My journey


Well-Known Member
hey canu guys help me explain this?
happened within the last 5 hours
all the leaves were previously straight out
it is an indica strain and i have heard of indica doing that but what is you guys opinions?
Mine did that a little after watering then they would perk back up. I had a male that was alway a bit droopy. If it doesn't get any worse I wouldn't worry. If it gets worse then one of the elite grower may know more.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
watered this morning
how is bobby doin hahah
You may have just watered a tad to much also, i'd wait it out a day or so and you should see her get perkier!!!

Well i killed him!:evil: I'm drying him out right now and then going to try and figure out if there was even any THC in him. OOOOHH well. :joint: just got some good middies and the other three are looking amazing, so all is well!! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
ohhh noo poor bob:o
yeah ima see what happens, bob had buds on him? when did you put him in the flowering stagee??

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
ohhh noo poor bob:o
yeah ima see what happens, bob had buds on him? when did you put him in the flowering stagee??
LOL thats the thing, He was over sixty days old from sprout, he got stunted and shit due to poor soil/conditions. Finally got him under the right shit and he grew to almost 7 inches and started to get preflowers all over, they looked like a fuckin nut bud, it was crazy little ball sacs everywhere. So said fuck it and tossed him before flowering, i wanted to collect pollen but i was afraid with him. Didn't want to get all the girls prego!



Well-Known Member
hey u think i should return those tube lights and get a buncha cfls
and what is the best cfl for flowering stage, i know hps is the best but ima try both

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
hey u think i should return those tube lights and get a buncha cfls
and what is the best cfl for flowering stage, i know hps is the best but ima try both
It really depends. If your getting an HPS i"d keep the tubes for side lighting. you can get up on the plant and not worry about heat! that jmt's!



Well-Known Member
Wassup BlazinWaffles! Just stoppin by to check the grow journal. I see you have had some troubles, much like myself. Actually mine weren't too major, I was a bit more prepared then you. I had my HPS, and some cfl's and hoods, soil, nutes, the whole thang before I even started. I germed a few seeds, and only one made it, and I started some more, and they are a month into flower now and lookin great. But I see your coming right along now. I would suggest FoxFarms soils in the future, I think there the shit!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
i just got the hps bulb today at home depot but not the right holder, reccomend anything??
I'm not sure if you want to get an HPS from there b/c they are just plain HPS. You said you were getting a 400w? I'd got to and get one of their hps w/ the better blue spectrum. Thats what i got up this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump: SO SEXY! Pics up after work.

But thats prolly your best bet if there is not a hydo store near by.


Wassup BlazinWaffles! Just stoppin by to check the grow journal. I see you have had some troubles, much like myself. Actually mine weren't too major, I was a bit more prepared then you. I had my HPS, and some cfl's and hoods, soil, nutes, the whole thang before I even started. I germed a few seeds, and only one made it, and I started some more, and they are a month into flower now and lookin great. But I see your coming right along now. I would suggest FoxFarms soils in the future, I think there the shit!
LOL, unprepared is an understatement! But yeah i got shit straight now!!

Thanks for stopping in and hope you stay around for the fun stuff!!!!
I want to use FF but i have to order online and that'll wait for the good seeds!


Two of my plants have a sets of 7 and 9 pointed leaves!! What exactly makes you have more points and is it beneficial other than giving more area to soak up light?


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
ok yeah ima return it and do that
how good are metal halide
Good. MH are great for vegging, but if you get the enhanced HPS you really won't need one. You can use the HPS all the way through and supplement the CFL's in there too.

oh and you were right about my plants they perked right back all the way up tthis morning haha
One thing that i've realized is that patience really is a virtue & anything that you babies need they will tell you!! You just gotta train yourself to listen! With all the great info adn people on here it isn't that hard to get to where you need to be and it looks like you are well on your way! :hump:



Well-Known Member
yeah im excited bout that, looks like ima have to return this homedepot hps and start budgeting for the 119$one on that website
and the thing with cfl, can you have too many cause im looking to put a shitload in bout a nice intake system today too pretty excited bout that, no longer do i have to leave the door open :)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
yeah im excited bout that, looks like ima have to return this homedepot hps and start budgeting for the 119$one on that website
and the thing with cfl, can you have too many cause im looking to put a shitload in bout a nice intake system today too pretty excited bout that, no longer do i have to leave the door open :)
My opinion on CFL' can't have to many! I've been using them and my plants are dense as shit!!!!!!! As long as you can keep the temp down rock it out!!

Did you not purchase anything for the HPS?
I got a 400w ballast, light, and reflector for $150 after shipping!



Well-Known Member
Just about off work huh buddy? lol. Blazin yet? Lookin forward to the pics to see how things are coming along. I'll be in touch. Peace.