Help!!! Want To Grow Shrooms!!


Active Member
golden teacher are apparently the best for first timers. either those or psilocybe mexicana (my personal first time, and an excellent trip). not too psychologically heavy and very visual... if you intend to maximise profit and want to go for the most powerful shrooms, copelandia cyanescens are insanely powerful - extreme visuals but also a very, very intense mind-trip so you might lose a few customers to schizophrenia lol. also cyanescens in general are (apparently) a bitch to grow. if its your first time growing go for syringes, not spore-prints (less chance of contamination).


Well-Known Member
Ok guys thanks for all the help!! I got 5 cases that have turned all white with mycellyuim and now i am ready to put them in a incubator to fruit!!

I'll post pics asap


Well-Known Member
Bump !!! Am i good to put these babies in a walmart styrofoam cooler??? I was going to put about 2 inches of wet pearlite in the bottom of the cooler and stick like 2 of the cases in there for now and see if they will fruit


Well-Known Member
i'm growing golden teachers too
i started with mazatapec as well but it got contaminated, so only my gt is left, but it's doing very nicely, seems like a hardy strain

so far i've got 7 shrooms, ranging from 1cm to ~2".


Well-Known Member
i'm growing golden teachers too
i started with mazatapec as well but it got contaminated, so only my gt is left, but it's doing very nicely, seems like a hardy strain

so far i've got 7 shrooms, ranging from 1cm to ~2".
O SWEET!!how long have you been growing the teachers? and there only 1cm - 2cm?
how long have they been fruiting??


Well-Known Member
O SWEET!!how long have you been growing the teachers? and there only 1cm - 2cm?
how long have they been fruiting??
I've only been growing them a little while, this is my second attempt at growing shrooms. My first was Ecuador, but that went terribly and all 9 jars got contaminated, so this time I only did one jar for each strain, and the golden teachers survived.

And they're between 1cm and 2 inches, sorry if I didn't make that clear.
They're been in the fruiting chamber about a week now. I believe I put them in a week ago yesterday.


Well-Known Member
so how long r they going to get?/?? and lemme know how potent they are lol share your expierience!! and 1 more question if i put in 4 casings/jars in the terrarium and they fruit etc etc how much should i expect to get off of the first flush? (the jars have been in my closet for more then 5 weeks now)


Well-Known Member
dude honsestly, i wish i could help you out but it seems im just as new at this as you are. i've got nooo clue how big the yeild will be, how big the fruit will be, or how potent they'll be.
i'll end up making a journal for them though once they're done.


Well-Known Member
ok so i took 1 jar and knocked out the mycellium, and the cake like came out and then split in half. when i grabbed each half of the cake it was like pastey like and not hard. IS THAT RIGHT OR NO? the whole cake is white with little specs of like brown from the vermiculite rice flour substrate, but i thought that when u take out the cake its supposed to be hard???

NE WHO i put about 2 inches of moist pearlite in the bottom of my walmart cooler. Sprayed the sides of the cooler with a spray bottle mister ( the water was very warm). THen i put the 1/2 cakes in the cooler. lol then i got a thermometor/humidity reader and then put that in there. i'll post pics shortly


Well-Known Member
can you put a fan blowing into the fruiting chamber for gas exchange instead of manualy faning it every hour after hour


Well-Known Member
check out the pics and lemme know if some shrooms r gunna start pinning on my cake lol ... that was split in half


Active Member
did you dunk the cakes in cold ass spring water for 12 hours? if you dont regenerate the cakes they will grow a few tiny little shrooms and thats all. you have to do research on your own . instead of posting threads and asking questions spend that time researching ,man. your wasting time on other peoples opinions and confusing yourself. I posted earlier with a link to shroom growing heaven where all you needed is to read and follow directions.
and get those cakes off the perlite and on clean lids filled with vermiculite and placed on foil so the lids will not rust.


Well-Known Member
did you dunk the cakes in cold ass spring water for 12 hours? if you dont regenerate the cakes they will grow a few tiny little shrooms and thats all. you have to do research on your own . instead of posting threads and asking questions spend that time researching ,man. your wasting time on other peoples opinions and confusing yourself. I posted earlier with a link to shroom growing heaven where all you needed is to read and follow directions.
and get those cakes off the perlite and on clean lids filled with vermiculite and placed on foil so the lids will not rust.
i have read no where ne where that u have to dunk the cakes in cold water for 12 hours, seriuosly i have done a lot of research and have not read that ne where, and i do apologize for asking for peoples opinions, its just that this is my first time doing this and i just wanna know if i'm doing everything right, but i guess not. But if you could sir explain to me what dunking the cakes in cold water for 12 hours does


Well-Known Member
i have read no where ne where that u have to dunk the cakes in cold water for 12 hours, seriuosly i have done a lot of research and have not read that ne where, and i do apologize for asking for peoples opinions, its just that this is my first time doing this and i just wanna know if i'm doing everything right, but i guess not. But if you could sir explain to me what dunking the cakes in cold water for 12 hours does
if i have read correct, dunking cakes after birthing re-hydrates the cakes and would allow fo the mushrooms to have some moisture as they grow.

I HAVE seen and read this. if you check out some youtube vids it is demnstrated in a four part series of growing mushrooms.

and i have read this in varioous versions of pf recipes.

this i have not read and is my own deduced opinion. during growth in the jar, the mycelium uses the water and brf as food to grow. when the cake is complete and ready for birth, the mycelium has used up most of the water that the now expected mushrooms need. dunking 12-24 hours is to provide the mushrooms with water.

i did not dunk and did not get a secnd flush and i believe my first flush was weak although my cakes did provide some mushrooms. i will be dunking this second time around.

anyone can correct me if i am wrong, :peace::spew:

p.s. cold water is to prevent or lower the risk of bacteria.


Well-Known Member
if i have read correct, dunking cakes after birthing re-hydrates the cakes and would allow fo the mushrooms to have some moisture as they grow.

I HAVE seen and read this. if you check out some youtube vids it is demnstrated in a four part series of growing mushrooms.

and i have read this in varioous versions of pf recipes.

this i have not read and is my own deduced opinion. during growth in the jar, the mycelium uses the water and brf as food to grow. when the cake is complete and ready for birth, the mycelium has used up most of the water that the now expected mushrooms need. dunking 12-24 hours is to provide the mushrooms with water.

i did not dunk and did not get a secnd flush and i believe my first flush was weak although my cakes did provide some mushrooms. i will be dunking this second time around.

anyone can correct me if i am wrong, :peace::spew:

p.s. cold water is to prevent or lower the risk of bacteria.

OOO gotcha!!! well thanks for tha info!!! and good news guys the shrooms birthed a few days ago and there growing pretty fast!! i'm gunna have pics up soon!!