Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


I can't find the post where I asked You....
I cant find out where you marked it as private either, just giving 2 cents from my experience with girls with dreds that like to smoke your weed...lol

Dating a girl that had dreds was the only tome i have ever run out of bud between harvests haha and also when she cut them off it was pretty awesome. If a girl is hot with dreds...shes hotter without them ;)

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I cant find out where you marked it as private either, just giving 2 cents from my experience with girls with dreds that like to smoke your weed...lol

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Rollitup mobile app
yeah! if he wanted to hear from an asshole, he would have farted!

or, if he wanted your opinion he'd have given it!

or, if he wanted any lip from ya he'd have opened his zipper!

.... ok, the last one was kinda weird... :p

lol :D
I see a lot of papers for not much buds....just saying. Maybe she wants yo to grow some for her. ;) Also dreads tend to be a little smelly even if theyre clean.

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smelly lot bitches have smelly dreads..my ex had dreads and smelled like any other hair do..
smelly lot bitches have smelly dreads..my ex had dreads and smelled like any other hair do..
Nope thats just not really how dreds work. Clean dreds will never smell like clean hair because of the density of the knots in them. And the fact that you cant clean them when youre teasing them. Its like when you leave clothes in the laundry too long before drying them and they start to smell. Dreds dont dry correctly or as evenly as individual hair follicles sorry

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umm,i was engaged to the woman...contrary to popular belief,you can wash them,unless youre on wook alert.
Cant in the beginning, after theyre dreds, theyre dreds and you can wash them but due to the density of them they never clean like regular hair.

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