I met Neveah420 the false messiah, here's what happened


Well-Known Member
There are "no kooks" here.

I am fine, I just like to have My fun. I am a totally different person in real life, compared to the internet. In real life, I just talk about whats on topic. I dont go on and on about Myself in real life. But I am somewhat anonymous on the internet, and I dont plan on meeting any of you guys in real life, so I could care less if you think Im a "kook" or not. As long as I never meet any of you guys in real life, I feel free to express My inner Self and express My fantasies.

You guys dont know Me in real life, I am just putting on a show for anyone online to read.



Well-Known Member
Did anyone read the whole thread that I linked to you guys in My first post in this thread?

If you have some time to kill, and you want to be entertained by Me, then check out that link I posted on page 1.



Well-Known Member
Did anyone read the whole thread that I linked to you guys in My first post in this thread?

If you have some time to kill, and you want to be entertained by Me, then check out that link I posted on page 1.

why is it i sometimes i know im dreamimg.and have been like this for 20 years , has my inteligence evolved to the point i just know im asleep in bed and dreaming,,,,,, i am eternaly serious


Well-Known Member
why is it i sometimes i know im dreamimg.and have been like this for 20 years , has my inteligence evolved to the point i just know im asleep in bed and dreaming,,,,,, i am eternaly serious
Why did you quote Me? And why is this question directed towards Me?

I have no idea bro, but sleep is good: you can go crazy if you dont sleep. You should get 8 hours of sleep a night.

Maybe your conciousness has evolved into being aware that you are sleeping, and dreaming.

Me, I usually believe that My dreams are real while I am dreaming. I usually forget what I dream too.



Well-Known Member
Why did you quote Me? And why is this question directed towards Me?

I have no idea bro, but sleep is good: you can go crazy if you dont sleep. You should get 8 hours of sleep a night.

Maybe your conciousness has evolved into being aware that you are sleeping, and dreaming.

Me, I usually believe that My dreams are real while I am dreaming. I usually forget what I dream too.

no lie mate i fucking know somtimes im dreaming


Well-Known Member
go back fishing george..jesus was a fisherman....make more of that cash to give you greater spiritual power..(converted of course)
my mother in law triggered shcizophrenia from smoking pot when she was younger...now shes mentally fucked..delusional...not in an extreme way.but she affects everyone...just sayin..not everyones minds can handle cannabanoids


Active Member
Nevaeh420 talked to me on Skype, he said that salvation is accomplished when the sufferer no longer see's any value in sin.
Who would choose degradation unless he thought it brought him something, and something of value to him? He must think it is a small price to pay for something of greater worth.

And that sin is an election; a decision. It is the choice of weakness, in the mistaken conviction that it is strength. When this occurs, real strength is seen as threat and salvation as danger. Sin is a method, conceived in madness for placing God's Son on his Father's throne. God is seen as outside, fierce & powerful, eager to keep all power for Himself.
Only by His death can He be conquered by His Son.



Well-Known Member
go back fishing george..jesus was a fisherman....make more of that cash to give you greater spiritual power..(converted of course)
my mother in law triggered shcizophrenia from smoking pot when she was younger...now shes mentally fucked..delusional...not in an extreme way.but she affects everyone...just sayin..not everyones minds can handle cannabanoids
I am not in good enough shape to go commercial fishing. Even when I was at the apex, the pinnacle of shape, I would still feel like every bone in My body was broken and all of My muscles would be very tired and sore; even when I was in great shape. Now, I wouldnt be able to handle a commercial fishing job; thats why I want to become a commercial truck driver, and make that money.

Yeah, cannabis makes Me crazy; I am much better off sober, or just drinking alcohol.



Well-Known Member
Nevaeh420 talked to me on Skype, he said that salvation is accomplished when the sufferer no longer see's any value in sin.
Who would choose degradation unless he thought it brought him something, and something of value to him? He must think it is a small price to pay for something of greater worth.

And that sin is an election; a decision. It is the choice of weakness, in the mistaken conviction that it is strength. When this occurs, real strength is seen as threat and salvation as danger. Sin is a method, conceived in madness for placing God's Son on his Father's throne. God is seen as outside, fierce & powerful, eager to keep all power for Himself.
Only by His death can He be conquered by His Son.

MonekyChimp, is full of shit: I never talked to anyone on Skype.



Active Member
MonekyChimp, is full of shit: I never talked to anyone on Skype.
It is your function to prepare yourself to hear this Judgment and to recognize that it is true. One instant of complete belief in this, and you will go beyond belief to Certainty.

Judge not, for you but judge yourself, and thus delay this Final Judgment. What is your judgment of the world, teacher of God? Have you yet learned to stand aside and hear the Voice of Judgment in yourself?

Or do you still attempt to take His role from Him? Learn to be quiet, for His Voice is heard in stillness. And His Judgment comes to all who stand aside in quiet listening, and wait for Him.


Well-Known Member
In the link above, its a thread that starts off real slow, but it gets very profound very quickly.

I would urge anyone who reads this to check out that thread. Its a very good read, and I believe that you all would enjoy reading that thread if you enjoy reading about crazy Christ shit. Basically, in that thread, I am "The_Word" and I introduce Myself in the third person, then I later say that I am "George Manuel Oliveira" and those are My videos of Myself.

I am still posting in that thread everyday, I am not finishes with that thread yet, so keep checking it out everyday once you read the whole thing. I believe everything that I say at the time that I made the post, I am an honest Man.

Please try and debunk anything that I have said in that thread: I would love to know if I made any mistakes.

Please check out this thread too below!


Please check out this thread too above!

EDIT- I know that there are going to be a lot of haters, people hate Me because I am claiming to be Christ. My intentions are not to offend anyone, but offense is inevitable with My claims. I believe that I am telling the Truth, and My Truth is superior to any religion, any religion does not compare to My testimony. Please try and prove anything that I have said is wrong, I want to learn from My mistakes. It might take you a few hours to read through that thread, but if you enjoy My Word, you will enjoy reading that thread.

P.S. I am not a false Messiah. I am the only Messiah.

You are the ultimate troll. I totally disproved your theory about ufos and how they were actually sattellites, you didn't even know what asattellite looked like and we're totally confused about it.

If you were Jesus, you woulda known man, andyou would haveproof for aliens too.

What your saying is personally very offensive. Your just a man like everyone else on here. And I emplore you to look in deep to your soul and look for the truth, that you were born intothis earth likethe restof us,with twoparents creating you, and that you will die just like the rest of us because your no betterthan any living man or women


Well-Known Member
MonekyChimp, is full of shit: I never talked to anyone on Skype.

Your the ultimate pile ofshit, you thinkyour more powerful than 10 000 years of religion?

No one will praise you as saviour when your dead. No one will.

Where is your congregation, your flock? Nowhere because your just a guy in hisroom ona computer.

What have you contributed to society? War, famine, poverty even in your own local area? Nothing your the worst kind of parasite living off people's fears andhopes, iswear ihope younever sway anyinnocent ears with your poisonous words


Well-Known Member
go back fishing george..jesus was a fisherman....make more of that cash to give you greater spiritual power..(converted of course)
my mother in law triggered shcizophrenia from smoking pot when she was younger...now shes mentally fucked..delusional...not in an extreme way.but she affects everyone...just sayin..not everyones minds can handle cannabanoids
I said the same shit about my buddy to him.


Well-Known Member
It is your function to prepare yourself to hear this Judgment and to recognize that it is true. One instant of complete belief in this, and you will go beyond belief to Certainty.

Judge not, for you but judge yourself, and thus delay this Final Judgment. What is your judgment of the world, teacher of God?
My judgment of the world is that there is much pain, suffering, and corruption. The "elite" are too rich, and the poor are too poor.

If I get My way, I will be the King of the world, and I will honestly try and remedy all injustice. I can be the remedy for most of the worlds major problems, but no one can fix everyones personal problems.

I would like to help people so they can reach their pinnacle of potential. I would love to make everyone a lot more prosperous, happy, content, healthy, and humble. But I dont have a position of power to do these things: My only "pulpit" is the internet, where I am hoping to spread My novel notions.

My judgment of the world is that I pity the political leaders. The politicians are sad. I would rather see scientists rule the world, rather then greedy politicians. The world is in bad shape right now; there is too much poverty and lack. I would maximize all of the renuable resources and create more then enough jobs for every country.

