Wow, dude you are making it to hard on yourself and way expensive, all this oven crap doesnt seem too promising. I would without pause scrap that techque . look you need 6 cups verm, 3 cups brown rice flour, 3 cups water mixed in a large bowl, evened out in 12 half pint widemouth mason jars with four small holes drilled or hammered in lid, cover lid with foil so water does nt dip in. place in pressure cooker/canner at 15lb for 45 min.(old folks and grandmas have pressure cookers ask to borrow one)** important heat tip of needle with lighter red hot before injecting into each jar, let cool a min after heating. otherwise contaminates will fuck up your world. -
lil shop of spores r a-ok. spores101 and mushbox fancy websites dont make up for their shitty products so dont buy!!! enjoy -skunkape