A question for Libertarians.

The human condition inevitably leads to inequality.

Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. It was not a phrase coined by Darwin but by laissez-faire economist Herbert Spencer. While an instinctive desire for an advantage over others may indeed be natural, so too is it natural for the less fortunate to fight for equality.

You ought not to make broad statements about human nature. They reflect only your opinion.
Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. It was not a phrase coined by Darwin but by laissez-faire economist Herbert Spencer. While an instinctive desire for an advantage over others may indeed be natural, so too is it natural for the less fortunate to fight for equality.

You ought not to make broad statements about human nature. They reflect only your opinion.
You make it sound as if equality was a staple of all societies until recently.

It never has been. It's far more equal today.