When the pot needs a bigger pot..

Hello everyone. This is my first time growing and I was curious when or rather what length is a good length for the seedling to be at to transfer to a bigger pot and potentially move out of the propagator? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I'm not very experienced or hi-tech in my methods, but I started my seeding in a red solo cup and then moved directly to a five gallon container. Once my plant had three or four nodes I cut the solo cup in half and put my girl in her new home. I don't plan on going bigger than a five gallon atm, but if I did the process would pretty much be the same


As long as there is good root growth, doesn't really matter how big the seedling itself is. Let's say a couple weeks though.
^^^ see the roots? .. pot up
Thank you very much everyone! Also if i used a different general brand soil for the seedling then transferred it to a larger pot with a different nutrient appropriate mixture would it shock the plant due to the soil change? Or will it be a safe transplant?


Well-Known Member
Yes...check in a few day for yellow leaf tips, if yellow flush well with temperate ph natural water allow to recover in dim light for 24 hours then back to light