Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
As long as it is your flag, I support your right to do so....I might even join you, but not in an Uncle Buck kinky kind of way.

If the flag belongs to someone else, please don't do that.
American flags make AWESOME toilet paper too...


Well-Known Member
We're talking about anarchocapitalism, not my philosophy.
So no then? That's cool.

I'm not too up on the hyphenated labels. Why is anarchy and capitalism an oxymoron? Somebody here claimed to be a libertarian-socialist, I can see that as an oxymoron.

I thought anarchy meant without rule, and if you believe in property rights, how else other than free trade can you acquire property without a 3rd party? If I trade two tomatoes from my garden to my neighbor for a cucumber he grew in his, that's capitalism. If I'm forced to share my tomatoes, that's not capitalism and can't possibly be anarchy, who would be forcing me to share?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So no then? That's cool.

I'm not too up on the hyphenated labels. Why is anarchy and capitalism an oxymoron? Somebody here claimed to be a libertarian-socialist, I can see that as an oxymoron.

I thought anarchy meant without rule, and if you believe in property rights, how else other than free trade can you acquire property without a 3rd party? If I trade two tomatoes from my garden to my neighbor for a cucumber he grew in his, that's capitalism. If I'm forced to share my tomatoes, that's not capitalism and can't possibly be anarchy, who would be forcing me to share?

I prefer the term "free market" over capitalism. As I see a free market as involving only the consent of the participants.

Capitalism has a negative connotation to me as it involves "cronyism" and the unwanted intervention of others.



Well-Known Member
I prefer the term "free market" over capitalism. As I see a free market as involving only the consent of the participants.

Capitalism has a negative connotation to me as it involves "cronyism" and the unwanted intervention of others.

I think that's why capitalism is being portrayed as an evil economic system. Crony-cap is what people are talking about when bashing the capitalist pig system. Our elected representatives have sold us out, but it's capitalism's fault and we need those same crooked elected officials to fix it.

I'm with you though, that's why I said free-trade, it SHOULD mean the same, but no longer does in this society. People are unable to distinguish between cronyism and capitalism, they just know it's not the ____ insert favorite political party here, fault.


Well-Known Member
i have a tough enough time boycotting red states out west. not gonna go to the south voluntarily unless it is to document the correlation between poor dental hygiene, venereal diseases, and racism.
The south is a wonderful place, I really think you don't want to go there because there are many black people, you closet Racist. I lived in Memphis for a while, one of my favorite places in the entire world. Beale street, Prince Mongo's Planet, Peabody motel and the parade of ducks, Elvis, The Mississippi river, Mud Island, Hush Puppies and Catfish, blonde girls named Candy, sweet as candy too. Plus the awesome southern hospitality that makes northerners look like antisocial pricks in comparison etc etc etc.

Yup, a real shit hole.


Well-Known Member
No need.
That's already been accomplished. The Patriot act and the NSA surveillance program already have y'all under the microscope. Thanks Dubya. You can thank another Republican, Nixon, for the DEA and the 'war on the american people (drugs)'.
Get real. The right has created a police state. Y'all have kicked back, cracked a beer, turned from FOX to Duck Dynasty and babbled about 'liberals'. It's called the 'big lie' and y'all bought it hook, line and sinker. The 'culture war' is a smoke-screen for corporate-fascist takeover of your democracy.

Good luck. You're gonna need it bro.
We don't live in a Democracy, All laws must be approved by majority of congress, both right and left are to blame, Stuck in the Democrat vs. Republican false dichotomy you are.