Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
take your retarded lies over to a white supremacist website. your analysis is fact free, unfounded, and cannot be cited because it is nothing but a series of retarded lies.
A crime is a crime, mama's boy. I'm furthest from a white supremacist and you know it. Any of the thugs on your friends list will attest. Ask NoDrama for instance. If it's me or you that's racist? I see no difference between people. Race is a lie. Sexual orientation is a lie. It's there to brainwash little mama's boys like yourself.
Everyone has prejudices, but unlike you most don't allow them to run their lives. Hate crimes are nothing but lies. Studies show that if shown a penis, for a split second both men and women will get aroused. It's in our nature. Based on our life experiences we then become gay, straight, or asexual. But we're all a little bit of all of them. Even those who are asexual are still a bit sexual. We're sexual beings after all.
You're the one who has the bug up his ass with that disgusting avatar which is for no reason other than hate. If anyone should get convicted of a hate crime it's you. In and of itself, there's nothing wrong with those two men embraced. It's your actions which make it a perversion, and are belittling those whom you claim to advocate for. You should be ashamed, but I doubt you truly understand the meaning of that word. Along with what actual hate and racism are. It's you.
Get the wife to diagnose you with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. My problem is I care too much and therefore people think I'm fake. You care so little, you've spent your whole life faking it, to call you on it will get your legion of fans, to attack. You're pathetic and if the shit hit the fan, no one would back you.