First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU


Active Member

So, first up, a few pics of when I bent her away from the lights. I tied some slipknots (not as hardcore as the band =P) onto some eyehooks

I did this to the 2 main and 2 secondary tops. Now tops touch the light no more =D


Active Member
So after only a day, the tops turned towards the light, and continued budding.

Now the super sexy part. Only a couple days later and I see an explosionnnnn of buds forming!! I'm so exciteddddd! shes becoming a woman! haha




Active Member

So, lots of changes!! First of all let me just say that I dropped some money on a 4" carbon filter and booster fan. I started to notice a scent creeping through my house and decided I need to nip that in the bud before it gets out of control and I wont be able to have company over. ergg. As you can see below, I decided to route the ducting to the clone room that I'm not using at the moment. It probably wont stay there. but its a good temp fix until this Blue Cheese is done =) Heres a pic of the filter/fan setup now

So here she is with her beautiful buds as of a few days ago IMG_20140528_164145.jpg


Active Member
UPDATE #2!!!!

She is on day number 90 total, which is day number 40 of blooming. She is looking fabulous!! Now before people go yelling at me, I am allowing her to become N deficient. And in only a few more days I will be switching her to flush cycle for her last two weeks of life =). Ok, enough talking, time to roll that footage =)

Here she is after I spritzed her leaves with a light nute solution 2 days ago. (new camera too btw hehe)20140601_222100.jpg

And here she is as of a few moments ago. You can clearly see the bud size increase from just two days ago!!

All Five main tops here. looking and smelling soooooo crazy

The burnt leaf tips in this pic are due to them accidently touching the lights a week ago or so while I was adjusting them. whoops haha


Active Member

Here we are at day 46 of bloom. I have switched to water only feeding and have swapped two of the 2700k bulbs for the 5000k bulbs. I want to swap two more but they get really hot and the buds are awfully close to the lights so maybe just the two I've swapped already. We shall see. But here is a few pics =)

oooooo sparklyyyyyy mmm. I feel like a fish staring at it haha

closer pic of one of the tops. Almost all those trichomes are looking very nice like little mushrooms. I expect to harvest in roughly 7-10 days from now. Cant wait!!20140611_122512.jpg


Active Member

It feels just like any other day, but today, well today is a special day. She woke up at noon on a wonderful spring day. The temperature was just 67 but thats ok, for today was a day to celebrate. When she woke up to the beautiful bright warm light, she took a nice big drink of crystal clear water and congratulated herself on her 100th day. She had always looked forward to being this bright, beautiful woman she has become. Yes, a day of celebrating. For as the dusk drew nearer, she accepted that this will be one of her last days. And although she has not felt the touch of many, she realized that she has yet to touch the hearts of many more.

So to honor her 100th day on earth, she stands proud for us all to see. Flaunting her glow to us like some sort of mind numbing drug.

errrm . . . wait... hahah

TO HER 100TH DAY!! So proud of you Ms. BC

multizoom shot2.jpg




:mrgreen::peace: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

It feels just like any other day, but today, well today is a special day. She woke up at noon on a wonderful spring day. The temperature was just 67 but thats ok, for today was a day to celebrate. When she woke up to the beautiful bright warm light, she took a nice big drink of crystal clear water and congratulated herself on her 100th day. She had always looked forward to being this bright, beautiful woman she has become. Yes, a day of celebrating. For as the dusk drew nearer, she accepted that this will be one of her last days. And although she has not felt the touch of many, she realized that she has yet to touch the hearts of many more.

So to honor her 100th day on earth, she stands proud for us all to see. Flaunting her glow to us like some sort of mind numbing drug.

errrm . . . wait... hahah

TO HER 100TH DAY!! So proud of you Ms. BC

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:mrgreen::peace: :mrgreen:
LMAO :clap: Very nice :mrgreen: Your a mess ;)


Active Member
LMAO :clap: Very nice :mrgreen: Your a mess ;)
Hahaha :P I'm thinking of turning off the lights on Sunday and flipping her upside down. She's looking to be just about done. The trichomes look to be pretty enlarged. I was waiting to see if any turned amber but I think it's time soon.


Active Member
Bahahah it looks like the little one is getting punked by the 3 big girls haha. My new favorite pic hahah

look at those engorged trichomes!! =) looking pretty ripe here =D

Her last pic inside the closet before being untied


Active Member
Finally untied and able to stretch out some more.



so I trimmed most of her larger leaves and snipped to have have most be about 6 inches long. Now hanging up to cure.
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Temp fluctuates between 65-69 F and humidity is staying between 64-67%. I'm happy with those numbers =D


Active Member
Nice :clap: Look at those buds!!! :mrgreen:
What strain is this again?
Thank you my dear! This strain is Blue Cheese by Barney's Farm. It has a beautiful blueberry scent!! I picked her mainly for her documented short stature with a good yield, as well as her indoor genetics. But the fact that she has the original Cheese crossed with blueberry, was a huge plus.