Doc's laboratory


You Sir, Have been busy. Excellent work :bigjoint: I still cant figure out how to post my Polaroids. However, I have a beast of a Moonshine haze. Almost 8' tall and a spread of 6'. 32 into flower. Should be aprox 2 elbows when finished. More would be welcomed lol


Well-Known Member
sounds nice! you came post them a couple of ways. last night i just hit the upload file button next to the post reply button. then just select the files you want up to ten pics and it will load them after you have to pick ether thumbnail or full size post it and that's it. hope this helps i would love to see that monster you have;)


Well-Known Member
yea it does not matter if i have 1 or 100 so i just do the 100;) for real breeding is a lot of seeds popped and a lot of clones to compost.


Well-Known Member
thanks. i guess i will stay here till i get set up after the move, so in a month or so i will have a new thread.


Well-Known Member
Thanks i am looking forward to smoking it, and growing out some of the F3 beans. i have a dog s1 X blue pit back cross i need to get popping with your purple voodoo. move will start monday or tuesday.