Update Time: May 22nd, 2014 - The 600 is alive!
Just cleaned up the cool tube and fans and such, plugged her in and she started right up no problems. I miss the yellow light.

I also cut a couple pieces of wood for the bottom for a better water blocker so it doesn't spill off the plastic. The front and back will just lean against the wall and doors.
So right now I have 5x Purple Monkeys and 8x AK-48 sprouts. I got some other things going but won't bring them up until they are more for sure a part of the rest. ANYWAYS. The Purple Monkeys are on Day 7 from seed, the AKs are on Day 3 from seed, and they have all been under a 24/0 light schedule.
I'm transplanting the five PMs into 2g s-pots today, and will be putting them under the 600w HPS straight into a 12/12 light schedule. The AKs will probably be transplanted either tomorrow, or after the weekend.
Here is a picture of the closet empty. Once I'm done transplanting that PMs I'll take a couple more pictures.
Lovin' the comeback so far.