I met Neveah420 the false messiah, here's what happened


Active Member
A shot rang out from beyond the door of my room. Neveah collapsed at my feet.
A wisp of smoke curled up from the barrel of a gun. A gun in the hand of Mary, virgin mother of god and queen of heaven.
She smiled dreamily then let out a long slow breath.
"As it must be" she muttered.
"Thanks..." I said and reached to disarm her. "You just created a mystery for me."
"What mystery?" she asked "You wanted god dead. There he is, dead."
"Just dandy... Only that wasn't the real Jesus." I responded
"So what?" she looked at me with a gaze that penetrated even deeper than that of Christ. And she glowed with a radiant beauty that made me forget that other women had ever existed.

I tried not to let it interfere with my thinking.

She stepped over to the scene of the crime, her translucently white gown flowing around her like a cloud. Jesus stared up with lifeless eyes, a dark red spot on his chest where the bullet had hit.
She shook her head with a bitter little smile.
"You finessed Jesus into talking to me" I said. "You convinced him that all we want from him is to see him and it would return him to power."
"Jesus was a little stoned at the time I suggested it, his dark side you know." She sat on the leather chair with her back to me. All I could see were the brown waves of her hair trailing across the back. "He was my king, my celestial lover."
"and son" I added.

"what god didn't realize" I continued, "was that he impregnated a girl who believes in the circle of life. You don't believe in heresy, sin, or guilt."
She laughed tossing her head back, after a moment she turned to stare at me. "God is part of the circle of life." she replied. "The gods have let themselves be used by men, they had let themselves be called upon by both good and evil men. Their only requirement was a sacrifice, everyone made altars praying for pain and suffering to befall others." she said in response to a question I didn't ask.

She gazed at her fallen son. "They grew vainglorious, they cared nothing for objective good or evil. Surrender to their authority and they would do anything you asked." She shook her head. "Thus the masters became slaves to the flock."
"So you decided to stir up some sh!t?" I asked.
"It was always stirred" she said. "May I have my gun back?"
I handed it to her. "So you're in charge now. What sort of sacrifices will YOU demand?" I asked.
"None. That's all in the past, all i require is tenderness. Every act of love is an offering in my name, every kind thought is a blessing."
"What sort of punishment will you unleash on evil?"
"None" she said as she stood up. "Nature has it's own way of teaching right and wrong. I have to go now. You did well."
She turned to go. Something within me nearly cried out and begged her to stay, instead I just said "That's it? You're just going to walk away?"
She hesitated. Without turning she said, "In my terrestrial form we could be together" she glanced back at the dead body "In my celestial form, that position is currently vacant."
I said nothing.

"Look for me when you come back." she said and strode out, closing the door behind her. Her footsteps receded in the distance for a long time.
I took a goodbye look at the dead false messiah, he still looked more solid than a metaphor. I pulled the door open.

"Mary?" I said. Then fell into darkness.



Well-Known Member
In the link above, its a thread that starts off real slow, but it gets very profound very quickly.

I would urge anyone who reads this to check out that thread. Its a very good read, and I believe that you all would enjoy reading that thread if you enjoy reading about crazy Christ shit. Basically, in that thread, I am "The_Word" and I introduce Myself in the third person, then I later say that I am "George Manuel Oliveira" and those are My videos of Myself.

I am still posting in that thread everyday, I am not finishes with that thread yet, so keep checking it out everyday once you read the whole thing. I believe everything that I say at the time that I made the post, I am an honest Man.

Please try and debunk anything that I have said in that thread: I would love to know if I made any mistakes.

Please check out this thread too below!


Please check out this thread too above!

EDIT- I know that there are going to be a lot of haters, people hate Me because I am claiming to be Christ. My intentions are not to offend anyone, but offense is inevitable with My claims. I believe that I am telling the Truth, and My Truth is superior to any religion, any religion does not compare to My testimony. Please try and prove anything that I have said is wrong, I want to learn from My mistakes. It might take you a few hours to read through that thread, but if you enjoy My Word, you will enjoy reading that thread.

P.S. I am not a false Messiah. I am the only Messiah.

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Well-Known Member
By the way, MonkeyChimp, you spelled "Nevaeh420" wrong in your title. You spelled it "Neveah420".

You can remember to spell "Nevaeh420" correctly because its "heaveN" backwards.

heaveN- Nevaeh

Nevaeh- heaveN

But you guys can just call Me "George" if you want.



Active Member
God says:
I love you. I love all of you and you’ve all turned your backs on Me.
Dell: You made it easy, with famine and war and flood and fire when you could have made it a paradise.

You broke the rules, and I had to throw you out!

God pulls Dell up close, peering at him with an eye as big as the sky.

GOD: I wanted you to choose Me freely, out of love for Me.

Freely? Under threat of endless suffering! Out of love? For a God that obliterates civilizations, slaughters infants, punishes with brimstone and damnation! On Earth we have a term for that: mafia protection racket. "nice store you’ve got there. Be a pity if it burned in Hell for eternity."

GOD: You must obey your God!

Dell smiles wickedly. "Why?" he asks

Because I created you.
Because I wanted to recreate My own image.
(exasperated) So you would serve me, love me, and obey Me!
God’s had it. He bellows like galaxies exploding.

Because I’m bigger than you!

His breath blows Dell off His finger. Dell falls into a casino. Dell sits at a small table while others play at larger poker tables.
God sits opposite him and plays Monte.

