Hey PSUAGRO thanks my man, I really appreciate well wishing, also on the heads up about the owner of the company, I had no idea before I purchased the light. I did see one negative review, but I thought "hey what company doesn't have at least on negative review" so I purchased the light. So far It's the best decision I've made....as far as light selection goes anyway, lol. I started out with the normal MH/HPS setup, I actually bought a pre-made cabinet when I was new to growing, it was a great learning experience, so im not that upset as to the cost of the cabinet, but what did upset me was the huge rise in my electric bill, it was like an extra 125 dollars... did the math on a year of paying that, and said ok there has got to be a better way, and started looking into LEDs , funny first video I saw using LEDs was a grow done by seymore buds, This guy grew one plant( autoflower) and set the record for autoflower's the plant was massive the seed company did a review on the grow and lights
http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/news-and-development/new-auto-mazar-world-record-350g-harvest-from-single-plant-here-is-the-grow-diary/ After I saw that I was sold on LED Growing..that was until I went to Hydro grow's website and saw the price!!!! I was like ok, time to rethink this so, I started researching other companies, looking for a better price point, came across DormGrow's website claiming they had a full spectrum light that would take me thru, start to finish just one light. AND IT WAS LIKE HALF of the hydro Grow light!! so I bought that light...my first run i got like 1/3 of what i was normally getting from my HPS setup, unacceptable. ... I contacted the company, and they said" oh you had a small yield? did you get our bloom booster?" ..ummm no. you told me it was a full spectrum light...they said " it is, you just need to buy a light if you want a large yield" ...well then it's not full spectrum!!..soo I bought another light for 150 dollars( creeping in price)... the suggested I buy two , because im in a 4X2 tent..thats another 150...300 in total if your counting. so now we are at 900 in total for the lights....did my yield improve? yes it did ..only by 1/2 an ounce. thats when i noticed part of the panel had gone out....vexed because I was in the middle of a run, I asked could they ship me a light so i could make a swap. and then send it back so i wouldn't experience any downtime. the employee said sure. of course when the time came stories changed, that employee doesn't work here anymore. yeah we see your emails but we are still not honoring you. so now im pissed but need the light fixed....flash foward a couple weeks find out about Pro grow's 400 light. bought it for a similar price point as dormgrow....Much quieter and Much better all around yield and quality I LIKE THAT LIGHT!! but still the yield was alot less than I hoped for. than i watched this video
. after that I said fuck the price im going to get what looks to be the best yielding light, screw the cost. Now I'm not saying its the best light on the market, but it is far and away the best light I've grown with, and that is including MH/HPS. my plants have never been so happy, so i would have to say that if these are Chinese lights they are better than what dormgrow and Hydroponics hut have to offer.
And after your scathing comments about the police( big concern) I did more research And was stunned to find out what actually happened here is the link I found
Im wondering what other recourse she had then to get the police involved, why would you not return a light and then chargeback the money off of your credit card, especially knowing what your growing at home. dude wasn't the brightest apple on the tree. IJS. is someone took 1400 dollars from you what would you do? me? im not going to go to your house and try to fight you. im calling the police. not cause you grow, because you robbed me. period.
Now the most touchy subject you brought up, the sex change. Me being a black man I was raised on criticism, scorn and namecalling, so much so, when i was younger I wanted to peel my blackskin off of my body, I wanted to be a white little boy so bad so I wouldn't have to deal with the rejection and hate that was my daily meal, if there was a surgery for that I WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING FOR IT. so for her, knowing the ridicule that comes from the decision she made to become a women, and still wanting to go thru it. I applaud her. I'm sure she has lost friends and family over her decision, from people who don't understand what it's like to wanna to be someone else. Im almost 100% positive it wasnt simply over a few thousand dollars. there are people everyday who have that surgery to make themselves feel whole inside. But that does not make her less than human, no one deserves to be shitted on because if how they feel. and this excellent product isn't getting the recognition it deserves because of it. thats the real tragedy here. I did a lot of research last night before i responded to you and found out that your telling the truth she is transgendered
http://www.hydrogrowled.com/blog/2014/06/12/cammie-mckenzie-of-hydro-grow-announces-transsexual-status/ but all that matters to me is how great the product is and how happy my plants are.
Peace!! Growers Luv!!