Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Stumped me too. What does ROLS stand for.

I aint your urban dictoionary....! havent seen you over in he party cup comp lately the only one hassle-ling (hustling?) Hyroot now.... :)

Well, fill us in kool.

Surely you have something more than that to add to the conversation ....

FTFY - 'Fixed that for you' or 'Fuck this fuck you'.....hmmmmmm

Oh something for the conversation...ummmm....'GO synthetic Bottled nutrients for time saving prowess and better bigger buds! ' ;)
I've always hated marketing and advertising, I thought Bill Hicks would be the one to make me realize that the most, but no... most of these companies are devils in disguise.
I did hydro myself with film and aero for years before going all soil... imo hydro has 10 times more work. even soil with bottled nutes takes more time to feed plants. Measuring out multiple nutes and ph every watering takes a while.. then measuring run off ph...

Man I was litterally about to starty slasdhing my veigns if i had to spend another 2 hourzs phing all the fucking reservoirs. What you said on that post i bang on. Hydro is sooooo but so boring its making my tits hurt just thinking about it.

Fucking cool hummus/worm machine. I just got delivered today a quarter ton of hummus, on the note.

Also I see some of you guys rocking LEDs. You happy with them? Better spectrum and good enough light penetration? Happy with yield in comparison to HID? Would be nice to hear what yous think.

My first SST is kind a on trackish. I think rye is a bitch to sprout, though getting that white tip begginng to shoot so pretty happy, thanks again Stow.

Keep it livin' you guys!
Can't hate, hyroot sure has a way of making it seem easy and not too far off from bottles, lol.

Btw what do you mean you are between bins? As in you only have 1 bin for compost and 1 for worms and they ran out or...?

I harvested my bin and used up all of it for my batch currently in flower. I'm making a new soil mix. Plus a little extra ewc and compost for teas and more top dressing. My bin now I restarted a few weeks ago. So it will be at least a month til its ready.. I thought of adding another level. I also am not sure if the worms will take to it.
It's cheap too:

Only $2495.00 – To order Call 812-837-9607
Business hours: Monday through Sunday 08:00AM – 10:00PM

The Worm Shi*fter is made in the USA and available only from Brockwood Farm. We accept all major credit cards. Allow 2 days from order acceptance to shipment in the Continental United States. Two Year Warranty on Parts & Labor.

WTF? I can build that for less than $300 in parts and my labor is free! Just what I need - another project!
It's cheap too:

Only $2495.00 – To order Call 812-837-9607
Business hours: Monday through Sunday 08:00AM – 10:00PM

The Worm Shi*fter is made in the USA and available only from Brockwood Farm. We accept all major credit cards. Allow 2 days from order acceptance to shipment in the Continental United States. Two Year Warranty on Parts & Labor.

WTF? I can build that for less than $300 in parts and my labor is free! Just what I need - another project!
Exactly what I was thinking, a few pieces of lumber, a couple hinges, some 1/8 screen, some 1/4 screen a slight downward angle and shake shake, shake shake, shake your worms shake your worms. yeah shake shake shake shake shake shake, shake your worms shake your worms, ah shake shake shake!
