Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
i am wondering why the only people you have ever tried to call out as bigots are me and schuylaar when we literally had white supremacists all over this forum last year and no small number of racists still running around.

why, in fact, did you preach for tolerance at that time and accuse people like me of being intolerant for not wanting them on the board?

kind of a fucked up set of values you have there, even for apache junction standards.
Nathan_Bedford_Forrest Butternut.png


Well-Known Member
Umm, not all of us. You might have noticed I lean right on a few issues and I'm a Nontheist.

We need to wind back these social programs like Medicaid, not expand them. And I'm talking about ALL of them.
yes, as soon as the 1% are paying their fair share.


Well-Known Member
Cantor lost because his challenger Brat painted him as "soft" on immigration
So pretty much the racist xenophobes in Cantors district ousted him.

i believe the gerrymandered district that is cantors finally got tired of his shit.

they wanted ANYONE but cantor.


Well-Known Member
Imagine going to thanksgiving dinner for the first time with your girlfriends family.

It came time to fix your plate. I did and started eating before some of the slower members of her family got seated.

When grandma and grandpa got seated everyone went around the table saying what we were thankful for. I was like fuck, my food is getting cold. I hadn't noticed but everyone said god and his son jesus before before saying something worldly they were thankful for also. It got to me and I said microwave ovens.

so when the last person got done I left and zapped my plate.

I got back and everyone was looking at me. They were all still seated.

They all bowed their heads and prayed. A little girl was leading the prayer. Grandma opened her eyes to watch the child. She saw me not only with open eyes, but eating and looking at my girlfriends sisters tits.

Word got spread around the table. So the topic of thanksgiving dinner conversation was the need for my salvation.

I'm a late convert to christianity. I'm familiar with how uncomfortable they can make people. I'm usually offended by christians much more than nonchristians.
so let me get this straight..

you're in someone else's home on a holiday, starting eating before everyone else and then make what seems like a joke to you..was not to the about rude..didn't anyone teach you manners growing up?


Well-Known Member

i believe the gerrymandered district that is cantors finally got tired of his shit.

they wanted ANYONE but cantor.
I would say this is the most likely reason. Dude seems like such an ass and it finally caught up to him. Now if we can rid of boehner, McConnell, Reid, pelosi, Boxer and the rest of the old guard we would have a different gov


Well-Known Member
I would say this is the most likely reason. Dude seems like such an ass and it finally caught up to him. Now if we can rid of boehner, McConnell, Reid, pelosi, Boxer and the rest of the old guard we would have a different gov
cantor is full of himself and that's how he was i said..take the money out AND things will change..this was a perfect example.


Well-Known Member
I would say this is the most likely reason. Dude seems like such an ass and it finally caught up to him. Now if we can rid of boehner, McConnell, Reid, pelosi, Boxer and the rest of the old guard we would have a different gov
We'd just elect more of the same. We never seem to learn from history.


Well-Known Member
cantor is full of himself and that's how he was i said..take the money out AND things will change..this was a perfect example.
We'd just be electing people we knew nothing about. I'm not sure that's a better alternative.


Well-Known Member
yes, as soon as the 1% are paying their fair share.
Honestly I don't think it's a matter of not giving the government enough money...they are getting more than enough. More so balancing things out so they can't suck all the money out of the economy and funnel it to the top 1%. People can use terms like "redistribution of wealth" and "socialism", whatever, but no one can deny the fact that the gap between poor and rich just grows and grows, and countries that used to have people leaving by the boatload to come to America in search of that dream - that golden middle class - now have a stronger middle class than us. I obviously don't have the solution, and I really don't think anyone does. Pretty sure we're already dug in too deep to climb back out. Fuck the top 1% paying their fair share to the government - they need to re-invest that wealth into our communities without government involved at all.