Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
but it's a "Job" that only lasts for a few weeks, and for most of the people living in america, that "Job" is a very long way from where they live.oh, there's some of us Gringos that would pick fruit about now. beats asking folks, if they want that "super-sized," or saying, "welcome to Wal-Mart."
real work, for some of these Hipster pussies."move your fuckin' ass, Kyle......them peaches ain't gonna pickemselves."
it is also not nearly as easy as you might believe, nor as simple.
farm labour is SKILLED labour, picking 2-300 bushels of tomatoes a day isnt like helping grandma in her garden.
you gotta move in concert with your amigos, sweep the field rapidly, but thoroughly, not damage the produce, box it in bushels, stack em properly so they can be collected and hustled to the truck that will take it to the packing house, then do it all over again the next day.
most americans dont have the skills or the motivation to do this job, and THEY DONT LIVE IN FARMING COMMUNITIES so even 1 week of harvesting requires either camping out in the field, or a daily commute that eats up all your pay.
would you commute 50 miles each way, every day for a job as a burger flipper? Fuck No.
would you commute 50 miles each way, every day for a job that lasts a week or two at most, busts your ass in the hot sun, and pays even less than burger flippin, unless you have it down cold, and do it every day for years? Fuck No.
Mexican Braseros are skilled workers, who do this job fast, and well, because it's their profession. they do it in the US because we pay them well (comparatively) for their labours, and our harvest is in a different season than the harvest in mexico.
many Braseros are farmers, with their own feilds in mexico, with their own crops to tend, after the harvest in the US is over. they just come here to get some cash when their own farms are not ready for harvest
many other braseros travel all over the continent harvesting crops, and getting paid, travelling from one farming community to another, following the harvests.
they do it to get money so they can buy a farm of their own (almost always IN MEXICO, Their Beloved Homeland)
some americans trravel abroad teaching english, or working as "Highly Educated Experts" (by local standards) to get money so they can... COME HOME with money to do whatever their dream may entail.
Note: Braseros are not illegal immigrants, they are (old phrase alert!) Itinerant Farm Hands, a profession that is now rare in industrialized nations, but used to be common as pig shit.
young men would follow the harvests, making cash to buy a farm of their own.