Well-Known Member
my block is white. they have a combined IQ of 4.879. its all of us; under Uncle's gun, being controlled like puppets. the blacks have been under that gun a long time. 

History has nothing to do with how I feel. Racism is status quo in merica.Sorry you feel that way
They weren't always with him.
Cortez was in the capital city with just a couple hundred of his men, he snatched the emperor and cut a few Aztecs.
Yes, he did get some assistance. But he also did stuff without them.
Sure as hell is a lot better to be the master than the slave, better to be the conquerors than the vanquished.
And this shit ain't new, my fucking race bitch slapped Rome when she was at the height of her power.
My fucking race put a man on the moon.
My fucking race stopped the turks at the gates of Vienna, twice.
My fucking race sailed around the world and said "yes china, your going to smoke that fucking opium", three goddamn times.
My fucking race carved up the world between it's self and played with it for 300 years.
So, if it's fine for being proud because someone freed you and someone else later on said you could vote. ...
And if it's ok to be proud that you remember some stories old people like you told you about buffaloes and shit...
If it's ok to be proud that Hitler (one fucking man) didn't kill everyone like you. .. mostly because my fucking race stopped him.
If it's ok to be proud to fail, then it's ok for me to be proud of my fucking race, who has fucking dominated. Our only failure is liberalism and the notion of guilt for all of our badassness.
when i was a kid, i had temper tantrums if i thought i was being treated unfairly. so did all my friends.
i don't want to know a kid who doesn't rebel or get upset when they are being treated unfairly.
LOL........yes, let your hatred of the whites flow, Luke.Your fucking race infected billions of people with smallpox inadvertently and then used their resources to build slave empires. Your race stands on the backs of other races in a quest to destroy the earth by reaping any of her resources they can. Your race is so far from nature that the planet is imperiled by the its dominion. The world would be better off with out your race.
So your god damn right the rest of the world wants you brutal, war like, thieving, raping, greedy loveless shit heads to go easy.
yes.......blame them all, into the camps with them. ya fuckin' bigot.Your fucking race infected billions of people with smallpox inadvertently and then used their resources to build slave empires. Your race stands on the backs of other races in a quest to destroy the earth by reaping any of her resources they can. Your race is so far from nature that the planet is imperiled by the its dominion. The world would be better off with out your race.
So your god damn right the rest of the world wants you brutal, war like, thieving, raping, greedy loveless shit heads to go easy.
My fucking race learned that trick from the mongols who 190 years earlier infected my fucking race with the black death.Your fucking race infected billions of people with smallpox inadvertently and then used their resources to build slave empires. Your race stands on the backs of other races in a quest to destroy the earth by reaping any of her resources they can. Your race is so far from nature that the planet is imperiled by the its dominion. The world would be better off with out your race.
So your god damn right the rest of the world wants you brutal, war like, thieving, raping, greedy loveless shit heads to go easy.
you are right only the strong can survive. Hope you paying attention.My fucking race learned that trick from the mongols who 160 years earlier infected my fucking race with the black death.
My fucking race was forged in a bloody struggle of steel.
The week will crumble, only the strong survive.
It's called natural selection.
My fucking race learned that trick from the mongols who 190 years earlier infected my fucking race with the black death.
My fucking race was forged in a bloody struggle of steel.
The week will crumble, only the strong survive.
It's called natural selection.
Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. Your race is destroying itself and those who know how to live in harmony with nature will be the ones to continue.My fucking race learned that trick from the mongols who 190 years earlier infected my fucking race with the black death.
My fucking race was forged in a bloody struggle of steel.
The week will crumble, only the strong survive.
It's called natural selection.
BlackIf anti racist means anti white, what does racist mean?
If anti racist means anti white, what does racist mean?