My journey


Well-Known Member
I cant tell anything bout the ballast, but for the price I would jump... I dont know how much I would bid on it though,, ballast looks kinda strange...

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I agree with looked a little....ehh
You know.
I'd rather pay 150 and no exactly what i'm getting....My ballast is quite as shit and is very compact with plenty cord.
I don't know I guess i'm just the kind of guy that will spring the extra in the beginning to try and keep from spending more down the line.
Reflector and bulb look nice though! If the ballast is old i'd just worry about noise and heat.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Ok, i've done a lot of reading on this and I really want to try it. The only thing the rate my plants are growing I will have to start flowering this weekend (most likely.) The problem being, i'll have to water tomorrow and if they grow enough they'll be going into 36hrs of dark. Will they be ok with just being watered? will it be beneficial? Any opinions welcome let me know.

The youngest one is 8" the purple one is 10" and Droopy is 11"+ ! ! ! ! ! !


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Alright guys sorry its taken so long but i just now realized its been 4 days since i posted pics.........i just looked at those pics and thought to my self "holy shit my babies have gotten huge" so after some British friend of my g/f's bestfriend is done hanging out i will post some more!!! You guys are going to be surprised!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
lol, well its gonna be awhile. I get off work at 7 so expect pics around 9-10ish.
I have no patience either. I have the Preflowers starting and they won't go one way or another! AHHHHHHHHHH :evil:.......:joint:......:blsmoke:
