I met Neveah420 the false messiah, here's what happened


Well-Known Member
I think it's Charlton Heston's pastor. Or not.
Anyway, there seem to be an abundance of false messiahs.
Dickens nailed it:"..the best of times, it is the worst of times."
I'm just glad ghostdriver isn't my neighbour.


Well-Known Member
I think it's Charlton Heston's pastor. Or not.
Anyway, there seem to be an abundance of false messiahs.
Dickens nailed it:"..the best of times, it is the worst of times."
I'm just glad ghostdriver isn't my neighbour.
Yeah, all of those false messiahs are making Me look bad.

If I was the only One thats claiming to be Christ, I might have a better chance. I could really care less while I am alive because I dont want any "followers" per se, I just want as many witnesses as possible while I am alive. I want for people to follow the right Person after I die, I want followers after I die. The reason that I dont want any followers while I am alive is because I dont want any stalkers or people that are obsessed with Me: after I die, I want the whole world to follow what I have written and said.

I just want to be remembered after I die and pass into Nirvana. I want to be the most helpful "dead Person", lol. I want to be known as a great Prophet, that told the future. Basically, I just want to help people while I am alive and after I pass into Nirvana.

I never want to be a cult leader, its not on Me to become a cult leader. I just want to lead as a leader. I would love to teach many people many profound notions. I would love to help people find their reason and purpose for life.

I just want to help people while I am alive and after I die.

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Well-Known Member
So here we are again...are you doing any volunteer work yet? You helping homeless? in your christly capacity what have you done for mankind?


Well-Known Member
Hey Schulaar!


I never went to rehab; I went to a mental hospital to take a break from My family and to take a mini "vacation", if you can call it a vacation. I always make a lot of friends when I go to a mental hospital, the people are usually very cool. Its fun for Me to take vacations to mental hospitals, especially in the winter when the weather is bad. But I dont want to go to the mental hospital now because I am enjoying the weather with My friends, family, and neighbors.

Im doing just fine, I feel great. I have been going out into the woods with My friends and shooting My pistol BB gun and also playing airsoft with My friends.

When I think of "rehab", I think of a drug rehab. I have never been to a drug rehab.

Thanks for saying that I look good, you just made My day, lol. I just took that picture in My avatar the other day. I still could lose 40 pounds though: My ideal weight is about 200 pounds.

EDIT- I havent talked to YOU in a long time... How are YOU doing?

awwwww george, i'm sorry i didn't mean to insinuate you had a drug problem..some people call "mental vacation" "rehab".

in a way, you look like zahet in that pic.

did they re-adjust your meds and are you taking them?..how are they working for you?

me? i finished my freshman year at school and took the summer to break (no classes)..i have to move and have a lot of house to pack up..so been busy looking for another spot that is affordable yet not a closet.

go to target and pick up a gym quality jump rope..it's cheap ($10), you can do anywhere/anytime and the pounds will literally drop off..you should challenge yourself..healthy mind, healthy body..start with 5 minutes and work your way up, keeping track of your success..we already know the goal of 40 pounds.

you really do look good, george..proud of you!:wink:



Well-Known Member
So here we are again...are you doing any volunteer work yet? You helping homeless? in your christly capacity what have you done for mankind?
No, Im not doing any volunteer work, nor helping the homeless.

I plan on going to truck driving school, so I can get a decent job and make decent money, driving commercial trucks.

I want to help people on a grander scale, like on the biggest scale imaginable. I want to change the whole world, for the better of course. I want My notions to spead to the masses. I would like to be known for coming up with the answers and solutions to the worlds biggest problems. I want to do My work from the internet.

I have already come up with many answers and solutions to the worlds problems, but its manifest that Im not reaching the right people that can help spread My notions.

I was actually homeless a couple of winters ago, I lived in a homeless shelter for a month or so. I was homeless in the winter of 2012 through 2013. Its a long story to how I got homeless but I was indeed homeless for a few weeks.

I need some help too. Im hoping that I will enjoy truck driving and I will do that for many years, until I retire.

Anyways, I help My mother and My family. I help My friends. I do help people. I am just trying to help the masses too, on a very large scale; via the internet.

If I one day become an author, and My books are best sellers, I can help people through My Word. I would just copy and paste some of My more important blogs into a book, lol. I am trying to inspire people and lead them to the Truth.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, all of those false messiahs are making Me look bad.

If I was the only One thats claiming to be Christ, I might have a better chance. I could really care less while I am alive because I dont want any "followers" per se, I just want as many witnesses as possible while I am alive. I want for people to follow the right Person after I die, I want followers after I die. The reason that I dont want any followers while I am alive is because I dont want any stalkers or people that are obsessed with Me: after I die, I want the whole world to follow what I have written and said.

I just want to be remembered after I die and pass into Nirvana. I want to be the most helpful "dead Person", lol. I want to be known as a great Prophet, that told the future. Basically, I just want to help people while I am alive and after I pass into Nirvana.

I never want to be a cult leader, its not on Me to become a cult leader. I just want to lead as a leader. I would love to teach many people many profound notions. I would love to help people find their reason and purpose for life.

I just want to help people while I am alive and after I die.

when are you going to get busy? you could start by picking up the litter on the streets…and pass out some joints along the way like they did back in the 60's, people would remember you for that and you would make a ton of friends…as you hand them a joint just tell them when you inhale... remember me.


Well-Known Member
awwwww george, i'm sorry i didn't mean to insinuate you had a drug problem..some people call "mental vacation" "rehab".

in a way, you look like zahet in that pic.

did they re-adjust your meds and are you taking them?..how are they working for you?

me? i finished my freshman year at school and took the summer to break (no classes)..i have to move and have a lot of house to pack up..so been busy looking for another spot that is affordable yet not a closet.

go to target and pick up a gym quality jump rope..it's cheap ($10), you can do anywhere/anytime and the pounds will literally drop off..you should challenge yourself..healthy mind, healthy body..start with 5 minutes and work your way up, keeping track of your success..we already know the goal of 40 pounds.

you really do look good, george..proud of you!:wink:

Im not taking any prescription PILLS; I am getting an antipsychotic shot every 3 weeks now, and thats it. I get My shot and I am fine for 3 weeks. Im actually going to try and get weaned off of the shot, so I dont have to take any medication at all.

What are you going to college for? Are you going to get your associates, bachlors, masters, or doctors degree? Its a lot of work going to school. I went to college for about a month, for electronic engineering, and the burden of work is tedious. Its not easy going to college, its a lot of studing too. I dropped out of college because when I took the placement test, I scored really well and they put Me in the most top advanced classes at a very good school. It was too much too soon for Me. I ended up working as a construction worker and then a commercial fisherman, lol, so much for electronic engineering. I did have a passion for electronics when I was going to a vocational high school.

Anyways, thanks for the advice with the jump rope. Im just going to need to get a gym membership one of these days.

I hope you find a big apartment that has cheap rent, with everything included. I hope your apartment is in a good location and its close enough to your school or wherever you need to go.

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Active Member
I was actually homeless a couple of winters ago, I lived in a homeless shelter for a month or so. I was homeless in the winter of 2012 through 2013. Its a long story to how I got homeless but I was indeed homeless for a few weeks.

I need some help too. Im hoping that I will enjoy truck driving and I will do that for many years, until I retire.
You're gonna need satellite radio for Howard Stern and lots of podcast's.

The only two things that scare me are homelessness and stomach pains, how did you make it out from homelessness? I read that very few homeless make it out, Opie & Anthony got suspended when they found a funny black man and he said offensive things.


Well-Known Member
schuylaar's mind blowing thought of the day:

YOU are GOD:wink:
Lol, I am a god, but we all are gods, and we belong to God.

I have no idea Who God is, I could be God but I honestly dont believe that. I do believe that I am Christ though.

I dont want to be God either; God gets blamed for a lot of things. I dont want to get blamed for something that I never did, like God gets blamed for. God is one of the biggest mysteries to Me. I literally dont know anything about God because we dont know Who God is to begin with.

I say that we all are little gods, made in the image and likeness of the Higher Power.



Well-Known Member
when are you going to get busy? you could start by picking up the litter on the streets…and pass out some joints along the way like they did back in the 60's, people would remember you for that and you would make a ton of friends…as you hand them a joint just tell them when you inhale... remember me.
I dont smoke pot anymore, so I dont inhale anything except cigaretts.

That sounds like a good way to get in trouble, handing out joints. Its basically like drug dealing, even if its free.

I dont want to get in trouble for handing out joints. Plus, I would lose a ton of money that way, lol.

Thanks for your advice, but you need to come up with something better then losing money and getting into trouble for it, lol.



Well-Known Member
You're gonna need satellite radio for Howard Stern and lots of podcast's.

The only two things that scare me are homelessness and stomach pains, how did you make it out from homelessness? I read that very few homeless make it out, Opie & Anthony got suspended when they found a funny black man and he said offensive things.
The reason why I was homeless was because I am living with My mother. My brother put his hands on Me and I called the cops on him. He was sent to jail for about 2 months. One of the stipulations for My brother to be released from jail was that I couldnt live with him. I took a vacation to a mental hospital because My mother was stressing Me out. When it was time for Me to get out of the mental hospital, I couldnt move back in with My mother because My brother just got out of jail and that was the judges order.

While I was living in the homeless shelter, I woke up late one day and the people at the homeless shelter said that I couldnt sleep there that night. To make a long story short, My mother took Me back into her house against whar the judge said.

But the funny thing is that I own My own house in Maine, I bought it with CASH when I was 21 years old. I just cant afford to live at My house right now, its a lot cheaper just living with My mom, lol.

So thats a little bit of My Life story.



Well-Known Member
Im not taking any prescription PILLS; I am getting an antipsychotic shot every 3 weeks now, and thats it. I get My shot and I am fine for 3 weeks. Im actually going to try and get weaned off of the shot, so I dont have to take any medication at all.
I would strongly suggest you stay with that shot, or perhaps schedule a weekly dose...

I dropped out of college because when I took the placement test, I scored really well and they put Me in the most top advanced classes at a very good school.
I'm going to have to call bullshit here. Your ideas show an almost complete lack of understanding of even an elementary school level of engineering. In fact, I haven't yet seen a post from you showing anything more than a third grade understanding of scientific principles. This is just another delusion...


Active Member
You take shots Naveh? What kind of things do you say when you don't take medication?
I still think you're better off with CBD weed and mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
I would strongly suggest you stay with that shot, or perhaps schedule a weekly dose...

I'm going to have to call bullshit here. Your ideas show an almost complete lack of understanding of even an elementary school level of engineering. In fact, I haven't yet seen a post from you showing anything more than a third grade understanding of scientific principles. This is just another delusion...
No, Im trying to get completely off of the shot too. I asked My psychairtrist to start weaning Me down by 20 miligrams, off of the shot: but she said that she would think about it AFTER she reads what I have been blogging about on the internet. I gave My psychairtrist the link to where to I have been posting on theforumsite.com. I told her to go to "theforumsite.com", and then go to the "religion and philosophy" section: after she gets there, I told her to click on a thread called "There is a Man claiming to be Christ, with evidence!" That was the link I gave My psychairtrist. I actually gave you guys the link to that thread in My first post in this thread.

Anyways, I did go to college for about a month. And I was placed in the most advanced engineering program at Umass Dartmouth, because I scored so well on the placement test. I used to be very, very good at math and I used to know enough about electronic engineering, for a high school student that went to a vocational technical high school. I was too busy getting laid and parting at college, compared to studing and doing homework. Its a FACT that I was placed in the most advanced engineering program at Umass Dartmouth; and its a FACT that I only stayed in college for a few weeks. Like I said, I used to be very good at math, and I understood a lot of the electronic engineering principals. I was book smart, as far as electronic engineering goes, but that was about 10 years ago.

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Well-Known Member
I think it's the other way around...
How am I making the false messiahs look bad?

Oh yeah, its because I have debunked every false Christ, and they now just look like "christ posers". You cant have more then One Christ at a time, and I am Him. So I have disproven every false christ because I have enough evidence for Myself, and all of the other false messiahs now look like bad cult leaders; because of Me.

Lol, unless you are thinking of something different Tyler, and Im sure you are thinking of a different reason why I make the false christs look bad.



Well-Known Member
You take shots Naveh? What kind of things do you say when you don't take medication?
I still think you're better off with CBD weed and mushrooms.
I get an antipsychotic shot every 3 weeks. Im fine.

If I wasnt taking My shot, I would probably be talking about the same rhetoric on the internet. I have no idea because I have been taking My medication pretty much every day since 2009. Now, I dont take any prescription medication, except for the shot every 3 weeks. And I feel great.

But when I first found out that Im Christ, I went CRAZY. I was very delusional because I was smoking a lot of cannabis too. The herb makes Me crazy when I get stoned.

It took Me a few years to get over My Christ complex. Now I dont talk about My Christ complex anymore in person, and that works for Me. I only talk about My Christ complex on the internet, and that works for Me. When I talk about My Christ complex on the internet, its like a type of therapy to Me; I enjoy it.

But as far as your prescriptions go, I cant smoke cannabis anymore and I dont think tripping on mushrooms is a good idea either. I tripped on Salvia in like 2010, and I was tripping balls: I thought I got sucked into the TV, lol. I dont believe tripping on Salvia is good for Me, but I have never tripped on anything else besides Salvia.