Have you yet learned to stand aside and hear the Voice of Judgment in yourself?

Or do you still attempt to take His role from Him? Learn to be quiet, for His Voice is heard in stillness. And His Judgment comes to all who stand aside in quiet listening, and wait for Him.
Im not trying to take Gods place. The Atheists dont even believe in God. Do you think the Atheists are trying to replace God with science?

For the record, I dont believe I have ever heard the voice of God, even when I was quiet and still. Do you hear the voice of God?

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Active Member
Nevaeh420 who is sometimes sad and angry; who sometimes feels his due is not given to him, and his best efforts meet with lack of appreciation and even contempt.
Give up those foolish thoughts! They are too small and meaningless to occupy your holy mind a minute longer.


Well-Known Member
Nevaeh420 who is sometimes sad and angry; who sometimes feels his due is not given to him, and his best efforts meet with lack of appreciation and even contempt.
Give up those foolish thoughts! They are too small and meaningless to occupy your holy mind a minute longer.
I am just going to be Myself.

As long as I am always being honest, I can never tell a lie.



Active Member
Through Nevaeh420's holiness, the power of God is made manifest. Through his holiness the power of God is made available, and there is nothing the power of God cannot do. Nevaeh420's holiness can then remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems.


A shot rang out from beyond the door of my room. Neveah collapsed at my feet.
A wisp of smoke curled up from the barrel of a gun. A gun in the hand of Mary, virgin mother of god and queen of heaven.
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She smiled dreamily then let out a long slow breath.
"As it must be" she muttered.
"Thanks..." I said and reached to disarm her. "You just created a mystery for me."
"What mystery?" she asked "You wanted god dead. There he is, dead."
"Just dandy... Only that wasn't the real Jesus." I responded
"So what?" she looked at me with a gaze that penetrated even deeper than that of Christ. And she glowed with a radiant beauty that made me forget that other women had ever existed.

I tried not to let it interfere with my thinking.

She stepped over to the scene of the crime, her translucently white gown flowing around her like a cloud. Jesus stared up with lifeless eyes, a dark red spot on his chest where the bullet had hit.
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She shook her head with a bitter little smile.
"You finessed Jesus into talking to me" I said. "You convinced him that all we want from him is to see him and it would return him to power."
"Jesus was a little stoned at the time I suggested it, his dark side you know." She sat on the leather chair with her back to me. All I could see were the brown waves of her hair trailing across the back. "He was my king, my celestial lover."
"and son" I added.

"what god didn't realize" I continued, "was that he impregnated a girl who believes in the circle of life. You don't believe in heresy, sin, or guilt."
She laughed tossing her head back, after a moment she turned to stare at me. "God is part of the circle of life." she replied. "The gods have let themselves be used by men, they had let themselves be called upon by both good and evil men. Their only requirement was a sacrifice, everyone made altars praying for pain and suffering to befall others." she said in response to a question I didn't ask.

She gazed at her fallen son. "They grew vainglorious, they cared nothing for objective good or evil. Surrender to their authority and they would do anything you asked." She shook her head. "Thus the masters became slaves to the flock."
"So you decided to stir up some sh!t?" I asked.
"It was always stirred" she said. "May I have my gun back?"
I handed it to her. "So you're in charge now. What sort of sacrifices will YOU demand?" I asked.
"None. That's all in the past, all i require is tenderness. Every act of love is an offering in my name, every kind thought is a blessing."
"What sort of punishment will you unleash on evil?"
"None" she said as she stood up. "Nature has it's own way of teaching right and wrong. I have to go now. You did well."
She turned to go. Something within me nearly cried out and begged her to stay, instead I just said "That's it? You're just going to walk away?"
She hesitated. Without turning she said, "In my terrestrial form we could be together" she glanced back at the dead body "In my celestial form, that position is currently vacant."
I said nothing.

"Look for me when you come back." she said and strode out, closing the door behind her. Her footsteps receded in the distance for a long time.
I took a goodbye look at the dead false messiah, he still looked more solid than a metaphor. I pulled the door open.

"Mary?" I said. Then fell into darkness.


Holy crap hahhaa bongsmilie:weed::leaf::peace: