

Active Member
Hey, i'm just wondering what peoples views and philosophies are with regards to suicide and the afterlife. What i mean to say is, what is your spiritual or religious beliefs views on if someone commits suicide? would they encounter a different path once they die? If so what happens to them?

So if you're religious, what is your religions take on the subject?
If you're not, what is your personal perspective or belief?

Personally i believe if there is judgment, it is on how one lived their life, not how they died.



Well-Known Member
well if they feel they have no place left onthe earth, by all means end your suffering. if suicide is a selfish act. so is trying to prevent it.


Well-Known Member
preventing it helps to save someone,so preventin isnot selfish,ur helping someone that wants to throw in the towel and hurt others emotionally


Well-Known Member
Why would you help anyone who doesnt want it, doesnt need it, doesnt want your shit advise. Their minds made up to go ahead and die. Whats done is done so why cry. - Pantera.

Not all people are really looking to die. But for the ones that truly do want and need to relief of a terrible life, I think its pretty selfish to try and make them stay miserable. As for the little kids in the world who wish to attempt Suicide for the attention...Get a Hobby.


Well-Known Member
I think suicide is permanant even in the after life, meaning if you kill yourself there is no afterlife for you. I also think it is a way for the cowardly and weak to have a way out. Life is hard and depressing for most but we carry on anyway. Now my opinion is abit different for the seriously mentally ill.


Well-Known Member
im talkin about the stupid bullshit ppl,ones say they are overand over,few years ago my cousin tridd killin her self,she put scratches horizontally across both wrist,last week i had to deal wit a few ppl that "were" goin to,one kid took "30"tylenol pm cus he didnt want to go to work anymore.he lived

im just sick of the bullshit ppl with mental issues,if someone is goin to kill there selves then yes they wouldve done it already,they dont talk about it,they,just do it(nike)


Well-Known Member
suicide is so far from my mindset that it is hard to think about it seriously. ive never been far enough down to even begin entertaining the thought of suicide.

with that said, its a terrible thing. about 6 months ago a guy 19 yrs old in the fraternity i was in shot himself with a 12 gauge once his gf broke up with him. to me this makes absolutely no sense and seems selfish, he had more friends than i could ever imagine who would have been there to help him through.

he was a baby, hadnt experienced shit that life has to offer. and now he lays 6 ft under without ever knowing what was around the corner for him.


New Member
A Lot of people feel this way:confused:
suicide is also considered a selfish act,i hate the ppl who kill them selves/"attempt" suicide
well if they feel they have no place left onthe earth, by all means end your suffering. if suicide is a selfish act. so is trying to prevent it.
because sometimes it is just an attempt to reach out for help.

preventing it helps to save someone,so preventin isnot selfish,ur helping someone that wants to throw in the towel and hurt others emotionally
Just because someone is going to commit suicide does not always mean they want to hurt someone. They may just want to stop the hurt they feel themselves.
EXACTLY. They aren't evil people. Some mental torture is more painful than physical and some people feel they have no way out.
To say someone is selfish is just plain ignorant. I am not saying it is right or it is just is.:roll:

Obviously if someone is suicidal....they are NOT in the right frame of mind and to judge them in this state as their overall character is just wrong. People who are suicidal are not mentally stable and they last thing they need is some heartless person with no empathy or compassion for others, in their face about it.:|

Very sad. :cry:

Why would you help anyone who doesnt want it, doesnt need it, doesnt want your shit advise. Their minds made up to go ahead and die. Whats done is done so why cry. - Pantera.very sad:confused:

Not all people are really looking to die. But for the ones that truly do want and need to relief of a terrible life, I think its pretty selfish to try and make them stay miserable. As for the little kids in the world who wish to attempt Suicide for the attention...Get a Hobby.
I have to agree also but sometimes someone needs to intervene.
I think it is very sad that we can take our pets in to be
'put to sleep' when they are either dying or suffereing BUT yet humans do not get the same compassion?:confused:

If someone is suffering a fatal disease and wants to end thier life earlier to save all concerned, then i think they should have that right.

It probably isn't a popular viewpoint but thats how I wish it were. :blsmoke::peace:
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Well-Known Member
suicide is also considered a selfish act,i hate the ppl who kill them selves/"attempt" suicide
I have been to the point of wanting to kill myself about every other week. Being this depressed is life altering. I cant manage to hold a job.... or manage to get an education. If i go to work on a bad day i end up flipping out on someone and loosing my job and the same goes for school. whether it be a teacher, best friend, girlfriend, or my own mother. I have lost alot of people that i feel to be close to me (they arnt dead but they are still out of my life) and its all because of the person that i am.

The way i feel in real life when i get in these moods is really hard to explain. But the only way i can explain it would be .... I feel dead to the world.

Anyway im sorry i guess the whole point im trying to make is. People who get emotionally hurt by loosing someone important to them will get over it and live their lifes. People who are "suicide risks" are stuck with feelings that are 10x worse then the feelings that come with loosing somoene.

"suicide is the pussys way out" "only selfish people kill themselves"

NEVER say those words to anyone who is ready to kill themselves those words almost pushed me over then edge.

Its people like you that cause half of the suicides. When someone feels like a piece of shit the last thing they need is to be called selfish or a pussy. Id just like to say go fuck yourself. You might as well shoot them in the head yourself.

Sorry about all the confusing text. i am very bad at expressing myself.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It takes a lot of courage to sever an artery or down a bottle of lye....cowards don't commit suicide. I's your what you want with it, including ending it.