Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
my veg closet is in the shape of a L the part thats closed in is where the water heater is its a closed space i stuck a metal ac grate to vent into my bedroom and stuck the duct on the oppisite wall so it blows through that space i sealed it so really im just saving about 3' of duct i didnt have but the hot air from the 600 blows around the hot water heater before venting out


Well-Known Member
my veg closet is in the shape of a L the part thats closed in is where the water heater is its a closed space i stuck a metal ac grate to vent into my bedroom and stuck the duct on the oppisite wall so it blows through that space i sealed it so really im just saving about 3' of duct i didnt have but the hot air from the 600 blows around the hot water heater before venting out
I have mine attacked to the wall leading outside of my bedroom into the hallway. I'm using around 17ft of the 20 that I got with the fan.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing. When I looked while it wasn't on the meter wasn't running hard. Turned it on and it didn't speed up right away, it sped up when I turned it off then it ran for like 15 min at 3600kwh

With it off I am at a constant 600-750kwh


Well-Known Member
if it was bad it wouldnt be drawing that much
when they go bad they lose connection / break circuit so just one would be running


Well-Known Member
if it was bad it wouldnt be drawing that much
when they go bad they lose connection / break circuit so just one would be running
I have no idea, I just know it runs harder than anything else. I was able to test all my outlets with my device so I'm good on everything else and tested the ac by the meter and at max it pulls 1200


Well-Known Member
water heaters draw as much as a electric oven
the elements work like a dead short so they draw some watts
cheapest heater is a on demand but they cost a grand or more upfront so they really dont save you money until after a few years


Well-Known Member
water heaters draw as much as a electric oven
the elements work like a dead short so they draw some watts
cheapest heater is a on demand but they cost a grand or more upfront so they really dont save you money until after a few years
Gonna change some habits and see what happens.
It could be possible its the meter, but I doubt it cause its pretty new. Maybe 3 years.


Well-Known Member
also its getting hotter outside so the AC has to work harder to keep up
i dont know about there but its been in the 90's here

im bout to crash out brother
Same way here. More like 94-97 though except for the last two days where the high was 87-92.
Getting a pretty nice tan. haha

Alright, take er easy.