Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
jesus christ! friday night and you're scouring my posts for misspelled words? get a fucking life loser!

I don't try to pretend I'm a beautiful woman to people who can't see me. I don't have to scour. Spell check highlights them in red. I also have a job, can you say the same?


Well-Known Member
best thing you've ever said.

i agree. get rid of the special interests and lobby.

campaign online. town to town is a waste of money.

take the money out of politics!
The only problem (well, not the "only") with that is we'd have 330 million people running for office.


Well-Known Member
I don't try to pretend I'm a beautiful woman to people who can't see me. I don't have to scour. Spell check highlights them in red. I also have a job, can you say the same?
she doesn't have to pretend.

i bet your wife is beautiful though. beautiful compost.


Well-Known Member
I want our elections to be like American Idol. Let each state send somebody and every week we vote one off based on how they answered questions. I would also like all candidates to be unseen.


Well-Known Member
I want our elections to be like American Idol. Let each state send somebody and every week we vote one off based on how they answered questions. I would also like all candidates to be unseen.
Can't risk electing someone who is unattractive.


Active Member
So what does everyone propose we do? I think he needs to be held responsible for bailing. Parents lost sons because those sons were looking for him on the other hand I don think he realized the full scope of what he was doing he was only a kid when he left. Idk how many here have kids but I do so I can understand other parents and soldiers wanting him to face the music but because I have a kid I know they make mistakes and he's been a POW even if he did the wrong thing he still will have a lot to work through psychologically. I say take him to trial find him guilty. Give him a DD and say time served for being captured and let him go on with his life.


Well-Known Member
by never touching a firearm he already increased his life expectancy..bucky's smart more than anything.
By regular training in firearms I may be able to increase my life expectancy, just when i need to.

That is the overwhelming statistic that gets ignored.

Guns Save. It is the main use of handguns in the USA. Saving yourself.