss at this speed isn't "healthy" But I'm not starving myself of vitamins or protein just calories.

My body has more than enough fat stored to feed my caloric needs.


Undercover Mod
I'm gonna tell you right now whether you believe it or not I'm down 4 pounds in 36 hours after not eating any grains. ( I'm also pretty empty inside right now)

Yesterday I ate a large spinach, lettuce and tomato salad for breakfast with black coffee.
A few hours later for lunch I had a 40 gram protein shake.
For a snack I had an apple.

For dinner I had a another apple. I also had a salad spinach, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, celery, cucumber slices.

For a snack later last night I had a box of raisin and an orange.


Undercover Mod
I also walked 2 miles at a very fast pace and did my regular sit ups, push ups and squats in the morning after my coffee but before my breakfast.

I wanted to add this also. Another big things I did was introduce sit ups, push ups and squats every morning. I put an alarm on my phone to remind me to do it every day.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Sunni, great advice

What kind of quick healthy lunches for work could I realistically make? I don't have much cooking experience and I'm usually tight for time.
You need a better connect with food, that's the biggest problem in weight loss.
Who doesnt have 30 min to prepare a meal for themselves? Make double and eat the leftovers for lunch. Processed, prepared food is TERRIBLE for you. Learn to cook, its rewarding. Find a few recipes you like, go to a farmers market, drink water, be healthy!
Eat normal sized portions. Etc..

As far as working out..nothing beats old school calisthenics. Body resistance. Pushups, pullups, crunches, two leg and one leg squats. Kettle bell as ppreviously posted is a great idea.
Coming out of boot camp everybody who was overweight lost it and everybody who was under weight gained it...not one iron plate was lifted