...and, I'm still stoked. Who else hates fat, redundant hippies?
Well Pin,
I really don't care how the band looked so much, it was all about the music.
Some of the longer tunes the Dead played were like some sorta magic music while taking acid.
Most of the music is old from the 40's on up.
Folk tunes and traditional covers from the days inbetween.
If you could see the music written on paper it would look like a symphony with sub rhythms.
I guess it clicks or it doesn't.
I love this vid.
Listen to all the parts of the music.
Write it down on paper. lol
Dead concerts were more about the people and music, not a stage performance.
An that changed after Jerry had a stroke.
The concerts changed and it was all about the performance and it sucked.
I stopped going to Dead concerts at that point..
Anyway, this is a good space out tune about growing plants and thunder in the summer.
Burn one and just listen.
The video is somewhat a bore.
Jerry and the boys didnt jump around on stage or light stuff on fire.