Well-Known Member
lots of dish soaps have bleach and shit in them...you may have hurt your plants with that and not nute burn....use hand soap if you are gonna use soap....besides...soap aint gonna get rid of the problem...its less than ten bucks for a bottle of garden safe insecticide from lowes or home depot....and IT WORKS...I will tell you guys why everyone is so bummed about and afraid of getting spider mites....its because everyone trys to use these hairbrain mixes and home remedies and they try to stay organic....well...I will just say this to you guys who wanna go out of your way for some crazy mite fix.....people dont formulate and do testing on this shit for you for shits and grins. it's proven to work and proven to be safe.okay, here is the thing tho. There is a bunch of flowering plants around my plant. They arn't really paying that much attention to my plant, which Im greatful for. But I know when she starts to bed it will be a different story. I am appox 2 weeks untill the flowering stage will begin is my estimated guess. These little fuckers are pissing me off. I havn't been able to run to the store and get anything to really solve this problem, but I did do a major water spray with the hose and I used dis soap, I don't know anymore. And to make things better, I have nute burn now. So now I have to go threw flushing.