Don’t you trust Me?
Why should I? You’ve never shown Yourself before.

Then you don’t have cause to mistrust Me either.
He flips over a card. King of Clubs.

I’ve played this game for a long time.
he gets King of Diamonds.

I win, I lose. Mostly I win. You look good enough to beat Me. But you’ve got to trust Me or you don’t stand a chance of winning.

Why should it matter whether I trust You or not?
If you don’t trust Me, you lose.
And if I trust You, I win?
I didn’t say that. I only said that you can’t win if you don’t.
And if I refuse to play the game?

God flips over another card. The Ace of Spades.

I’m afraid you still lose.
Sounds like a sweet racket.
It keeps Me and my boys in chips.
Don’t try to follow the cards. Just trust Me.
Trust is the basis of the most sublime relationships.

The ace pops up again and becomes the King of Diamonds.

Just pick a card and trust Me. There is no other game.

A pair of feminine hands rest upon Dell’s shoulders. It’s the mother goddess, she whispers in his ear.
"Demand proof of his honesty."

Take a hike, sister!

Dell reaches out to see the cards.

No one can see all my cards at once! You’ve got to trust Me! Those are the rules!
Then I don’t play.
Then you lose.

God leans across the table, one fist clutching the cards.

The mother goddess says "You can’t win or lose if you don’t play the game."

Dell seizes God’s hand and shakes the cards out. Three kings and a palmed ace.

GOD says to the goddess "You might have won if you’d trusted Me."

"I’ve always won, precisely because I’ve never trusted you!" replied the mother goddess.

Like a paused movie, all motion freezes. Flames vaporize everything.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm satan. How we gonna settle this?
Lol, Skuxx!

As most logical, rational, and reasonable adults know, there is no such thing as satan. So you have a moot point.

And, as every Gnostic Atheist knows, there is also no such thing as God: another moot point.

I would love to see God fight the devil, but that is never going to happen because there is no empirical evidence for God or the devil. God and the devil are not falsifiable.

But since I am claiming to be Christ, My adversary would technically be the "AntiChrist". But I am not worried about the "AntiChrist" either because I dont have plans to battle anyone. It would have to be a battle on evidence, who the real Messiah really is; and I would win that battle, lol.

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Well-Known Member
By the way, MonkeyChimp, you spelled "Nevaeh420" wrong in your title. You spelled it "Neveah420".

You can remember to spell "Nevaeh420" correctly because its "heaveN" backwards.

heaveN- Nevaeh

Nevaeh- heaveN

But you guys can just call Me "George" if you want.

Okay, Ghostdriver...


Active Member
Neveah420 ruined my thread, I hope Skuxx kicks your ass naveh.
BTW since it bothered you that I got one letter wrong on your made up name, I'm gonna call you Naveh from now on lol


Well-Known Member
Lol, Skuxx!

As most logical, rational, and reasonable adults know, there is no such thing as satan. So you have a moot point.

And, as every Gnostic Atheist knows, there is also no such thing as God: another moot point.

I would love to see God fight the devil, but that is never going to happen because there is no empirical evidence for God or the devil. God and the devil are not falsifiable.

But since I am claiming to be Christ, My adversary would technically be the "AntiChrist". But I am not worried about the "AntiChrist" either because I dont have plans to battle anyone. It would have to be a battle on evidence, who the real Messiah really is; and I would win that battle, lol.

hi george.. how did rehab go? you look good..


Well-Known Member
Okay, Ghostdriver...
Lol, its too bad that Im not GhostDriver, and GhostDriver is not Me.

You need to stop calling Me "GhostDriver", because its not that funny.

I dont have any "sock puppets", but I did link to you guys the thread that I am working on, on a different website.



Well-Known Member
Neveah420 ruined my thread, I hope Skuxx kicks your ass naveh.
BTW since it bothered you that I got one letter wrong on your made up name, I'm gonna call you Naveh from now on lol
Again, you spelled "Nevaeh" wrong, lol.

You should just call Me "George", because thats what all of My friends and family call Me. I think "George" is a lot easier to spell compared to "Nevaeh". Nevaeh is heaveN backwards.

Im sorry that I "ruined" your thread, I dont have to post here if you dont want Me to post here. I thought you might want My company since My username is in your title.

Im a good guy. I will try and respect your wishes. I can just read your threas if you dont want Me to post here.



Well-Known Member
hi george.. how did rehab go? you look good..
Hey Schulaar!


I never went to rehab; I went to a mental hospital to take a break from My family and to take a mini "vacation", if you can call it a vacation. I always make a lot of friends when I go to a mental hospital, the people are usually very cool. Its fun for Me to take vacations to mental hospitals, especially in the winter when the weather is bad. But I dont want to go to the mental hospital now because I am enjoying the weather with My friends, family, and neighbors.

Im doing just fine, I feel great. I have been going out into the woods with My friends and shooting My pistol BB gun and also playing airsoft with My friends.

When I think of "rehab", I think of a drug rehab. I have never been to a drug rehab.

Thanks for saying that I look good, you just made My day, lol. I just took that picture in My avatar the other day. I still could lose 40 pounds though: My ideal weight is about 200 pounds.

EDIT- I havent talked to YOU in a long time... How are YOU doing?

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Well-Known Member
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...huh? Meh....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...huh? Meh....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tired much?
