Well-Known Member
its if yer dad sneezes when he cumsIt's not magic.
It's genetic variability.

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its if yer dad sneezes when he cumsIt's not magic.
It's genetic variability.
you just can't contain your anal dreams about spend wayyyy too much time with Uncle Buttplug, you know as little about me as he does. Did you know he's a LIAR? Great company you keep...
donalejandro is a slavery and genocide apologist...but only for white people.I never said that they were. You're the one making excuses for slave owners, bigot.
its god's will!donalejandro is a slavery and genocide apologist...but only for white people.
if you were black, you'd have been busted for robbing stores while you were a heroin junkie and be in jail right now.If i were black instead of white, I'd be much further ahead in life.
i guess you've never heard of a thing called american history.What makes you think voting rights in the south need to be enforced?
That's the most racist thing I've ever read.....RACIST....RACIST...RACIST.....LMFAOif you were black, you'd have been busted for robbing stores while you were a heroin junkie and be in jail right now.
funny how i see those hotels, gas stations, and restaurants on the interstate highways.Until some dickwadd Supreme Court Justices get involved and play interstate commerce games....but I digress.
or POTUS..........if you were black, you'd have been busted for robbing stores while you were a heroin junkie and be in jail right now.
blacks are given extra scrutiny by LP in stores. that's a simple fact.That's the most racist thing I've ever read.....RACIST....RACIST...RACIST.....LMFAO
and what happens when Uncle Sam, and his gun, get busy elsewhere? WE have to work that shit out. without coercion, or we will have Rwanda here, when the rug gets pulled out, an' buddy......its gettin' pulled out.funny how i see those hotels, gas stations, and restaurants on the interstate highways.
you are just so bitter that blacks now have legal protection from racists like you.
like bignbushy and nutes&nugs, you are a simple closeted homosexual racist republican.Another LIE. Do you ever tell the truth? You are totally making a fool out of yourself, you can change the subject all you want, but you know you are a LIAR, as do I. Just admit it and free yourself. Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to recovery, right?
Uncle Buckfuck
Oh, this is Uncle Buckfuck bait for sure.
Uncle Buckfuck
Anything out of Uncle Buttplugs mouth.
LOL, Uncle Buttplug
there are literally 49 results like this. your fury bypasses something in that racist old noggin of yours and gets you thinking about anal sex with me.Uncle Buttplug,
I know plenty of black dudes that have done more heroin, stole more from stores and stuff, and sale crack and still aren't in jail.if you were black, you'd have been busted for robbing stores while you were a heroin junkie and be in jail right now.
Law school is a fucking joke. You are assuming that the professor, from what was likely a lower ranked law school, actually gave a shit what he was grading. Any idiot with a liberal arts degree and a pulse can get into a law school, some law schools have a median LSAT score of 146.Ok....
During the summer my law school offered a summer class in federal income taxation.
None of the faculty on staff were qualified to teach it.
There is a law professor who lives in Tennessee, but taught in a law school in Chicago.
They hired him. He said he would do it the exact same way he did at his top 50 law school.
Well I had discovered high octane pain pills like 3 weeks before the class, so I slept through the mid term. 20 percent of the grade.
Time for the final, same thing. Only this time I went in. I was an hour late. I spent one hour on the test and couldn't think of anything else to write. I left an hour early.
I got my grades back, I got a B+ for the course.
There were people who were studying hard through out the entire term. Worked 10 times harder than me, and got a D or C.
Yeah, we're all just perfectly equal in our abilities.
a true Liberal Arts education is the only real education out there. if you can find it. it is reserved for the children of the elite. the Trivium, followed by the Quadrivium. we get Prussian schools to turn out good little worker bees. our education was designed by people like Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie.Law school is a fucking joke. You are assuming that the professor, from what was likely a lower ranked law school, actually gave a shit what he was grading. Any idiot with a liberal arts degree and a pulse can get into a law school, some law schools have a median LSAT score of 146.
If you were in medical school I would be impressed. Hell, half the graduates from your average law school don't even get a job practicing law because the market is so saturated. Be glad you got addicted to drugs instead of finishing law school and being 130k+ in debt with little to no income.