HELP with organic grow


Well-Known Member
Looking for advice in starting organic soil grow. I currently run Roots Soil with foxfarm nutrient line. I want to try a few plants all organic and test results next to foxfarm.
I cant compost at the moment...
Any ideas for fairly simple feeding and soil mixes would be great.
I want to try 4 plants and will be veging under t5s, flowering 1000w HPS.

-btw, Im new to RIU, has been a great resource for many years, glad to finally be here!


Well-Known Member
Some good simple recipes in that thread. But take st0ws advice and get quality bagged compost or even better worm castings. During the first run you can feed with simple worm casting/molasses aerated teas while you source amendments to build an add-water-only soil mix. Good luck with your endeavors and welcome to organics!

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
This is my preferred soil mix and what I've found to be the most successful...

Per 100 gallon smart pot:
- 6x 50l bags canna terra
- 25lbs or 30l chicken manure (approximate)
- 16lbs Bone meal
- 6lbs of gypsum
- high nitrogen bat guano
- earth worm castings

Left to cool for at least 4-6 weeks before use. It should scale up or down fine. This mix will require no additional nutes till flower... At which time I like to use earth juice bloom formula which in my experience and according to a very thorough study done on another site is probably the best and most complete organic nute available on the market... And that is all you need. The biggest healthiest plants I've ever seen (8lb-ers obviously in much bigger pots 300 gallons) are all grown using a very similar simple mix although some people use black and gold potting soil and add perlite but in my option the canna terra is the best and most complete available and contains perlite and everything else already...
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Recipe. I will be starting getting everything together this week. And 8 lbs that's crazy! I thought I was doing alright, 6-8 oz each.
if you could throw a couple ideas of a inconspicuous way of "cooking" soil, Do I need to get a couple 55 gallon barrels or is there a better way? I do have a state cop two houses down. so try to keep any attention away from me. thanks again

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
A simple tarp laid out on the back lawn or wherever... Mix it all together give it a decent turn and mix once a week, that's it your good to go... Maybe start doing some gardening set up a legit veggie patch or whatever... I've found if people think you are genuinely interested in gardening (which I am anyway) they don't question when you unloading 30 bags of potting mix or whatever haha hidden in plain site is always best compared to acting suss...


Well-Known Member
A simple tarp laid out on the back lawn or wherever... Mix it all together give it a decent turn and mix once a week, that's it your good to go... Maybe start doing some gardening set up a legit veggie patch or whatever... I've found if people think you are genuinely interested in gardening (which I am anyway) they don't question when you unloading 30 bags of potting mix or whatever haha hidden in plain site is always best compared to acting suss...
Ive been reading a lot about dolomite lime... What your opinion necessary or not? My partner and I are going to try to mass produce a our own soil, we both have medium to large operations and want to completely STOP being raped at local grow store for soil, so I believe we are going to try your recipe above but on a scale were we can supply our own soil for next 6-12 months. we have 4 kiddie pools barn that stays about 85-90F. we both grow indoor and tend to use 15-22 gallon pots depending.

And absolutely love anything that's grows. unfortunately I have little sun but am working towards shade loving plants, we have two awesome hosta gardens that have grown 4 foot this year. and I hope to get some raised beds built for some Leafy greens as well as carrots, beets ect.
thanks G.OP. will be updating on my grow journal.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
It wont hurt to have it it's just a way of buffering ph, I don't need it because I store rain water in big tanks all winter to use as irrigation water... You may benefit from it if the ph of your water requires it.... It's also is a source of minor calcium and magnesium... Good to see your using half decent size pots 15-22 gallon see so many people using tiny little 5 gallon pots...

Good to hear you are a Gardner already makes life a lot easier....

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
Also one other thing if you use the canna terra this has a very stable ph and NPK ratio, easily the most stable and consistent I've found and I've used a lot of different base potting soils... I truly believe canna terra professional is the best available on the market and black and gold following behind but a fairly big gap between the two... I'm very keen to try out this roots 707 that everyone is raving about... Next year I will have a pallet shipped from the states to Australia and try it out, although it would have to be incredibly good to beat canna terra it has lots of stuff in it so I'm interested to know how consistent the ph and NPK ratio is... I truly believe canna terra and black and gold are worth investing the extra money in, lots of people go the cheap route of just any old local potting mix... Fox farm used to have good soil but have really gone down the drain in the last 5 years... Every bag is completely different stuff!!


Well-Known Member
Also one other thing if you use the canna terra this has a very stable ph and NPK ratio, easily the most stable and consistent I've found and I've used a lot of different base potting soils... I truly believe canna terra professional is the best available on the market and black and gold following behind but a fairly big gap between the two... I'm very keen to try out this roots 707 that everyone is raving about... Next year I will have a pallet shipped from the states to Australia and try it out, although it would have to be incredibly good to beat canna terra it has lots of stuff in it so I'm interested to know how consistent the ph and NPK ratio is... I truly believe canna terra and black and gold are worth investing the extra money in, lots of people go the cheap route of just any old local potting mix... Fox farm used to have good soil but have really gone down the drain in the last 5 years... Every bag is completely different stuff!!
Are you using the *bio*-terra soil? That's the organic one from what I can gather. The regular cann terra soil is not. They likely use synthetically produced urea as a source of N, which is what Fox Farm is doing so they can no longer be labelled as organic. I'm not sure that this would necessarily be a negaitive for an organic soil ...... just throwing it out there.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
I'm using canna terra professional as far as I know it is organic...
Directly from there web site:
"CANNA Terra Professional is an organic product, homogenous in structure, 100% natural and free of harmful viruses and soil diseases. CANNA Terra Professional has a complex water/air system that creates conditions ideal for virtually every form of cultivation. After use, CANNA Terra Professional makes an excellent potting mix improver."


Well-Known Member
I'm using canna terra professional as far as I know it is organic...
Directly from there web site:
"CANNA Terra Professional is an organic product, homogenous in structure, 100% natural and free of harmful viruses and soil diseases. CANNA Terra Professional has a complex water/air system that creates conditions ideal for virtually every form of cultivation. After use, CANNA Terra Professional makes an excellent potting mix improver."
Is that the UK site or the American one? I looked on the site and didn't see any mention of it being organic.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking there's different criteria in different countries in order for something to be labeled "organic". If you go on the Canna American site there is no mention of "Canna Terra Professional", only "Canna Terra Professional Plus" which it does not list as organic. The bio terra is listed as organic however. Again, I bet they use synthetic urea which may pass as organic in certain countries, but aparently not here.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
As far as I'm aware Australia has the strictest organic requirements and general labelling requirements in the world and the US has much looser requirements for instance you guys can have organic written on a label or even in a name when something has nothing to do with organics such an example is "general organics" nutes, This product could not be sold here with that name unless it was organic... I just asked one of my mates who works for a quite large commercial hydroponic supplier here and he thinks that the US probably uses a different formula than Australia as they have a large processing plant facility here, he says that this is often the case as soils and heavy goods are expensive to ship. But assures me the canna terra professional is 100% organic as it's used by large certified organic farms here that are monitored very closely by the regulatory body...

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
Either that or it's just marketing to get you to buy their more expensive bio-canna product in the states even though it's probably the same soil in a different bag...


Well-Known Member
Huh. Interesting stuff Guerilla. I'm gonna ask around and see if I can get an answer on this. You're not the first person I've heard attest to how good this soil is.